
November 23rd - I’m thankful for traditions that bind us together

Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected from happening.

Mignon McLaughlin

The holidays are filled with ritual, tradition and expectation.  Simply put we hold onto holiday traditions because they add meaning to our celebrations, and help bond us to those we love.  they provide stability, a sense of family history, and feelings of roots.

Our family traditions have changed a little but not a lot.  We still have the tradition Turkey and Pumpkin pie.  But as my family has grown so large they’ve all taken over the holidays with each taking a turn to host the family dinner.  My house is too small to hold them all anymore.  Each one of them also have their own traditions, but a lot of the old ones remain.

Traditions are important, because they are built in family time and time spent together is important. Especially in families with young children. Kids need a lot of time so the family traditions become especially important.  They build strong relationships between generations

Traditions are worth preserving. It's easy to let go when you are busy, but they are worth it,  they bring us closer together and the memories of those traditions are often what hold relationships together.

Remember a happy peaceful time in your past…Rest there.  Each moment has a richness that takes a life time to savor.

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