
On Wednesday, February 12 and again on the 26th, Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) is hosting a live video conference with State Senator Arnie Roblan (Senate District 5) and State Representative David Gomberg (House District 10).  The sessions will begin promptly at 5:15 PM at the OCCC campus in Newport and Lincoln City.The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians and the Chinook Winds Casino Resort are underwriting the cost of the simultaneous connection and encourages community members to attend these video conferences hosted at the OCCC campuses in Lincoln City and Newport.

Legislators will provide an up-date of legislative activities as well as gather community input on pending bills and resolutions.   Roblan and Gomberg held video conference sessions to OCCC during the 2013 legislative session.  John Lavrakas, owner of Advanced Technologies in Newport summarized the video conference meeting, “As the owner of a small business active in the marine science sector, I find this form of communication exhilarating as well as invaluable in connecting our rural area with our legislature in Salem. I was very impressed with their grasp of the issues raised by each of those attending, fielding questions on extension services, community college funding, and territorial sea planning.

Those who are interested in asking a question of either Senator Roblan or Representative Gomberg are asked to submit their question in advance.  Questions can be sent to smckibben@occc.cc.or.us.  Questions should also be accompanied with your name and contact information. Interested parties are encouraged to arrive before the 5:15 PM start time in order to minimize disruptions. The 2014 Legislative session began February 3rd and is scheduled to end March 7.

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