
Episode #428 – December 20th, 2013 Today only! Some Rails 4.1 tidbits, dependency injection drama, a Rails engine for the Dashing framework, and some free tapas from Avdi. December 17th, 2013 rails-assets.org, Rails Database Info, Callbacks Extraction, Shutterbug, A Deeper Look at Ruby’s Enumerable, Prawn 0.13.0 December 13th, 2013 thoughtbot open source issues now on Stack Overflow, verifying doubles in RSpec 3, interactive mockups with Stagehand, bundler is stayin' alive (for the time being), and updates to the roar gem all in this episode of the Ruby5! December 10th, 2013 ActionParameter, Purgatory, Promise.rb, Sharing Rails sessions, JRuby 1.7.9

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