
Orange County Mommy Makeover patients pursue surgical options to re-gain the body they had prior to having children. Dr. Cruise, Orange County Plastic Surgeon, announces that most patients gain much more than just an improved body.

Newport Beach, CA. (PRWEB) August 27, 2013

The mommy makeover in Orange County addresses the two main issues women complain about following child-birth: deflated, sagging breasts and excess loose skin on the abdomen. Both of these cause women to feel unattractive and embarrassed of their body. What may have once been a confident outgoing woman, may now be someone who is insecure and questions her femininity. To add insult to injury, many women are judged as trying to take the easy way out by having surgery. What many people don’t realize is that in most cases exercise and diet alone are unable to resolve the issues previously mentioned. Mommy makeover is, often times, the only option women have for getting back their pre-pregnancy body.

“I truly believe that mommy makeover is a life-changing procedure. When the patients see their new and improved bodies, they radiate with confidence, happiness, and motivation to tackle the world,” mentions Dr. Cruise.

To learn more, read here:http://www.orangecountycosmeticsurgery.com.

The mommy makeover is often times an unexpected jump-start to a new life for Orange County moms. Health and beauty are a focal point in this part of the country and many new moms are devastated by the toll pregnancy takes on their bodies. This can lead them into a state of depression, which can result in a lack of motivation and desire to participate in social and physical activities.This can also put a huge strain on the relationship with a significant other. Once a woman has the mommy makeover and sees how wonderful her body looks (often times better than before having children), she feels a renewed sense of confidence, purpose and motivation. Dr. Joseph Cruise is finding that many of his Orange County mommy makeover patients are taking advantage of new opportunities and experiences, which they never thought were possible before having surgery. In addition, their relationships are significantly improved.

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