
I made a simple Lubuntu (Ubuntu, but configured to run on less resources) VM with Ruby on Rails preinstalled. Hopefully this makes starting your coding journey a little easier 1: First you'll need Virtualbox installed, make sure to choose the platform to download based on your operating system. You can download it here: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Username: codenewbie Password: codenewbie 2: Then download the Lubuntu VM file (about 2GB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/a8ankp9yrhltrjc/Lubuntu_ROR_Clean.ova?dl=0 Once downloaded, open Virtualbox, click File -> Import, and import the file. Here's a quick Youtube video on what it looks like once imported. Let me know if there's anything else you all would like to see preinstalled. I much prefer developing in a VM, for the snapshot and cloning features. About to install something which might break your environment? Take...

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