
I am new to SQL and am trying to explore the MIMIC-II dataset using the query builder so the logical step seemed to be follow the tutorials within the introduction document [1]. Unfortunately I believe it contains errors. The errors start in example 5 with 'missing right parenthesis' in the second part of code and 'missing by keyword' in the third longer piece.

Can anyone more experienced than me see the errors and how to correct them?

Or alternatively does anyone have some good examples of simple code I can learn from and adapt.

To start with I would ideally just like to do some simple things such as age of patients and length of stay looking to then plot any correlation.

Ultimately I am looking to predict mortality and length of stay but I know there are many baby steps required between where I am now and that. If anybody know of similar work carried out that may be useful would be greatly appreciated.

[1] http://mimic.physionet.org/archive/introduction-mimic-ii.pdf

Thanks in advance,

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