
Do you want to increase conversions on your site with yes/no optin forms? Adding yes/no buttons to your optins is proven to boost conversions, and there are so many different ways you can use them. To get you started, here are 6 creative ways to use yes/no optin forms.

Why Use Yes/No Optin Forms

Yes/no optin forms are forms that include two different buttons: one button to opt-in, and one button to opt-out.

This type of an optin form converts really well for the same reason that two-step optins boost conversions by as much as 785%: they use the Zeigarnik Effect.

The Zeigarnik Effect states that when people initiate a process, they are more likely to finish it. With two-step or yes/no optins, you aren’t presented with an optin form until you initiate the process by clicking on one of the buttons. That makes it more likely that you will actually finish the process by entering and submitting your email address.

Another psychological effect that researchers have discovered is that the feeling of freedom leads to greater compliance to requests. Yes/no optins use that effect by giving you the feeling of freedom to decide for yourself. You can either pick the “yes” button or the “no” button… the choice is yours.

However, yes/no optins can be used for so many things besides a simple opt-in or opt-out scenario. In fact, you could use those two buttons for just about anything.

Let’s take a look at 6 examples of unique and creative ways to use yes/no optin forms on your site…

1. Answer Questions

Let’s say your visitor is looking and your pricing page or your sales page, but isn’t quite ready to buy yet. However, if they could talk to a representative and get their questions answered, that might be all they need to pull the trigger.

In that case, you’ll want to make it super easy for these hot leads to get in touch with you. A really great way to do that is with a yes/no pop-up that uses a contact form instead of a traditional optin form.

Here’s how it works: just as your visitor is about to abandon your pricing or sales page, an exit-intent pop-up appears with yes/no buttons.

The yes button includes a call-to-action to purchase your product, and when clicked the pop-up closes out so that they can view your sales page once more.

The no button, however, says something like, “I still have some questions”. When clicked, a form appears which allows the visitor to ask their question and send a message to your team. Or, it could simply allow the visitor to enter their contact information so that a representative can get in touch with them.

Here’s an example from our own pricing page. When a visitor is about to exit, this pop-up appears:

When you click on the yellow button, the pop-up goes away. When you click on the “I have a few questions first!” button, then this form appears:

Want to create a pop-up that helps you to answer questions and for on-the-fence leads? Here’s how to do it with OptinMonster.

Step 1: Create a New Pop-Up with Yes/No Buttons

First, go to your OptinMonster dashboard, select Create New Optin, and choose from one of the lightbox templates (for this example, we’re using the Metro template). Then click on the Yes/No tab on the lefthand side and toggle “Enable Yes/No Buttons?” to ON.

Step 2: Configure Yes/No Buttons

Scroll down to where it says “Yes Action” and select “Close the optin” from the dropdown menu.

Then, scroll down to “No Action” and select “Show an optin form” from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Edit the Form

Click on the Optin tab on the lefthand side to edit the optin form. Edit the copy any way you like and then hit the green Save button to save your changes.

Step 4: Display on Exit-Intent

In the Display Rules tab, select On Exit-Intent and set the status to Active.

Step 5: Integrate with Your Email Provider

All you have to do now is integrate this form with your email provider (select the Integrations tab to configure).

If your email provider uses tags or lists, you can have your subscribers automatically tagged or added to a different list when they optin via this specific pop-up, and they can be sent any follow-up sequences that you like.

2. Warm Leads Up First

In some cases, your visitors are so new to your site and your brand that they aren’t quite ready to optin to your lead magnet yet. But if they could consume a bit more content first, then they would be warmed up enough to enter in their email address.

For example, let’s say you have a timed pop-up that appears almost immediately upon page load on your homepage. Some of your visitors will optin right away, but some may just want to have a look around first.

So instead of your typical yes/no optin form, you could link the no button to your blog, or to a specific piece of content.

To do this in OptinMonster, simply go to the Yes/No tab and scroll down to the “No Action”. Then select “Redirect to a new page” from the dropdown menu.

Enter the url for your blog, or a specific blog post, and hit the green Save button.

3. Politely Offer a Content Upgrade

Now we’ve covered some creative ways to use yes/no pop-ups for visitors who are looking at your sales page or your homepage. But what about visitors who are reading one of your blog posts?

If you offer content upgrades (a lead magnet that is specific to a particular blog post), you may have some visitors who only briefly skim the post, or only read the first few paragraphs before they are ready to opt in. However, other visitors will need to read the entire post before they are ready to grab your content upgrade.

You can address both types of visitors with a polite, timed yes/no pop-up or scroll box.

For example, you could install a timed pop-up that appears after a visitor has been reading your blog post for 60 seconds. The pop-up offers the content upgrade, but if they aren’t ready for it yet, the “no” option will allow them to continue reading the blog post.

To create a pop-up like this with OptinMonster, simply go to the Yes/No tab and configure the No Action to “Close the optin”.

4. Promote an Affiliate Product

Let’s say you have written a piece of content that promotes an affiliate product. You can use yes/no pop-ups to increase conversions on that content.

Here’s an example. On my website, I have a blog post about my favorite email provider, ConvertKit. If you read the post and OptinMonster detects that you are about to abandon my site, this exit-intent pop-up will appear:

The “yes” button goes to my affiliate link, and the “no” button closes out the optin form. I also have my campaign cookies set so that if you press the “no” button, you won’t see this pop-up again.

To create a pop-up that promotes your affiliate product, simply set the Yes Action to “Redirect to a new page”. Then enter your affiliate link into the Yes Redirect URL field.

The No Action can be set to close the optin (just like we did in #3 above).

Then you’ll want to set your cookies so that the visitor will not ever see this pop-up again. To do that, go to the Setup tab and enter “365” into both the Cookie Duration field and the Success Cookie Duration field.

5. Design a User-Friendly Splash Page (or Welcome Gate)

Do you want to use a full-screen welcome gate or a splash page to increase your email subscriptions? The only problem with these is that they make it more difficult for the visitor to navigate around your site. However, yes/no buttons can give you the best of both worlds.

For example, when a visitor goes to your homepage, instead of seeing your navigation bar, a list of your recent blog posts, etc., they could see a welcome gate that looks like this:

This way, the visitor is still forced to make a decision between opting in to your email list and reading your blog posts. Unlike a conventional homepage with a plethora of options, you’ve narrowed it down to these two choices, which helps to boost conversions.

To do this, just use one of our fullscreen optin templates and enable yes/no buttons.

Then, set the No Action to “Redirect to a new page” and enter the URL for your blog into the No Redirect URL field.

6. Offer a Different Option

Sometimes visitors simply need a different choice of lead magnet in order to entice them to opt in. For instance, some people may prefer to attend a live webinar, whereas some others prefer to consume content in a written format on their own time.

You can use a yes/no optin form to offer more than one choice. For example, the “yes” button could go to a webinar registration page, and the “no” button could go to an optin form for a download of the slides.

To create a pop-up like this, you’ll want to set the Yes Action to redirect to a new page. Then enter the URL for your webinar registration page into the Yes Redirect URL field.

Then set the No Action to show an optin form.

That’s it! 6 creative ways to use yes/no optin forms. We hope this article helped you to get those creative juices flowing. Think outside the box when it comes to your optin forms… the possibilities for yes/no buttons are virtually endless!

If you enjoyed this article, you may also want to check out How to Create an Optin Feature Box Step-by-Step (with Examples).

Are you going to try one of these yes/no ideas for your site? Have another creative way to use yes/no optins? Let us know in the comments!

The post 6 Creative Ways to Use Yes/No Optin Forms appeared first on OptinMonster.

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