
Duiker DNA Quality:

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RAD Library Prep - Skinks Plate 3 (48 wells, Reruns)


Duiker DNA Quality


* 48 wells with 100ng of DNA in 20uL



* Digestion (2015-08-25)




**Mix and add to each well:



***1.36 uL water



***2.40 uL  CutSmart Buffer



***0.24 uL SbfI-HF (new)



**Incubation (RADIGEST on TONY):



***37 degrees for 60 minutes



***65 degrees for 20 minutes





* P1 adapter ligation (2015-08-25)



**Add 4 uL indexed P1 adapter (10nM) to each well, using new plate of adapters made in-house



**Mix and add to each well:



***2.56 uL water



***0.8 uL NEBuffer 4



***0.32 uL ATP



***0.32 uL T4 Ligase (new)



**Incubation (RADLIG on TONY):



*** 20 degrees for 60 minutes



*** 65 degrees for 20 minutes





* Clean up (2015-08-26)



**Take 10 uL from each well and combine to 1.7 mL tube



**AMPure bead clean up:



***Used 430 uL beads to DNA (1:1)



***2 washes of 800 uL 80% EtOH



***Elute in 100 uL LowTE





* Sonication - edited to get smaller average fragments (2015-08-26)



**BioRuptor NGS: 10 cycles of 30 seconds on, 90 seconds off, High Power



Sheared08262015 01



1) 2uL 100bp low scale ladder,



2) 2uL sheared DNA






*Additional 2 cycles of 30 seconds on, 90 seconds off, High Power<br>



[[Image:Sheared08262015 02.JPG|100px]]



1) 2uL 100bp low scale ladder,



2) 2uL sheared DNA





*Blunt End Repair (2015-08-26)






***50.0 uL fragmented DNA



***5.5 uL water



***3.0 uL End Prep Enzyme Mix



***6.5 uL End Repair Reaction Buffer



**Incubation (NEBENDRP on JOHN Block B):



***20 degrees for 30 minutes



***65 degrees for 30 minutes





*P2 adapter ligation (2015-08-26)



**Add to mix:



***15.0 uL Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix



***2.5 uL P2 RAD adapter (5 uM)



***1.0 uL Ligation Enhancer



**Incubation (NEBLIGAT on JOHN Block B):



***20 degrees for 15 minutes





*Size selection - edited to select for smaller insert (2015-08-26)



**Add 16.5 uL water for a total of 100 uL



**AMPure bead size selection:



***55 uL beads to remove large fragments



***25 uL beads to remove small fragments



***3 washes of 200 uL 80% EtOH



***Elute in 20 uL LowTE





*PCR amplification (2015-08-26)






***5 uL DNA



***25 uL NEBNext High Fidelity 2x PCR Master Mix



***18 uL water



*** 1 uL P1 adapter primer (25 uM)



*** 1 uL P2 adapter primer (25 uM)



**PCR cycle (NEBPCR on JOHN Block B):



***98 degrees for 30 seconds



***15 cycles of:



****98 degrees for 10 seconds



****65 degrees for 30 seconds



****72 degrees for 30 seconds



***72 degrees for 5 minutes



**Initially ran on 2% E-gel, but could not see library/template. Re-ran samples on 1% agarose gel.






1) 2 uL 100 bp low scale ladder, 2) 1 uL DNA template, 3) 5 uL PCR product<br>





→Visible amplification, but size range difficult to discern.



*Re-run PCR to improve visibility and get more amplification (2015-08-27)






***10 uL DNA



***25 uL NEBNext High Fidelity 2x PCR Master Mix



***13 uL water



*** 1 uL P1 adapter primer (25 uM)



*** 1 uL P2 adapter primer (25 uM)



[[Image:PCRproduct08272015 2.JPG|200px]]



1) 2 uL 100 bp low scale ladder, 2) 1 uL DNA template, 3) 5 uL PCR product<br>



→Successful amplification. Clean up, quant, and Bioanalyzer will be done with other libraries.





*Bead clean up



**Use 45 uL AMPure beads (1:1)



**2 washes of 200 uL 80% EtOH



**Elute in 30 uL LowTE






*PicoGreen: 3.15 ng/μL










*Run 3μL on BioAnalyzer DNA High Sensitivity Chip (2015-02-06)










*Dilute library to 10 nM in 10 uL and send to Berkeley for sequencing (Illumina HiSeq 100 SR) (2015-02-09)







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