
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)  over her attempt to read a 1986 letter written by civil rights icon Coretta Scott King on the Senate floor Tuesday evening. Warren received an official rebuke from Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). McConnell claimed that by reading the letter she violated an arcane rule against “impugning” a fellow senator. Following the silencing of Warren, a total of four other Senators — all men — read the letter without interruption.

Warren also quoted Sen. Ted Kennedy’s remarks from 1986 calling Sessions “a disgrace to the justice department.”

Cruz called Warren’s reading of King’s letter a “slanderous” attack on Jeff Sessions.

On Tuesday, Senate Democrats staged another overnight debate in order to block the confirmation of Sessions as attorney general.

Cruz didn’t mention the four male Senators. Only Elizabeth Warren:

Cruz said on “America’s Newsroom” today that Warren’s statements about Sessions were “slanderous, demonstrably false [and] ugly.”

“When the left doesn’t have any other arguments, they go and just accuse everyone of being a racist,” he said, adding that that is the “ugly part of the modern Democratic Party.”

It’s like he doesn’t own a mirror.

Cruz said Warren and others on the left are still “angry at the voters” over the election results and that she was “lashing out at the American people.”

“I’ll point out the Democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan. You look at the most racist, the Dixiecrats they were Democrats who imposed segregation, who imposed Jim Crow laws who founded the Klan,” Cruz added. “The Klan was founded by a great many Democrats. Now the Democrats accuse anyone they disagree with of being a racist.”


The Texas Senator needs to brush up on history. The parties shifted long ago and during Trump’s campaign, he literally had the support of every white supremacist group across the board. The Dixiecrats were conservative white southern Democrats who believed in segregation and states’ rights. Sound familiar?

Sessions was up for nomination to a federal judgeship nearly 31 years ago. He was denied that seat over accusations of racism. Sessions once said he found the Ku Klux Klan “OK” until he learned members of the racist group smoked marijuana. That was supposed to be a ‘joke.’

Tell us again, Senator Cruz, about how Senator Warren falsely accused Sessions of racism.

The hashtag #LetLizSpeak has been trending since the news broke of the silencing of Sen. Warren. You can’t shut Warren up. She can’t speak during the confirmation hearings but her voice is still loud.

Image via screen capture. 

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