
Last night Donald Trump Jr. stood in front of the
Trump National Convention and his address was filled with whole lot of bullshit. During his speech, little Trump tried to convince blue-collar Americans to vote for his dad because he said his dad respects those people more than he does business executives. “He didn’t hide out behind some desk in an executive suite, he spent his career with regular Americans. He hung out with the guys on construction sites pouring concrete and hanging sheetrock. He listened to them and he valued their opinions as much and often more than the guys from Harvard and Wharton locked away in offices away from the real work.”

Trump Jr. also claimed that his dad father respected these hardworking people so much that he had them teach Junior and his siblings when they started to learn the family business:

I know he values those workers and those qualities in people because those are the individuals he had my siblings and me work under when we started out. That he would trust his own children’s formative years to these men and women says all you need to know about Donald Trump.

Doesn’t that just hit you right in the feelz? Obviously, Donald Trump and his children really respect the men and women who work for them — except they don’t and Donald Trump Jr. proved it in 2012 with one tweet. In the social media post, Trump Jr. tried to brag about how awesome he was by taking the help out to dinner, but ended up showing the world how entitled and douchey he is:

Image via Twitter

He actually bragged that his family was so demanding his gardener had to miss his sister’s wedding. He called it “loyalty” but it was probably a fear of losing his job. After all, why would he make a clearly sarcastic comment about his sister “hopefully” having another wedding someday that he could attend.

Instead of realizing just how awful it was that he forced his greenskeeper to miss his sister’s wedding, he turned it into a joke on Twitter. This tweet was so full of privilege it’s disgusting. And these are the “values” his father has passed down to him. The “value” of not respecting someone who works for you enough to let them attend a wedding for one of their siblings. The “value” of mocking the person on the internet. The “value” of not seeing what a vile human being you are. Of course, this isn’t surprising considering the fact that his father treats people who work for him with very little respect also.

Architect Andrew Tesoro recently starred in a Hillary Clinton ad and told a story about Donald Trump almost bankrupting him:

I believed Donald Trump when he showered me with compliments. Maybe that was his way of manipulating me into accepting less money. He was also nice and decent to me on an individual basis… My position was that I was entitled to approximately $140,000 for all of the work that I hadn’t yet been paid for… I left and made a bill for $50,000 and sent it. It wasn’t paid.  I met with Mr. Trump. He said, you’re a nice guy, you’re a good architect, I’ll give you half of that $50,000. I walked away with $25,000.


We didn’t even collect enough to fully compensate all of our consultants. We had to go back and ask them to take less. I had to divvy up the $25,000. I only kept a small amount. We had to dig into credit lines just to keep the ship afloat. I’m a sole proprietor so we siphoned off much of my savings. Then the recession hit. We were just getting back on our feet from the Trump punch in the stomach and a lot of other work fell away. We got really close to folding. There were two years when my income was zero.

Yep, totally sounds like the Trump family respects hard-working Americans.

Featured image via John Moore/Getty Images; Twitter

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