Hello All,
I have a Phal, probably a 'Taisuco Kochdian' that has been in Semi-Hydro for two years, currently in bloom and has 38 blooms. a month ago the leaves started looking a bit soft and droopy, not as firm as they used to be.
Phal is outside, shaded balcony, very bright and no direct sunlight, max temp is 30 c, humidity between 55% - 70%, Semi-Hydro culture, gets flushed twice a week, has been on a diet of slow-release fertilizer Nutricote 13-13-13
I have been misting the leaves a couple of times a day, even placed the pot in a big tray and filled it with water.
the leaves seem to firm up for small period of time and then deteriorate again.
Last summer, I didn't have this issue with the leaves.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.