
There were nine personal injury jury trials that we are aware of that occurred in Multnomah County in January.  There were six MVA cases, one PIP/Contract case, a dental malpractice case and a case that is as of yet unknown.   You can see them all here.

Logan v. Lown

Plaintiff – Pro-Se.  Defense Counsel – Matt Rizzo – Allstate Staff Counsel.  Rear-end car accident case.  Plaintiff claimed soft tissue injuries to her neck, back, shoulders and head resulted from the crash.  Plaintiff sought $20,875.00 in past and future medical bills, $7,650.00 in lost wages, and $75,000.00 in non-economic damages.  the jury returned a verdict that included $17,500.00 in past and future medical bills, no wage loss and $11,000.00 in non-economic damages.   Verdict – Plaintiff $28,500.00.  

Cettell v. Patrice

Plaintiff’s Counsel – Ryan Corbridge.  Defense Counsel – Ulanda Watkins – Geico Staff Counsel.  Another rear-end car crash case.  Defendant admitted liability but contested causation and damages.  Soft tissue injuries. Verdict – Defense Verdict.

Butterfield v. Furler

Plaintiff Counsel – David Shannon.  Defense Counsel – Chris Marks.  Plaintiff was parked in a parking lot when her car was struck by defendant who was trying to park next to her. Plaintiff sought economic damages only. We are unsure why non-economic damages were not sought.   It would make sense that it is due to plaintiff having no insurance and therefore being barred from recovery of non-economic damages under Oregon Law.  Plaintiff sought $119, 279.87 for past medical care including a cervical fusion, future medical care and lost income.  Verdict – Plaintiff $50,000.00.  

Bebereia v. Taylor

Plaintiff’s Counsel – Rob Wolf.  Defense Counsel – Jay Enloe.   Another rear-end car crash.  Plaintiff  claimed multiple injuries including cervical disc injuries requiring  two surgeries. However, she had a long history of pre-existing treatment and a long delay between the crash and diagnosis.  Plaintiff sought over a million dollars.  Verdict – Plaintiff $48,000.00.   

Congdon v. Farmers Insurance

Plaintiff’s Counsel – David Paul.  Defense Counsel – Mark Zipse.  As of yet, we have no information regarding this case.  Facts will be added as we get them.

Farah v. Dirt & Aggregate Interchange Inc. and The City of Gresham.

Plaintiff’s Counsel – James Tait.  Defense Counsel – Charles Smith and Edward McGlone.  This is a case where plaintiff was injured after hitting a concrete barrier on Start Street in Gresham.  The area where the crash took place was under construction.  Plaintiff claims that the City and it’s contractor were negligent for the manner in which traffic was diverted, in failing to adequately mark the concrete barrier,  light the area, or otherwise barricade the area to prevent a crash.  Plaintiff alleged multiple wrist and ankle fractures, a nose fracture, fractured ribs and sternum and soft tissue injuries.  Plaintiff sought $2,344, 955.00 in damages.   Both defendant’s were found at fault.  But Plaintiff was found more than 50% at fault for the crash and therefore barred from recovery per Oregon law.  Verdict – Defense Verdict.

Nunez v. State Farm

Plaintiff’s Counsel – Brian Hunt.  Defense Counsel – Eric Waxler.  This is a breach of contract case related to the defendant cutting off PIP benefits to the plaintiff. Plaintiff claimed that his treatment and bills were reasonable and necessary and therefore defendant breached the contract when medical bills were denied for payment by defendant.  Verdict  for Plaintiff.  $17,790.00 in attorney fees were awarded pursuant to ORS 742.061.    

Harden v. Thanh Vo

Plaintiff – Will Merkel.  Defendant – Aaron Denton. This is a rear-end collision case with alleged soft tissue injuries where plaintiff sought $10,000 pursuant to ORS 20.080. Verdict – $826.45.   

Abraham v. Blodgett

Plaintiff’s Counsel –  William Macke.  Defense Counsel - Grant Stockton.   This case involved allegations of dental malpractice in replacing a damaged tooth with a dental implant.  Plaintiff sought $960,500 in damages.  Verdict –  Defense Verdict.  Pre-trial defense counsel filed a $10,000.00 offer of judgment which was rejected.


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