

Not waiting until the 2016 Legislative session starts in February, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees will be meeting jointly on Dec. 17th at 9am in Hearing Room “F.”

In an email to Legislators today, anti-gun zealot Floyd Prozanski said:


In the wake of the senseless shooting at Umpqua Community College on October 1, House Judiciary Chair Rep Jeff Barker and I have called a special joint meeting of the House and Senate Interim Committees on Judiciary. The goal of this hearing is to provide an opportunity for examination and discussion on the state’s role in preventing and responding to these acts of violence. It is also an opportunity to look for areas where we, the Legislature, can make changes so our homes, schools, and communities are safer. Topics will include threat assessments, prevention efforts, mental health services, on-site security options, coordinated law enforcement responses, and community and victim services.

As mass tragedies impact every town, school, and community, we’d like to extend an invitation to you to participate in the hearing. It will begin at 9am on Thursday, December 17, and will be held in Hearing Room F at the Capitol.

An agenda for this hearing will be posted later today.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Judiciary Counsel Channa Newell at (503) 986-1525 or channa.newell@state.or.us.

Given his history attacking your rights and killing every pro-gun bill that comes to his committee, you can rest assured that this hearing will go well beyond “threat assessments” and be used as another launching pad for gun restrictions.

Please take a moment tell your legislator that you do not want the actions of murderers and terrorists to be used as an excuse to erode your rights.

You can find your legislator using the “Find Your District and Legislators” link on this page:https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/  or you can use our automailer. Text of the mailer and the mailer form follow:

I strongly urge you not to allow the Legislature to use the murders at UCC and the terrorist attacks in California as an excuse to restrict my right to protect myself. We will never become stronger by disarming good people.

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Thank you for your activism,
~Oregon Firearms Federation

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