How Christianity Allowed Tyranny In America … And How Christians Can Restore Liberty
Posted on 15th April 2015
The United States of America was birthed in revolution, war, bloodshed and death. This was approved of and led by the leaders of this nation, better known as the Founding Fathers (most of whom were Christian and, if not, lived and governed by Christian principles). The citizenry in this newborn Christian nation also approved of this violent insurrection as a means to an end … Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness.
I use “Christian nation” in an all-inclusive sense. Meaning, Catholics and all their offshoots, Protestants and their many variant denominations, Puritans, Quakers, Deists, and so on. In other words, anyone who follows Jesus, regardless of HOW they understand it to be done. Also, this nation’s morals, laws, morays, and cultural heritage are based on those found in the Judeo-Christian worldview. It certainly isn’t based on Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any other religion.
I am not in the least bit interested in engaging in the ridiculous practice of being a Christ Fruit Inspector – meaning, the intellectual exercise of determining which person or group is a “real” Christian, or not. First, that task is best left to God. Second, this article will not engage in spiritual warfare – meaning, I have zero interest in how a particular Bible verse pertains to spiritual topics or the world/life after this one. I am only interested in how a particular passage affects the current world we live in, especially as it relates to politics.
[Note: For ease of navigation and searching, major sections are delineated in red caps, Founding Father quotes are green italicized, and all Scripture verses are blue italicized.)
Polls vary widely, but a minimum of 20% and a maximum of 40% of Americans attend some type of Judeo-Christian service WEEKLY. That’s roughly between 64 million and 128 million people listening to a sermon each and every week.
With that in mind, my minor premise is that sermons have an effect on how people live their lives, not only on a “spiritual” level, but also in our day-to-day lives including what is often erroneously referred to as “politics”.
As just one example, Jesus unequivocally commands his followers on several occasions to feed the hungry. Such a simple command. Is it mostly a spiritual command in that Jesus meant feed the poor in spirit? Is it a political command so that Democrats can justify SNAP cards? Or, are the Republicans correct that yes, we should feed the poor … but only if they work? Whatever it is, it is a command to DO something in the real world we live in.
Few, if any, of Jesus teachings involve mere intellectual ascent. A faith that is merely based on correct thinking, and not doing, is nothing but a noisy cymbal, a pie-in-the-sky theology which benefits no one. It is a “faith” which God truly hates. God heaped scorn on the very religious Pharisee who spent the day in prayer but did nothing, yet God praised the poor widow who put a penny in the offering plate!
One last observation; nowhere does Jesus even hint that it is the government, or State, which should feed the poor, ever. That responsibility is only and always that of the individual. There is nothing political about that … but modern American Christianity has abrogated so many of its individual responsibilities over to the State. One of those being the call to fight tyranny, and proclaim “Liberty!” to the captives. Where is that supposed to take place? In the next world? Of course, not! As always, the call is to fight tyranny pertains to this world, the one we live in.
As such, my first major premise is that Christianity for at least the past hundred years has been in grave error regarding the relationship between the Christian and the State. If it’s possible to summarize in just one word what the State demands it would be OBEDIENCE! While Believers in Scripture are allegorically referred to as “sheep”, the State desires it’s citizens to be that literally, and preachers in tens of thousands of churches across this land dutifully oblige. We’ll cover the church’s raison d’etat in some more detail in a moment, but Modern American Christianity (I can’t speak for other countries) servitude to the State can be summarized thusly;
—1) When Jesus said to Pilate “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting,” it means that Christians also should not be involved in this world (especially, politically) and, clearly, under no circumstances should the Believer ever practice violence against the State.
—2) When Jesus said to the soldier who came to arrest him “Don’t you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send them instantly?” and, then to Pilate “You would have no power at all over me unless it were given to you from above.”, that this means that God foreordained (from the beginning of creation) ALL earthly leadership and, that it is none of a Believer’s business to thwart the Will Of God.
–3) The Bottom Line: It doesn’t matter who is in power, even if that power is Authoritarian, Dictatorial, or Tyrannical, it is the Christian duty to not only submit to them, but to pray for them! (See video below.)
My second major premise is that the State should fear Christianity, not vice-versa. Christian teachings should act as a bulwark for all citizens, not just Christians, against all forms of tyranny. The State can only exist under the threat of force and power. Christianity gives power to the powerless. Thomas Jefferson said it best; “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” We MUST get back to the government fearing its people, no matter what it takes, passive or violent, if we are to ever again have a chance at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness … as the Founding Fathers envisioned it, and as the Bible teaches.
Before we get to how we arrived to the point where Christianity tolerated tyranny, and how it is reflected in our culture, let us first take a look at some quotes from our Founding Fathers.
As you read these quotes I want you to keep in mind these two questions;
—1) “Do the Founding Fathers sound like they believe that the citizens in the Colonies should submit to the State (England)?”
—2) “If revolting against what they considered tyranny was acceptable back then, why shouldn’t it be acceptable for us, today?”
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1)— “There is a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time has now come!” ……… Peter Muhlenberg
2)— “If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense …. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.” ……… Alexander Hamilton
3)— “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” ……… Patrick Henry
4)— “Liberty is not … so much in removing all restraint from the orderly, as in imposing it on the violent.” ……… Fisher Ames
5)— “I have not yet begun to fight!” ……… John Paul Jones
6)— “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” ……… Nathan Hale
7)— “It is necessary for every American, … to rescue and save their civil and religious rights from the outstretched arm of tyranny, which may appear under any mode or form of government.” ……… Mercy Warren
8)— “Our unalterable resolution would be to be free. They have attempted to subdue us by force, but God be praised in vain. Their arts may be more dangerous than their arms. Let us then renounce all treaty with them upon any score but that of total separation, and under God trust our cause to our swords.” ……… Samuel Adams
9)— “This is the only form of government we wish to see established; .. an American republic ..” ……… Instructions of Malden
10)— “Resolved: That these colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states, that they are absolved of all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved. That it is expedient forthwith to take the most effectual measures for forming foreign Alliances. That a plan of confederation be prepared and transmitted to the respective colonies for their consideration and approbation.” ……… Richard Henry Lee
11)— “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government.” ……… Declaration Of Independence
12)— “Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” ……… Leviticus 25:10, also the Inscription on the Liberty Bell
13)— “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.” ……… Benjamin Franklin
Then there is the Second Amendment issue. If the citizenry, Christians included, are to submit and obey the state, then why were the Founding Fathers so darn adamant about arming the people? (Perhaps to shoot ignorant church leaders?
14)— “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike especially when young, how to use them.” ……… Richard Henry Lee
Lastly, to all you clergy out there who have made a pact with the devil with your lips locked on the State’s posterior;
15)— “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” ……… Thomas Jefferson
If the beliefs of Modern American Christianity existed back then, we might still be British subjects and the Founding Fathers would clearly never have signed the Declaration Of Independence on July 4, 1776 … not to mention that the Israelites would never have left Pharaoh’s Egypt, no slaves anywhere would ever receive freedom, and no subjugated people would ever even be allowed to consider throwing off the yokes of their oppressors. It is no wonder that our government has had no practical use for the Constitution for many years now. It’s just a goddamned piece of paper that’s fun to wave around every four years when campaigning.
So, why does Modern American Christianity have teachings that fly in the face of reason, and against liberty? Let’s take a look.
Here’s what I’m not going to do – turn this into an academic Bible study; delving deep into historical context, trying desperately to find “original” meanings, whipping out the old “original language” canard, parsing verbs, subjects, the placement of prepositions, and other such minutiae. I’ll leave that to the really smart Bible Scholars, which I am not.
Instead, I’ll take a “plain meaning”-“face value” approach. It is how millions of lay people have read, interpreted, and understood the Bible for many centuries – before really smart people started doing it for us. As such, I will be using The Living Bible – an interpretation (not a translation) that doesn’t get any plainer for English-speaking readers.
The nice thing about a face-value reading is that it really doesn’t require any commentary. ‘It is what it is’ and ‘what you see is what you get’, to use common colloquialisms. We’ll start with Romans 13 – the Holy Grail, the mother-lode for “submit to the state” sermons.
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1)— “Obey the government, for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. For the policeman does not frighten people who are doing right; but those doing evil will always fear him. So if you don’t want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well. The policeman is sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for he will have you punished. He is sent by God for that very purpose. Obey the laws, then, for two reasons: first, to keep from being punished, and second, just because you know you should. Pay your taxes too, for these same two reasons. For government workers need to be paid so that they can keep on doing God’s work, serving you. Pay everyone whatever he ought to have: pay your taxes and import duties gladly, obey those over you, and give honor and respect to all those to whom it is due.” ……… Romans 13:1-7 (to which the government shouts, “Amen!!”)
What makes the above passage even more stunning — in either a good way, or bad way, depending on your point of view regarding obedience to the State – is the cultural / political background. Nero was the emperor of Rome from AD 54 to 68. Not a good man, he participated in many illicit acts, homosexual marriage being among them (not that there’s anything wrong with that. lol) . In AD 64 the great Roman fire occurred, with Nero himself being suspected of arson. The Roman senator Tacitus wrote, — “To get rid of the report [that he had started the fire], Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace.”. It was during this time that the apostle Paul wrote his epistle to the Romans. Instead of condemning this barbarity, Paul tacitly endorses it!!
2)— “Remind your people to obey the government and its officers, and always to be obedient and ready for any honest work. They must not speak evil of anyone, nor quarrel, but be gentle and truly courteous to all.” ……… Titus 3:1-2
3)— “For the Lord’s sake, obey every law of your government: those of the king as head of the state, and those of the king’s officers, for he has sent them to punish all who do wrong, and to honor those who do right. Show respect for everyone. Love Christians everywhere. Fear God and honor the government.” ……… 1 Peter 2:13-15,17
4)— “Pray in this way for kings and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility, so that we can live in peace and quietness, spending our time in godly living and thinking much about the Lord.” ……… 1 Timothy 2:2
5)— “Give to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.” ……… Matthew 22:21 (Jesus actually mocks Caesar because everything belongs to God, meaning that Caesar has …… nothing!)
6)— “Never curse the king, not even in your thoughts, nor the rich man, either; for a little bird will tell them what you’ve said.” ……… Ecclesiastes 10:20
7)— “World events are under his control. He removes kings and sets others on their thrones.” ……… Daniel 2:21
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Isn’t the first question that crosses your mind the following; “Why in the world would the Roman authorities persecute such compliant sheep??” One would think that the State would enthusiastically embrace a citizenry whose God not only demands that its followers obey all earthly authorities, but that they even pray for those authorities. Such a sheeple are what tyrants crave.
Yet, Nero hunted them down, burned them at the stake and crucified many. An analytical mind would conclude that something else is going on behind the scenes regarding Rome’s fear of this new Jewish sect called Christians. You might even start to think that what you believed about the early Christians is wrong – that they weren’t nearly as compliant to the State as Modern American Christianity wants you to believe. This will be addressed in a little more detail in the “Romans” section below.
Moreover, Rome was fairly immoral and corrupt throughout much of its history, especially when compared to Christian morays. Sepphoris, the “ornament of all Galilee,” according to Flavius Josephus, was a hill top city of 30,000 that had been selected and built up by the Romans during their occupation of Palestine in the first century BCE. It was a Roman military strategic center of commerce, government, theater and religion. The city was less than an hour’s walk (3 miles) from Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth. Oddly, the city is not mentioned in the New Testament. Nevertheless, considering it extremely close proximity to Nazareth (where Jesus lived for 30 years), it is a virtual certainty Jesus visited the city often. It was very likely to be the city that Jesus spoke of when he said, “A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”. We know the city was home to the elites (the “rich” of the New Testament), absentee landlords, owners of large estates, major importers/exporters, Chief Tax Collectors, high ranking Roman soldiers, and judges. We also know from the lavish frescoes, mosaics, and other archaeological artifacts that sexual depravity was rampant. In other words, Sepphoris, a Roman built city whose citizenry was comprised of both Roman Citizens and very Roman-friendly Jews, was itself a microcosm of the Roman Empire.
Jesus got to see firsthand how the other half lived; state sanctioned taxes, theft, aggression, fraud, malice, sexual depravity, gross materialism, oppression of the poor, and idolatry have all been verified via ancient texts found at or near the site. In other words, that place was just like Washington DC.
It is exceedingly difficult, logically flawed, and philosophically abhorrent for me to believe that either Jesus or the Apostles would condone/teach submission to the Roman State, especially after witnessing the corruption and debauchery up close and personal. That would be a Bizzaro-Edorsement which embraces the opposite of everything Jesus stood for and taught elsewhere in the Gospels. Taken to its extreme conclusion, submission to the State would involve the utterly disgusting picture below.
Would the Apostle Paul approve of this??
Anyway, what are we to make of these verses? First of all, let us not minimalize, sugarcoat, or try to explain them away as irrelevant, misunderstood, or taken out of context. These verses are powerful words in their simplicity which surely do indicate that Christians are to submit to all kinds of authority … including to those who rule over us here on earth.
More germane to this discussion is not the interpretation of these verses but, rather, in their application to our lives by church leaders. In that vein, let’s look at a typical application by a pastor who has authored more than fifty books (emphasis in the quote below are his);
“There can be NO power, of ANY government, except what God allows. This passage is instruction to us in our INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL LIFE! And our people indeed are a law-abiding, patriotic people. The Christian’s responsibility does not end with mere obedience to government authority. Paul actually tells us to pray for those in authority [even if they do evil]”
The author of that quote goes on to say that since no ruler can be put in place unless God wills it, then that means that God has selected winners “in advance”. Therefore, any attempt to remove such a leader, even by the peaceable method of voting, means that the Christian is choosing to “fight God’s purpose!”. He draws this conclusion from Acts 5:39 – “But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them, lest you find yourselves fighting even against God.”.
Don’t think the above quote is an outlier. I logged on to the main websites of over thirty major Christian denominations and they all follow the same basic three step formula; 1) God controls everything, including human affairs, 2) God appoints earthly leaders, 3) Therefore, we are to submit to them and even pray for them, whether they do good, or evil.
This level of obedience – without conditions attached – was eventually used by Christian preachers to urge their flock towards blind obedience. The consequences thereof have been devastating. Blind obedience led to acceptance of the State, acceptance led to reverence, and reverence eventually became defacto State worship. What the pastor above is ultimately doing, and tens of thousands like him across this land, is equating disobedience to the State with disobedience to God. That, my friends, is a lie from the pits of Hell itself because it adds to Scripture something that is not there … a favorite tactic employed by the enemy of our souls.
The result of all this Christian obeying & submitting is totally unexpected, and in some regards, bizarre. You would think the State would embrace and protect such compliant folks. Nothing could be further from the truth! One political party in this country openly mocks Christians, especially the devout ones whom they tag with the derogatory label ‘right wing fundamentalists”. Liberals and certain MSM television stations froth at the mouth at the mere mention of “Christianity”. The DHS regards Christians as potential terrorists. The highly regarded theologian Francis Schaeffer concurs; — “If we as Christians do not speak out as authoritarian governments grow from within or come from outside, eventually we or our children will be the enemy of society and the state.”. Lesson learned: when you sleep with the devil, he will charge you a price you can never repay.
But, there are almost always at least two sides of any Scriptural teaching. We’ll take a peek at the other side of the coin below. But, first, let’s take a quick look at how America became the 21st century version of the Golden Calf.
[Disclaimer: I do not hate the military. I served in the USAF for four years during the Vietnam era (I was never deployed there). I believe this country should have a strong military. The world is a bad place with bad human leaders, and we have the duty and obligation to protect our land and loved ones. What I hate is how the State is using our Armed Forces … not for defense, but for offense. We have become the most aggressive nation on earth. “Bomb ‘em” is our first option in diplomacy. This should be surprising considering our Commander-In-Chief is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. If he had any integrity he would return it.]
You don’t need to look any further in uncovering the Americanization of Jesus than the Word Of God, albeit repackaged as “The Patriot Bible” and “The Military Bible”.
The American Patriot’s Bible (APB) is edited by Richard G. Lee, a former president of the Pastors’ Conference of the Southern Baptist Convention, and currently a trustee at Liberty University and Liberty School of Law and a board member of the National Religious Broadcasters. The Bible is published by Thomas Nelson Publishers. A more accurate title would have been “America’s Warmonger Bible” as it is filled with nationalistic violence and promotes idolatry.
The APB consists of hundreds of commentaries randomly appearing all over the place on various patriotic themes — national monuments, State symbols, stars and stripes, armed soldiers, bombers, battleships, etc., and extensive commentaries on America’s wars and glorious victories against always, of course, the forces of evil. Each Gospel opens with a picture that includes soldiers struggling to raise a flag under the words ‘In God We Trust’. Throughout history nations and tribes have assumed that its military victories were clear evidence of Divine Favor. This is pure idolatry at its finest. Pagan religions are filled with stories of victorious soldiers giving credit to whatever warrior God they worship. The APB also has a warrior god – he goes by the name of “Jesus” and His Story (history) is interwoven into the biblical narrative which then becomes the Gospel According To America. George Washington (who is actually called ‘The American Moses’) replaces Jesus as the one we’re to emulate and the Kingdom of America replaces the Kingdom of God as the kingdom we’re to persevere for. You can read a wonderfully scathing review about the APB by Laurence Vance here;
In the house of God ….. chanting “USA! USA! USA!” ….. while an American bald eagle flies around ….. then crashes into a window. My God, what have we become??!!
The abomination enters a new gear with the addition of the various Military Bibles (a different one for each armed service). Laurence Vance has this to say about filling young men’s minds with mush via Military Bibles;
“Military Bibles corrupt the word of God …. are designed to sooth the conscience of Christians in the military … ignore real military values … blaspheme God … contain lies about the Bible and the military … make false insinuations and connections … attempt to sanctify war … mask the true nature of the military … promote war criminals … misapply Scripture … are filled with military propaganda.” You can read the rest of is wonderfully scathing review here; ... blasphemy/
I’ve engaged in debates regarding whether or not the US Military will fire upon its citizens if (or, when) ordered to do so. Some folks think I’m nuts for believing that they will, and offer up all kinds for arguments in support; from Oathkeeper type organizations to an adamant belief the most of the military is comprised of good men who will not blindly “follow orders”. Such logic makes no sense to me. These folks should get their hands on a military Bible. The State has already conditioned these men to follow the State’s orders to perfection … and now the State convinces these order-following-soldiers that they are doing the will of both the State AND GOD for the betterment of mankind! Do you think they won’t shoot whomever they are commanded to shoot? This is most illogical. Maybe 5% or even 10% will still have an independent conscience but, unfortunately, most won’t win the Battle for their Minds.
Does this soldier understand that she is a pawn of the State? Or, did the State convince her that she’s doing God’s work, protecting this country (against no enemy who can breach our shores). Will this soldier pray for the innocent civilians in the countries Americans had invaded, who were killed, maimed, and tortured? Will this soldier pray for the widows and orphans America created? Will she pray for the homeless, the refuges? She might pray for the leaders who sent her there but, will she pray for whom Jesus said she should pray …. her enemies. Does she pray that her aim is true, that her bullet find its mark …. and then will she wonder if God is in heaven clapping for what she just did, or if he’s crying ? If she kills a fellow Christian, even if he is an enemy, isn’t that like killing God all over again? (“Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these my brethren, you have done it to ME” — Matt. 25:40)
Here’s my point. The State knows full well that when Nationalism and religious zeal are fused together then virtually nothing will be impossible for them to do. It is what enables USA!USA!USA! drones to bomb Pakistani wedding parties without fear of reprisal from its citizens. In fact, if you’re one of the minority criticizing American bombings, you’ll be shouted down; “America hater!”, “Muslim lover!”, and you’ll be encouraged to leave this country pronto, and some will even wish you dead. Such is the power of American propaganda brought to you by their Official Outreach Program; CNN, Fox, and MSNBC.
But, that’s a two-edged sword. Religious zeal can also be turned against the State with equal effectiveness — which is exactly what I hope this article eventually accomplishes in your life.
“God, family, country!” Isn’t that the correct order (assuming you believe in God)? Not according to one of the most war-mongering anti-Christian newspapers in America, the Washington (com)Post;
“The order … ‘God, Family, Country’ comprises a bewildering conflation of priorities, recklessly emphasizing the personal over the civic … the assumption [being] that one enters public service not to uphold the constitution, not to defend the nation, not to enrich the lives of citizens, but to honor God. …. those Americans [who put God first in the list] perhaps ought not run for high office.” ———– (I refuse to provide a link to that filthy rag)
If you are a Christian then this attitude should fill you with rage. Look, I am not suggesting that the USA should become a theocratic state (a horrible idea) or, that we should abandon the principle of separation between church and State (a wonderful idea). Putting God first in your life simply means that you live your life according to principles and morality that is above that which the State can offer. This is because States have no moral compass, as they are a law unto themselves. It is the State’s “morals” which puts a man in prison for ten years for stealing a case of beer, while allowing a banker to steal billions while getting his picture on the cover of Time as a paradigm of virtue and good leadership. Anathema!
George Washington and more than a few other Founding Fathers put God first (as described above) in their dealings with men and in governing, and it worked out just fine. It seems that all government, regardless of their initial good intentions, eventually devolve into tyranny, despotism, or authoritarianism. For it is true amongst the human species that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. While it is true that power corrupts also in theocratic circles, nevertheless, putting God first in the context described herein is still the best safeguard we have to keep the State from becoming God.
Unfortunately, we have crossed that Rubicon. Family –you can revolt against them, divorce your spouse, abandon your children, and tear apart the fabric of society all with the State’s blessing. God — you can revolt against Him, mock Him, abandon Him completely and even place a crucified Christ upside down in a jar of piss and get thousands of dollars from the State for such a “work of art”! But, revolt against the State? Never!! Even writing or thinking about it will insure that you’ll be placed on some DHS Watch List branded as a possible home-grown terrorist. And God help your wretched soul if you actually participate in an act of revolution, even if it’s just a nonviolent act of civil disobedience. The lucky ones are hauled off to jail, while the unlucky ones die for “resisting arrest” or, some other trumped up lie. That’s because while the State breeds and even foments dissension amongst its own citizens, it cannot ever tolerate dissension against itself. Such is life, and you shouldn’t be surprised by it, when you elevate the State above God. I’m fairly certain that Jesus, and later, the Apostles taught that any Christian – American or otherwise – should have allegiance first and foremost to God, and whatever is left over, (maybe) to country —- for Jesus made it quite clear that you can never, ever, serve two masters. A Christian will place Jesus before Caesar, and I have a sneaking suspicion that’s why the State secretly hates us.
The Caesars simply would not kill people under their rule if they were like Modern American Christians … totally compliant in obedience to the State to the point of even praying for them! Some other set of circumstances must have preceded the killings. In the first three centuries (until Constantine made Christianity the State religion) the church endured regular but, not constant, persecution at the hands of Roman authorities, some it fierce while at other times more benign and local. Let’s take a look at the minor reasons, and then The Biggie.
1)- Romans viewed Christianity as a superstition. Writing in 110AD, Pliny, a Roman governor called Christianity a “superstition taken to extravagant lengths.” For the Romans “superstition” was reserved for something foreign and different. Religious beliefs which could be shown to be old and in line with ancient customs were tolerated, while new and innovative teachings, such as Christianity, were regarded with distrust.
2) That’s why the Romans didn’t persecute Jews for their religious beliefs … it was an old and established religion. What the Romans did not tolerate was political insurrection against Rome, which the Jews engaged in vigorously on several occasions, and for which they paid dearly.
3) Romans were generally tolerant of other religions. They occupied huge portions of Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East and, so, came in contact with very many religions. Had the Romans persecuted religions just because they were different than Rome’s gods, then hardly any people would have been left to rule. Rome itself was polytheistic, so adding another bevy of gods to the pot wasn’t a big deal. What Rome did not like were religions that were vastly different than their own. Polytheistic religions are tolerant of other gods, the more the merrier, while monotheistic religions are by nature intolerant of other deities. Rome did not like this aspect of Christianity.
4) In fact, Rome considered Christians to be atheists because Christians refused to worship the gods of Rome.
5) Rome had a problem with what Christians did. They believed Christians were just plain weird with their religious practices; worshipping a criminal, eating his body, drinking his blood, and greeting each other with a kiss. These activities often brought charges of cannibalism and incest.
6) Rome also had a problem with what Christians did not do. Pagan holidays and festivities played a huge role in Roman society. But, Christians kept to themselves and did not participate in these rituals. Naturally, they were considered anti-social. Christians also tended to worship in secret places which just added more fuel to the fire. They became associated with ‘collegia’ (secret societies). Roman authorities became highly suspicious of such meetings believing that Christians plotted sedition. Lastly, the pagan festivities were meant to placate the gods; to bring rain, to get a bountiful harvest, to protect them from natural disasters, and so forth. When the rains did not come, and famine came, or an earthquake destroyed a city then the Christians were blamed since they did not appease the gods earlier.
You must understand that religion in Rome was first and foremost a social activity, the purpose of which was to promote unity and loyalty to the State. It was a religious attitude which the Romans called pietas, or piety.
Cicero felt Rome would fall without piety when he wrote – “pay a strict regard to justice and piety; the influence of which, towards parents and relations is great indeed, but that to our country greatest of all.” Then, in the third century, the philosopher Porphyry wrote: — “How can people not be in every way impious and atheistic who have apostatized from the customs of our ancestors through which every nation and city is sustained? .What else are they than fighters against God?”
In other words, the disdain for Christianity held by Cicero and Porphyry arose from the belief that proper “piety” to the Roman gods was necessary to sustain the well-being of Rome itself. Romans in every strata of society believed that bad things happened if their gods were not respected and worshiped properly. And that brings us closer to answering the question why Rome persecuted Christians.
Despite all the problems the Romans had with the Christian religion, all would have been forgiven if the Christians did just one thing. All the Christians had to do was to offer sacrifice or make other offerings for the health of the Emperor and the safety of the Empire. Do that, and the Romans basically leave you alone.
The bottom line is this; Christians would not allow Rome to determine the object of their loyalty. Orthodoxy, or what you believe, is most important to Modern American Christianity. In that sense an early Christian could have easily believed in God, while at the same time offering tribute to the Roman State. Modern American Christians do this all the time! When you throw a twenty-dollar bill in the Sunday offering plate, but you pay 30% or more of your income as tribute (taxes) to the State … then your loyalty is crystal clear. And it’s not to God. But, to the early Christians orthopraxy, or what you did, was far more important. The original believers would rather be crucified (some upside down), sawn in half, burned, beaten, or thrown in prison rather than show fealty to the State by tossing one thin shekel to the State. And don’t forget the reason Jesus was crucified. The Jews said it was because Jesus committed blasphemy against God. But, Pilate refused to crucify Jesus for any religious reasons. He needed something more substantial …something that showed that Jesus was against the State. And, so, Pilate eventually sentenced Jesus to the cross with three charges; claiming to be King, sedition and failure to pay taxes!
The bottom bottom line: It just might have to do with the clothing Christians wore. Christians put on “the mind of Christ”, not the thoughts of Empire. They stood firm with the “belt of truth”, not the lies of Empire. They wore the “breastplate of righteousness”, not the clothes of Empire’s materialism. They fitted their feet with “the gospel of peace”, not the wars of Empire. They protected themselves with the “shield of faith”, not with Empire’s security blanket. And their only salvation was “the word of God”, not the empty promises offered by Empire.
Non-conforming Christians were of no use to the State and a danger lest their convictions spread like the plague to the other citizens. So, from time to time the State had to cull these “atheists” from the herd. I ask you once again; “Does this sound like the early Christians practiced submission and obedience to the State? Really??”
Once again, before we begin I would like for you to consider this question; — “Are there any verses in the Bible which teach that the State is to be – to use Dubya’s words – “The Decider” in matters right or wrong, moral or immoral, good or evil?” I hear the sound of crickets!
Also, consider the word usage in Scripture of these spiritual AND political words;
— life ………….occurs 6,001 times
— free …………occurs 454 times
— justice ………occurs 212 times
— happy ………occurs 143 times
— freedom ……..occurs 45 times
— bondage ……..occurs 55 times
— happiness ….. occurs 54 times
— liberty ………occurs 32 times
— tyranny ……. occurs 14 times and ‘evil’ occurs 1,503 times
So, considering the 8,513 references above, do you think that just maybe the Good Book has something to say for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness … and against those evil entities who wish to rob us of this God-given gift? Sure, there is a spiritual-only component to more than a few of the above verses. But, trust me on this, a good many of those references pertain to life, liberty, and happiness in THIS world.
The Jewish mindset isn’t nearly as obsessed with the next world as the Christian mindset. Jews do believe in the afterlife (heaven), but there is little emphasis of it in Torah. Jews believe that the best way to follow God’s will and to fulfill His commandments is to connect to God’s physical world. Even the Hebrew word “mitzvah” is rooted in a literal meaning of “to connect”.
How do you glorify God? By doing executing His commandments “on earth as it is in heaven” and by doing so, you have accomplished the will of God. “For this commandment which I command you this day, it is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, …. it is within your close reach to serve God in your mouth and heart, to do” (Deuteronomy 30:10-14).
So, as you read the following verses don’t over-spiritualize it by saying “Oh! That only applies to God’s heavenly kingdom!” Judaism, much more than Christianity, emphasizes DOING good deeds here on earth whenever possible … and that “doing” includes proclaiming forth, and making possible, God’s desire that His people here on this blue rock pursue Life, Liberty, and Happiness. As far as Jews were concerned, heaven can wait. The State reverses the attitude. It is the State which prefers that you forget the crazy idea of Life, Liberty and Happiness on this earth. In opposition to Jewish though, the State prefers that you just wait for Liberty and Happiness for when you croak.
So, let’s now examine the crazy idea that God endorses opposition to a tyrannical state.
——————————– –
“I think it’s a bad idea to give you a President. The first thing he’ll do is take your children from your home so they can fight in his army. They’ll have the worst jobs, leading the charge into battle. Cannon fodder, basically. Your sons who are not fit for battle he will turn into slave laborers. They will sweat in the field plowing his crops, and work in his factories building tanks and other armaments. And if that’s not bad enough, he won’t even pay them! Not even your daughters will be safe from this President. He’ll force them into menial jobs such as cooking and baking, and others will be sent to slave in his perfume factories. And he won’t forget you either! Whenever it suits him he will simply confiscate your farmlands, and your vineyards, and that lovely olive grove you have out back. And just so he can show who the boss is, he’ll give your property to his buddies who aren’t even working. Haha! He’ll implement an income tax – forcing you to give him 10% of all your crops, and 10% of your flock each and every year. These also he will give to his political favorites. Eventually, you’ll become his indentured servant. I have more bad news. He’ll be President for life. You will cry your eyes out when this President is done with you, and you will beg me to get rid of him. But, I won’t. Once you choose, your choice is final. You’ll have tied my hands and even I won’t be able to help you!”
The above is my “modernized” version of I Samuel, Chapter 8. Hard as it may be for you to believe, God never wanted his people to be ruled by a government of men! He knew the heart of man and that it was inclined towards “only evil all the time”. So, prior to the people clamoring for a King, God instituted a form of quasi-government of “Judges” who were directly accountable to Him. Of course, there were both righteous and unrighteous Judges. But, for the most part this form of rule, established by God, thrived for four centuries. Some call it a theocracy. I disagree. Due to the Judges rather limited powers, I think it was humanity’s best experiment ever with Libertarian Rule.
“Once upon a time the trees decided to choose a king. First they said to the olive tree, ‘Be our king!’ But the olive tree refused, saying, ‘Should I quit producing the olive oil that blesses both God and people, just to wave back and forth over the trees?’ “Then they said to the fig tree, ‘You be our king!’ But the fig tree also refused, saying, ‘Should I quit producing my sweet fruit just to wave back and forth over the trees?’ “Then they said to the grapevine, ‘You be our king!’ But the grapevine also refused, saying, ‘Should I quit producing the wine that cheers both God and people, just to wave back and forth over the trees?’ “Then all the trees finally turned to the thornbush and said, ‘Come, you be our king!’ And the thornbush replied to the trees, ‘If you truly want to make me your king, come and take shelter in my shade. If not, let fire come out from me and devour the cedars of Lebanon.’” —- Judges 9:8-15
Above is the Bible’s very first allegorical story, or parable. It merits attention, but very few Christians know this story, or the point the author is making … which is another anti-government message. So, you have these trees who ask the olive, the fig and the grapevine to rule them. All three respond that they are too busy with productive pursuits — providing oil, fruit, and wine — to waste their time. But the thornbush, which infests fields and crops and is fit only for destruction, not only eagerly accepts the invitation to rule … but immediately threatens the trees first with dominance and then with violence! The thornbush’s invitation to “come and take shelter in my shade” is a death sentence as most trees weaken and die in shade. What you have in this brief parable is a wonderfully prescient and cautionary tale against the State
“Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”— First Book of Maccabees (Benjamin Franklin suggested this phrase be used as the motto on the reverse side of the U.S. Seal.)
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? — Psalm 94:16
“Proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness the prisoners” — Isaiah 61:1 and Matthew 11:5
“We must obey God rather than men” —- Acts 5:29
Jesus Christ was meek and mild, a 1960’s era hippy-ish looking dude with that long flowing hair (always washed and shiny … I think he used Prell shampoo) and trimmed beard, who smiled a whole lot and hardly had anything bad to say about anybody, totally like non-confrontational, man, who gathered little kids around him like the Pied Piper, and they all took turns sitting on his lap while they sang Kumbaya My Lord … Jesus’ favorite song. Oh, really?? Maybe we should take a closer look.
Jesus being born resulted in all the infants in Bethlehem being murdered. Jesus started his ministry in the local synagogue by reading from the book of Isaiah and proclaiming the reign of God had arrived. This infuriated the religious leaders and was seen as a subversive act of civil disobedience as he was basically telling the leaders they would soon be out of a job. When Jesus finished reading and declared — “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” – the people and leaders understood that Jesus would enact The Year Of Jubilee. This meant the poor would receive justice, the entire economic system of land ownership would be reordered, and there would be a complete upheaval of the entire class structure. His words were revolutionary against the State! Jesus constantly spit in the face of authority by healing and working on the Sabbath. In fact, he said the Sabbath was made for man – a complete reversal of everything the religious leaders believed. It was an act of disobedience which shook them to the core. Jesus made a career of condemning the wealthy, even saying they had a snowball’s chance in hell of entering heaven … yet, allowed Mary Magdalene to spend a years’ worth of wages on perfume to wash his feet. This kind of thing drove the authorities crazy. Jesus publically insulted King Herod by calling him a ‘fox’ and ‘a reed blowing in the wind’ — strong and almost vulgar insults in that day. Jesus infuriated the Romans by teaching that Rome was under God’s rule, not the other way around. Jesus lived about three miles from the major Galilean city of Sepphoris, populated by many Romans, yet the Gospels record virtually no contact with Roman citizenry – almost as if Jesus purposely avoided them. Jesus had equally meager contact with Gentiles – one time calling a Gentile widow a dog. He trashed his own family at the wedding in Cana by saying he didn’t know who they were. He mocked and despised the religious leaders of his day – calling them “hypocrites”, “vipers” and “whitewashed tombs”, pretty on the outside but dead, stinking, and rotten inside. He made friends with the most reviled people of the era; lepers, prostitutes, and tax collectors. He usurped Temple authority by violently chasing out the money changers. He constantly challenged the very legitimacy of the Temple – even threatening to tear down the entire structure. Jesus chose to enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey as mockery of the ruler’s horse. And when the State killed him, he rose again, and made a mockery of death … the State’s ultimate tool of terror.
Look, Jesus was a lot of things. But, please don’t tell me he was a meek and mild pansy who kowtowed to authorities of his day! Jesus strongly condemned those who controlled the temple, those who controlled the Empire, and the machine that controlled the economic systems that starved and robbed the poor and left the orphan and the widow to fend for themselves. To Jesus, these issues of politics, economics, and spirituality (the will of God) were all tied together, and the State was fair game to condemn when they turned tyrannical.
A quick tour of civil disobedience verses scattered through the Bible. In Genesis 15 Abram gathers his forces into a militia and attacked the Kings who had kidnapped Lot and his family and taken his possessions. In Exodus 1, the Egyptian Pharaoh gave the clear command to two Hebrew midwives that they were to kill all male Jewish babies, yet the Bible says the midwives “feared God” and disobeyed Pharaoh. In Joshua 2, Rahab directly disobeyed a command from the king of Jericho to produce the Israelite spies who had entered the city to gain intelligence for battle. In 1Samuel 14 King Saul commands that no one could eat until Saul had won his battle with the Philistines, but Saul’s son Jonathan defied his father’s order and ate honey. Saul then ordered his son to be killed (nice dad!), but the people refused to carry out the order. In 1 Kings 18 Queen Jezebel was killing God’s prophets, but Obadiah took a hundred of them and hid them from her so they could live. In Daniel 3 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused King Nebuchadnezzar’s command to bow down to the golden idol. In Daniel 6 King Darius issues a decree to not pray to anyone other than the king, but Daniel continued to pray to God (and received the death penalty). In Matthew John the Baptist mocks authority when he publicly scolded King Herod for his infidelity In Acts several apostles disobey orders from the authorities to refrain from teaching or preaching the Gospel. Strangely enough (or, hypocritically?) the Apostle Paul spent about as much time in jail than out …. by refusing to obey proper legal authorities who demanded that he abandon his missionary work! In Revelation, in order to become a Christian during the reign of antichrist you are required to disobey the authorities.
The results are in; from Genesis to Revelation there are plenty examples that God approves of believers NOT obeying earthly authority!
Why? Do you think evil will give up its power peacefully? Do you think they will allow you to vote them out of existence? H. L. Mencken echoes my sentiments;
“The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods.”
For the life of me I can’t understand why some people don’t understand that the above quote is true regardless of who is in power; Republicans, Democrats, or even most Independents. They are all whores.
Voting only hastens your demise. What do politicians do? Pass laws! And every passed law is a further infringement on your liberty. Every single law is passed with a provision for fines, penalties, and imprisonment. All government is based on force and violence. Only a handful of crimes were formally listed when America became a nation. Today there are thousands of laws in the Federal Register … so many that it is a virtual certainty that every adult American commits a felony every single day. Voting is the means by which people impose their will, their beliefs, their ideas, their concepts, their desires, upon others. You choose a “representative” who will legally steal (taxes) from your neighbors in order to give you what you want. Your neighbor does likewise to you. Yet, you believe that your vote will change things?? It is a fundamental deception to believe that mankind’s kingdom, mankind’s government, can provide viable long-term solutions to mankind’s problems.
If talking with evil works, then why does Jesus return with a sword? Why do hundreds of millions have to die in The End Of Days? Why can’t Jesus sit down with the Antichrist and have a summit, or something? Why can’t Jesus just compromise here a little, there a little, and everyone walks away happy? Because at some point tyranny because so overwhelmingly entrenched in the system the only solution is to surround it, then kill it. Thomas Jefferson stated it best; — “”When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.”
America is quickly reaching that level of corruption. Our country isn’t dead yet, but we are on critical life support. We need some good medicine, and I have a Magic Pill.
Do you really want to change America? Then forget about voting. Rather, live a godly life! To make it really simple, and to include everyone (even atheists) all you have to do is live half of the Golden Rule; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Imagine millions of Americans living like that … the change in this country for the better would be phenomenal. Imagine ten thousand ministers across this land preaching the Golden Rule Sunday after Sunday until the people “get it”. Imagine a full year of Sundays preaching just on only justice, personal responsibility, life, and liberty. We just might become great again, for the wealth of a nation is in its people. But, I’m no fool. I know that won’t happen. There’s no free government check involved. So, we must go to Plan B.
Yes, but first some key unresolved questions need to be answered.
1)– How does a Christian reconcile the biblical verses which indicate obedience to the State with those that don’t? That’s easy. Pick one! It happens all the time. That’s why there are hundreds of various Christian denominations, all having formed their own group because of doctrinal differences. For the longest time eating pork was forbidden. Then, one day the Apostle Paul had yet another vision whereby this time a sheet full of animals being lowered from heaven. A voice from heaven told Peter to kill and eat, but since the sheet contained unclean animals, Peter declined. The command was repeated two more times, along with the voice saying that all the animals were OK to eat because God made them. And just like that the other white meant was kosher. Following the deep theological principle of “pick one”, some of Paul’s followers ate bacon, some did not. Likewise, review both the pro-obedience and pro-disobedience verses …. there is no “right” or “wrong” choice … and pick the one that resonates with you. But, if you’re one of the people who sits it out, I hope that in the Day Of Reckoning God asks you; “When your brethren went to war, why did you just sit here?”
2)– How do we include as many Americans as possible? Race relations in this country are worse than I’ve seen in my lifetime. Some days it seems to me that Race Wars are inevitable. If that does happen I hope it can be delayed until after the revolution because don’t see how victory is possible if the various races are pitted against each other. “Divide and Conquer” plays directly in the hands of the powers that be.
3)– Most importantly, how do we insure that what follows the revolution isn’t worse than what preceded it? Quite a few revolutions have resulted in the citizenry being worse off than ever. I only raise the question because it is critically important. I’m not smart enough to know the answer.
OK, then! When should we consider a revolution?
——– When the State steps outside of God’s ordained purpose and persecutes innocent people, promotes evil, and does injustice to the innocent.
——– When the Bible tells you to abhor debt but the State says “your share” of the national debt is over fifty thousand dollars
——– When the State never allows you to own your land, but charges you rent (property taxes) into perpetuity.
——– When the State causes you to fear the police more than your fear criminals.
——– When the State steals your children via Child Protective Services.
——– When the State steals your money to feed those who will not work.
——– When the State believes it is God, having power over life and death
——– When the moral authority of the State has been lost.
——– When the State sells justice to the highest bidder.
And for a hundred more reasons. That’s when. And that time is NOW. The sooner we start, the better off we will all be. Let’s do this thing!
Amen. ... more-96366
Statistics: Posted by yoda — Sat Apr 18, 2015 2:01 pm