
As part of our quarterly Roadmap Update we have just published a new update of the Roadmap document that is available in our wiki.

This update includes the list of features already confirmed for our next releases 3.0RR14Q3 (Openbravo Commerce Platform) and 3.0PR14Q3  (Openbravo ERP Platform) that will be available in QAA (QA Approved) status at the end of July as well as an update of the next planned releases (full scope not confirmed yet) after Q3-2014.

These new confirmed capabilities extend existing functionality both for the Commerce and ERP Platforms. Let me share some highlights today.

Openbravo Commerce Platform (3.0RR14Q3)

More than ever,  detailed and actionable information is key for retailers. With the availability of Openbravo Analytics  we now have a powerful tool for building strong Retail Analytics. This release will include a first pack of specific reports that will be enhanced in the coming releases. They include Sales by Product/Product Category, Amounts by Payment Method, POS Sessions Summary, Discounts by Store or Sales Productivity by Store amongst others.

Sales by Product


Sales by Store and Year (comparative)

Better operational control at the point of sale which extends 3.0RR14Q2 features will also be achieved with improved drawer management and improved security to make sure that only authorized physical terminals are allowed to access the system and behave as POS terminals.

Improved mobile point of sale support in Android devices by supporting Chrome full screen mode and new performance improvements will be also part of the new capabilities.

As a result of this release we have also extended the Hardware and Peripherals guide so now it includes better information about supported hardware and devices.

Openbravo ERP Platform (3.0PR14Q3)

From a platform perspective, usability and adaptability capabilities continue to be a key topic,  for example,  with further improvements in Parameter Windows and Trees management that extend the already released functionality in 3.0PR14Q2 and will improve end user experience and development flexibility.

Search and filter tree elements

From a functional perspective, Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables user interface will be improved as well so users will be able to manage a higher volume of data more efficiently and have the ability to browse information more easily.

During the next few weeks we have planned for additional materials that will help you to  understand the benefits of all these new capabilities better. Stay tuned and follow us on our social media channels to be updated.

If you want to learn more about our solutions visit our Commerce Platform and ERP Platform web sections.

Thanks for your interest in Openbravo!

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