Many people are faced with the psychological and physical effects of stress that cause disease, illness and emotional conditions. Some people turn to life coaching for anger and stress management.
Life coaching for anger and stress management has it’s roots in executive coaching that draws on techniques from a wide range of disciplines like sociology, psychology, career counseling and psychology. The coach applies the techniques to assist clients toward their stated goals. In the case of executives it might be to improve leadership skills while life coaching for anger and stress management is used to improve coping mechanisms and decrease physical symptoms of stress.
Unfortunately there isn’t a governed training or education standard for a person to achieve the level of Life Coach. Anyone can call themselves a Life Coach and take on clients. There are three accreditation bodies that attempt to self-regulate the coaching industry and provide a system of credentialing coaches, but this doesn’t include regulation.
In other words, although there are three bodies (International Coach Federation, The International Association of Coaching and the European Coaching Institute) there is no one who regulates the Life Coach once they set up shop.
When you are evaluating life coaching for anger and stress management you will want to consider the type of education and training your life coach received and whether it was accredited by one of these agencies. You’ll want to see references and get referrals. This is a decision that will affect your future in business, family, relationships and school since anger and stress management affects all of these areas.
Unfortunately anger is like obesity, it’s everywhere and it does no good for anyone. It can cause serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke. Research has found that people who are chronically angry are three times more likely to have a heart attack than people who learn to control their anger.
Life coaching for anger and stress management will help you to take control and responsibility for your life, clean up your past, learn to say ‘no’ to extraneous requests, eliminate the things you tolerate but irritate you, and set clear boundaries.
Your life coaching for anger and stress management will also help you to recognize, appreciate and embrace the law of attraction while creating an inspiring vision for your future. You have a future with little anger and stress. Not all stress is bad but it still remains stress. For instance marriage and births are stressful times in life but the stress isn’t negative. Unfortunately your body doesn’t recognize the difference between negative and positive stress and the physical and psychological reactions are the same. Your life coaching for anger and stress management can address your needs in both positive and negative stressful situations.
Above and Beyond Stress
wholeLifecoachingServices: Stress Management
VisionWorks Counseling and Coaching: Life Coaching
UK Life Coaching: Stress Management and life coaching