
At OnPrintShop, we are continuously evolving our solution capabilities to help you deliver the best services to your customers and grow your online business. We are releasing OnPrintShop v5.3 which includes new features and enhancements to meet the changing requirements of our clients.

Following is the summary for the Release of v5.3:

List of Upgrades

Store Management & Admin Features

Corporate Invoice Management: Helps you to create and manage single Invoice for multiple transactions done by a corporate, in a given time span. New

Third Party Integration: New

Salesforce Integration: Helps you to transfer customer, Quotes and Corporates from the system to Salesforce CRM. New

Lead Dyno Affiliate Marketing: Helps you to keep a track of the market campaign runt through different parties for you also keeps a track of sales through each and their commission to be paid. New

Push Notifications: Helps you to send push messages to your customers who have subscribed for it directly on their browser. New

Corporate Store Profile: Helps your corporate customer to capture essential information of the user they order so they don’t have to fill in the details every time during personalization in PDF Block template. New

Predefined Products Kit: Helps you to define a bunch of regular selling predefined product for the convenience of the customer for their purchase in one go instead of adding in cart individually. New

Order Status Enhancement: This helps you to Introduce internal status which are hidden for customer but are a part of internal product workflow and manage product wise order status to define separate workflow for specific product.

Commission Management: It helps you to monitor and manage the commission (Paid/Unpaid) of the business partners like the printer and sales agent.

Product SKU Enhancement: Provides you a facility to create different SKU for combination of every product size & product additional options with Import functionality.

Customer Group Wise Discount / Coupons: You can assign different customer in specific group and offer discount based on customer group.

Request Quote from Admin Panel: Helps you to request a quote on behalf of a customer from admin side.

Store Front Features

Signup Form Additional Fields: Helps you to create any number additional fields in the sign up page to be captured during the sign up. New

Upload Center Proofing: Provide the option of viewing the uploaded file with the crop margins or with masked image or give them option to view and edit their own art work in our designer studio for proofing. New

Multiple upload provision in single Job: Through this feature we allow the end user to upload multiple ready to print artwork in one go for a same product while purchasing the product and for each uploaded artwork separate item will be added in the shopping cart. New

Designer Studio / Templates Features

Autofill Templates from Profile: This helps your corporates to order without the hassle of filling the common information again and again for each product if ordered using PDF Block Templates. New

Designer Studio for Custom Size Products: Provide facility to the customer to personalize a custom sized products online in the advance designer studio. New

Simplified PDFLIB Block Template Creation: A Simplified way to manage complete custom properties and rules of a PDF Block template blocks from the admin side instead of block plugin tool. New

Rich text editor in advance designer studio: This feature helps you to edit text in the paragraph section where you can change the font, color, size and style of individual words or characters. New

Corporate wise Font management: This feature is helpful to your corporate clients where in for a PDF Block template if a corporate has a specific demand of a proprietary font just for him and not for anyone else he can get the facility from the system.

Default Image for Templates from Master Image Gallery: This feature helps you to have a special image category in the image gallery which only you can access at admin side and your customer cannot.

Object Outside Design Area Warning: While using the designer studio many times your customer might miss text or image going out of the safe area, customer will get a warning symbol on object which goes out of the safe margin.

Provide Artwork Later and Studio Template Proof Cycle Enhancements: Provide artwork later is available in the system with number of upload pages according to the product settings and for studio templates we have enabled the proofing cycle options in the order management for you.

Background lock form admin side in studio: With the help of this feature you can restrict the user to change the background of your templates if required while still being able to use all the other features of the designer studio.

Print Production Management

Print Production Workflow Management: This feature helps you to define workflow process for print production tracking of the orders through the system, the system gives the flexibility to define the workflow order status and order production status wise for exact workflow design. New

Create Production Profile and Access Roles: You can create roles as production strategy and give them rights to update the status of the production so that you can get exact status of the order. New

Real Time Status Updates: Once you have created the roles and assigned them to the respective user then you just have to sit back and relax and view the real time status updates of orders on order page. New

Flexibility to define production flow as per product profile: The production process of all products is not the same, at OnPrintShop we understand that and give you the power to define separate production flow for each product if required. New

Imposition Module (Beta): This module is specially designed to help you reduce the manual efforts put behind getting a file ready to be fed in the printer and start the printing process without the involvement of any 3rd Party solution directly from the system. New

Other Enhancements and Bugs Fixes

26 Minor Enhancements

Store Management & Admin Features

Corporate Invoice Management

Every e-commerce system should have a strong accounting features and we are taking one more step towards achieving it. We have launched a new feature where in the corporate can have a clearer view of his placed orders and the payments related to it. The corporates can now get their monthly invoices where each and every transaction unpaid will be recorded and the corporate will get a cumulative amount to be paid to the printer. The you have an option to create invoice for all the transactions or select a few transactions and create invoice for the corporate. The you will also have an option to mark the Invoice as paid or unpaid from admin side.

Third Party Integration

OnPrintShop has launched integration with one of best CRM service provider Salesforce, so now you can integrate your CRM service with the system. Also along with that we have integrated one more social sharing tool with our system called Lead Dyno which helps you to monitor different campaigns with different partners. It doesn’t end here it has also launched integration with a Push Notification PushPad through which you can get push notification for admin on the browser.

SalesForce CRM: OnPrintShop has launched a new vertical in the external service integration section through this you can sync your customer details and request quote details between the system and salesforce. The customer in our system will go in salesforce as a contact and the requested quote details will go in salesforce as opportunities. The corporates information in our system will go in salesforce as an account and the corporate user will go in salesforce as contact.

Lead Dyno: Lead dyno is an affiliated marketing toll which gives you an ability to run affiliated marketing campaign for customer and manage their sales and commission directly. You can sync your Lead Dyno account with our system and the system send the required data to lead dyno whenever a order is placed successfully in the system.

Push Notification: Push notification through browser is a technology that enables you to send push notification to a user through browser if he has subscribed for one. We have currently integrated our system with PushPad (third party tool) it is a push notification provider through which you can get flash messages on the browser even when not login in the system just the browser should be open.

Corporate Store Profile

Generally, when a corporate user orders a product most of the information related to him is common for all the products like visiting cards, letter heads, envelopes, etc. where fields like, Designation, Date of birth, blood group, Phone No., etc. will be the same, so the corporate can create a special store profile where they can have all the required fields and once the user has filled in the details, whenever they use a PDF Block Template or an advance designer template the related details present in the store profile will be automatically filled in the template and the user can just verify and order the product without any hassle.

Predefined Products – Kit

When an end user wants to buy a combination of predefined products which are general requirements of end users then they have to go and buy individual products again go to the product section and buy other products if you know such combos that in demand both in combination and individual both manner then you can make a kit product which includes the set of in demand products in the kit so that the end user need not to go and select each product separately.

Order Status Enhancement

Order Status can be used for defining Production work flow in general and for specific product both, you can define status for internal as well as to be displayed usage also you can link the status for internal usage with to be displayed to customer status and then customer will be able to view only status linked to the internal status, for internal use there can be more than one status but the end user will be able to see only on status to be displayed to him, by the Internal status function the user can keep different internal status and choose one customer status to be displayed in the order status to him.

Commission Management

A good distribution network management tool should have a provision to configure the commission for the down line resellers and sales agents, OnPrintShop has a strong business partner management where in the printer can configure the sales agents commission, the commission type can be flat or slab wise. To manage the commission for different business is again a task, in OnPrintShop the printer can manage all this easily just like a Childs play. The printer has a manage commission report where he comes to know about the individual sales agents and their orders and the commission etc. the printer can manage the commission status by marking them as unpaid, cancelled or paid. So the printer himself can come to know about the pending payment for the sales agent.

Product SKU Enhancement

SKU is a very import aspect for maintaining stock inventory also to identify which exact product to be printed and the more the variants the more essential it becomes for keeping the track of the SKU. Through the system you if required can define SKU codes for all product sizes with all the additional options and their combination apart from the main SKU of the product this makes your life simple and easy as you can assign Different SKU’s to all the variants possible with the combination of additional options which will make it easy for production and storage of the final product.

Customer Group Wise Discount/Coupon

Coupons and discounts are an inevitable part of an e-commerce system, OnPrintShop offers just the exact thing you require for managing the Coupons and discount, the coupons and in the discount module now we have come up with a new enhancement which will make the module better. The coupons till now could be limited to one-time usage or multiple usage now the printer can make coupons and discounts related to a specific user group also. You can create user groups in the system from the customer details page and assign it to the customer and then from the discount/coupon module you can introduce special discount or coupons for the specific user groups which will be redeemable by only the user belonging to that group.

Request Quote from Admin Panel

The customer can request a quote for a specific requirement of him but if the customer is not able to access the system for some reason and he has to place a quote and he requests you to do the same it was a very long and complicated process for you, to make your life simple we have come up with the Request Quote feature from Admin Panel, with the help of this feature you can place a quote on behalf of your customer from the admin view quotes page, the remaining flow of the quote management will be the same as per the existing system. You can bring any offline quote online through this module.

Store Front Features

Signup Form additional fields

During sign up the system takes general information related to the customer to give him access to the system, if you want to capture some additional information apart from these field like some specific information about the company or industry or details about his shipping or billing address etc. has to be captured in the system during signup you can define and configure N number of fields in the sign up form also you can define field groups where in the fields belong to a separate group and the fields will be displayed according to the defined group, so before the getting access to the system your customer has given all the required information. This information will also be visible to him in the My account page, shipping address page and my profile page as configured by you. You can also decide if the fields are mandatory or not and also the type of input it has to take.

Upload Center Proofing

The biggest concern of your customer using upload center is the proofing of their print ready file, weather it fits in the size or not, weather the artwork fits in the mask image or not, what if I can do some minor changes in the art work according to the mask or resize it in designer tool, etc. are some of the concerns your end customer might have while using the upload center, now we have the answers to the questions related to the upload center concerns, following are the features which can solve the upload center proofing issues:

Crop Mark in Image: Through this option your customer can see the preview of the art work uploaded with the crop marks from where the image will be cropped to fit the size of the product. The customer can proof it make changes if necessary and upload the art work again if required to make an exact fit to the product.

Mask in Image: Through this option your customer can see the preview of the art work uploaded with the mask image so that your customer can have an exact idea of how the art work looks with the mask image on it, and if required he can make changes and upload the artwork again to make a perfect fit of the product.

Designer Studio: Through this option you can give you customer an extra edge where in no only he can view his own uploaded artwork but also can edit it if necessary from our designer studio and modify it according to the

Multiple upload provision in single Job

If your customer wants to purchase same product with different designs, e.g. if a corporate want to purchase visiting cards for its employees, it has to order for each employee separately, it wastes his time and energy. Now in OnPrintShop we give you a faster solution for the same, through Multiple upload provision in single job your customer can upload more than one artwork for the same product if required and for each artwork uploaded there will be a separate item added in the shopping cart, the additional options, quantity and other setting for the product will remain the same only the art work will be changed. Thus the shopping for same product with multiple artwork just became simpler.

Designer Studio / Templates Features

Autofill Templates from Profile

All the corporates have one common discomfort about ordering product frequently that they have to type in the common info every time they order a product, so we have now moved one step closer to achieving the needs of personalization for the customers, when a corporate user places an order using a PDF Block Template and you have mapped the Block names with the store profile from admin panel, then the data filled in the corporate store profile will automatically be filled in the template every time he places an order using PDF Block Template, the user just has to verify the details and place the order without any hassles. It reduces possibility of human to a greater extend also improves work efficiency.

Designer Studio for Custom Size Products

Custom size products had only upload option where in the end user had to upload artwork directly in the system but what about the users not having ready art work with them, so now OnPrintShop has come up with a solution for the same now the customers not having ready art work can use the designer studio for designing the art work for their custom size product also.

Note: This feature has a limitation of size, user will be able to work normally till the size of the art work is within the studio limits if the art work goes out of the studio limits the user will get a message accordingly for the Artwork.

Simplified PDFLIB Block Template Creation

Creating a PDF Bock template is a not an easy task and after creation setting up custom properties and rules for the templates is not everybody’s cup of tea, sometimes it’s quite difficult to do it all at the same time. We understand the problem and to make it simple and straight forward we have come up with the feature of Simplified PDFLIB Block Template custom properties and rules creation, with the help of this feature you can simply create PDF Block Templates custom properties and rules, first upload the Block PDF template in the system and then manage the block properties from the system without the requirement of PDF BLOCK plugin.

Through the feature you can manage custom properties and rules for both text as well as image blocks in the templates, you can group the blocks with each other, you can create dependent rules for the blocks along with that you can also mange other properties like Alignment Rules, Text Formatting Rules, Leader (Menu Option) Rules, Bullet Format Rules, Input Options Rules, Validations, Link Blocks Rules and Block Personalization Rules without the help of the any additional tool from the system itself. It reduces the turnaround time for designing the template and also it reduces the error detection and rectification time for the templates.

Rich text editor in advance designer studio

In OnPrintShop we continuously try to achieve perfection in providing you the latest and up-to-date features, we have taken one step further in that direction by adding this feature in the designer studio that provides rich text editing option in add paragraph, through this the user can edit the text just like in any rich text editor like changing the Color, Font, Style, Size, etc. for and individual charterer or a word or whole line this gives the user a better experience while designing their Artwork.

Corporate wise Font management

Corporates are very specific in their branding policies and they also are very peculiar about their proprietary elements like the fonts they use in the branding, we acknowledge that business need and have come up with the feature that will help your corporate clients achieve this requirement by using PDF Block templates, you can now upload and assign front to a specific corporate and these fonts can be used by that specific corporate and its users only and no one else will have an access to the fonts.

Default Image for Templates from Master Image Gallery

One common problem you face every time is that you don’t have a separate category in the image gallery which is accessible to only you as a admin where you can store image which are critical for your business and which your customer should not be able to see when they use the image gallery, we have come up with the feature where you can create an image category which is only visible to you, you can create a new image category and give it exclusive right by just clicking the check box “Admin Only”, and then the images uploaded in this category will not be visible to your customer, it will only be visible to you and you can use the images from the gallery as and when required by you. The categories with admin only rights will be visible to you in a separate tab named “Admin Only” whenever you access image gallery.

Object Outside Design Area Warning

In the designer studio your customer while creating his artwork might miss that some portion of his art work is extending out of the safe margin area and it ultimately results in pain to either you or your customer or both, we have come up with a solution which will solve this issue and make your life easy, this feature will alert the user whenever something in the artwork goes out of the safe margin area by displaying a Warning icon on the object which is going out of the safe margin area so if the user is not aware of the same he can notice it and if required change the object size or position to bring it within the safe margin area.

Provide Artwork Later and Studio Template Proof Cycle Enhancements

In the upload artwork later option previously your customer had only one file upload option which sometimes caused some problems especially for production with multiple side to be designed where in the user had to upload the artwork combined in a single file due to which sometimes he encountered problems, now we have the solution to this problem we have come up with the feature where in the upload artwork later option we will provide the options according to the upload settings of the product i.e. if the setting says Individual button for each side then in upload artwork later we will give individual upload file provision for each side and if it says one common then we will provide one file upload provision for the same.

At the same time for the studio template in cases where there is some modification suggested by your customer on a later stage there was no proofing cycle in place for such cases, now for such cases we have the proofing cycle in place wherein you can change the status of the product according to the proofing cycle in place already in the system for other upload options.

Background lock form admin side in studio

Sometimes you don’t want your end customer to change the background of certain templates you have created for a specific product but at the same time you want that your customer should be able to use all the other features of our designer studio, we give you this flexibility through our background lock feature in studio from where you can lock the background of a specific template for your customers and the customers will be able to use all the other features of the designer studio but he won’t be able to change the background of the template.

Print Production Management

Print Production Workflow Management

The SME often have manual print Production process, due to which tacking the status of orders become difficult for the printers. To make life of such printers easy OnPrintShop has come up with an innovative solution which will help you to track orders at each and every stage according to the workflow defined by you and will make the process smooth. You will be able to see production process as defined in the workflow and can track orders quick and easy from the workflow dashboard.

Create Production Profile and Access Roles You can create profile for the production department and define roles and rights for them, you can also decide the access to required screens and status to be update the progress of each product in production workflow defined by you as and when required.

Real Time Status Updates Now after defining all the required roles, rights and production process you have to just sit and enjoy the show as all the orders and their real time status according to the workflow defined by you will be updated on the dashboard right from order to shipment. You can easily track the status of each and every order in production according to the workflow defined by you.

Flexibility to define production flow as per product profile The production process of all the print product cannot be the same, so the system is designed in such a way that you can define separate production process for each product so that tracking is to the point and exact free from any unwanted status.

Imposition Module Beta

The Print Product and the Printing Paper are two different things and can be of various sizes, to take the final form of a product these two thing have to come together, OnPrintShop has come up with a feature which allows you to define the size of paper you use for your printing machine and take the product to be printed and arrange it in such a way that the wastage ratio is minimized and the manual labor to be invested behind the same is also saved. In the current version we will be providing the basic and simple yet very useful features, in the coming future we may come up with new advanced feature to make your life simple and easy. Currently you can find the following features in the Imposition module:

Sheet Size Management Through this feature you can define in the system all the different sizes of paper you use in the machines which will be helpful to you in schema management feature.

Imposition Schema Management Through this feature you can manage schema for each size of product you print, through this module basically you can create an outline where in the product to be printed can be fit and you get a file ready to be fed to the printing machine. You can choose the paper size then the size of the product to be printed on the paper, also you can define the margins on all sides of each product and the cut marks and Reg. marks etc.

Product Schema Settings From this feature you can assign the schema made by you to each and every product present in the system according to the size, sides and orientation of the product.

Impose a Job Through this feature you have the flexibility of imposing a job not in the system on schema ready in the system. You just have to upload the job to be imposed and select the schema in which the job will fit in and the system will provide you with file ready to be fed to the machine for printing.

Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Product Duplicate Enhancements: Every time you duplicate a product, you always had to upload the Images help templates and mask images and to set the product weight and corporate markup pricing again, now we have a solution to your problem with the enhanced product duplicate feature along with the basic details weight of the product and corporate markup will be also duplicated and the user will have an option to copy the images, help templates and mask images in the product duplicate page.

Large Text Area for Paragraph Block: For a PDF Block template for a paragraph block if the text is large then sometimes it becomes difficult for the user to review the full content at a time, now the user will have a provision where he will have a large text area in the form of a pop-up for the paragraph block where the user can easily see the content and manage it.

Payment & Shipping Method Management: Sometime the corporates want you to manage special shipping methods and payments method for them which in general the customers might now be using to so it is useless for them or vice-versa, with this feature you can manage payment and shipping methods for different purpose and users or for all.

Quantity Wise Production Days: For some products when the quantity is too large the production days for different quantities might be different, to address this issue we have come up with the feature that allows you to set different productions days for different quantities for the same product.

Corporate Specific Product Additional Option Common Markup: When the major portion of costing in your products is dependent on the additional options provided then it becomes complicated to manage the pricing for corporates and reseller networks, to un-complicate this situation we have come up with an option where you can set a common discount for the corporates for base price as well as additional options product wise.

Auto Tax Calculation In Modify Orders: When you have to modify any order on a customer request and when it has an effect on the pricing of the order you have to manually calculate all the taxes that are applicable and the process can be quite cumbersome, to simplify this process we have added a “Calculate Tax” button on the modify order page through which all the applicable taxes will be auto calculated and values will be auto filled on the bases of the product price of the order in just one click.

Email Template Enhancement:

Payment Request Raised Email: When you raise a payment request for your customer they receive a mail saying a payment request is raised for them but so see the amount for which the request was raised has to be seen after login to the system and see the amount for which the request was raised. This was time consuming so to avoid this inconvenience we have added the amount variable in the mail so your customer can directly view the amount in the mail itself and make payment without having to login to the system.

Product Email Enhancement: When your customers receive any order status update mail currently the information available in the email is the order No. and the changed status, now I the customer want to know the order details he will have to login to the system and view the order details which is sometimes long so we have resolved this problem and now when your customer will receive an order status update mail he will also be able to see the basic details of the order in the mails so that it is easy for him to relate it with the order.

Separate Upload Button for Offline as Per Product Settings: When you place any offline order for your customer and the products in the order has more than one sides then you have to combine all the print ready files provided by your customer and upload only one file, which sometimes can cause some difficulties. To solve this problem, we have come up with the feature in which according to the product configuration you will get multiple upload button for the product to attach print ready files.

Order Success/Fail Confirmation Page Modification: Currently in the system when your customer checks out after making payment he only gets the order no. if successful and if payment fails it shows order cancelled, the cart becomes empty and yet the order is placed under unpaid orders which is ambiguous. To remove this ambiguity, we have redesigned the page where we have put order details a proper payment success and failure message, reward points details and a few helpful FAQ’s to help your customer.

Invoice Format Standardization: Currently in the system, the invoice format is not standardized the customer details section, the shipping address section and the billing address section don’t come in the common hierarchy, to address this issues we have fixed the format where the customer information will appear in the first block horizontally, then the shipping address block and finally the boiling information block will be displayed.

Display Branch Details in Invoice: When you have a huge partner network it becomes very difficult to track the which order was facilitated by which branch, through our Display branch details in invoice feature it will become fast and easy to trace down the order to the branch, from admin panel you can add the branch details wherever you want in the invoice format.

Export / Import Shipping Price: Many times you have many shipping methods than it becomes very difficult for you the update or add shipping price individually manually, to address this pain area of yours we have provided you with the option of import / Export option for shipping prices where you can down the format fill in the details and import the data in the system and update the prices in a simplified way.

Optimization of Combine Price: In Combine price option if the additional options are too many, the quantity range is also very high and also the size options are very large then sometime the page may not load properly and take more time, to resolve this solution we have optimized the functionality on the page the user can decide the which option to view on the page from the filter and the grid below will load data as per the search filters applied and if the records are still too many to load on the page we have a download option from where you can download the format, fill in the details and then upload the data form the product price upload page.

Sheet Based Pricing Enhancement: Many times you might face difficulty in pricing the product on the basis of individual quantity because you may incur losses in the same e.g. if you print 20 items in one sheet and if you get an order for 201 items then you may incur a loss in printing the last 1 item, to avoid this we have come up with a solution where you can in input the price of the product per sheet and define item per sheet to be printed then we will make sure that the pricing is done according to the single sheet price entered by you.

Hide Related Products Popup in Cart Request Based: Currently in the system the related product pop-up was visible on shopping cart page, where in some times on the shopping cart it is not required, so we have come up with the feature where you can have a choice whether to display it on the shopping cart page or not. (Note: To activate the feature please get in touch with our Tech-Support team)

Google Trusted Store Integration: Google trusted store is an important tool for listing of your product and you store so we have integrated the trusted store service in store configuration settings from where you can input your store ID and rest will be taken care by the system itself.

Display Phone No. In Customer Popup at Admin Side: When you view orders and want some clarity about the order on an immediate basis via call then you have to go the customer details get his contact no. from there and then call and get the clarity, so shorten this process we have added the phone no, in the customer details pop-up on the order listing page.

Product Setting Page Restructure Based On Category: The product setting page had all the settings on a single due to this sometimes it was difficult for you to find a particular setting and change it, for your convenience we have redesigned the product setting page here we have put the product settings under broad groups so it becomes easy for you to find and update them.

Product Wise Quantity, Size and Other Title Changes: For different products people have different titles for naming them for e.g. quantities for some is quantity, for some it is Nos., For some it is units, for some sets, etc. according to the product it changes, we have come up with the feature wherein you can personalize the labels for the following entities Product Size, Product Quantity, Upload Design Button, Custom Design Button, Upload Design Description and Customer Design Description according to your requirements.

Allow Upload CSV and Excel by Default in Additional Option Upload Type Option: When you set additional option with a provision for uploading a file in it sometimes the file has to be other than the images, in such cases you may sometimes face problems, to resolve this problem we have now allowed the CSV and Excel files in the additional options.

Studio Height Dynamic for Specific Products: Sometimes for some products you want custom height of the design studio, to address this requirement we have come up with the feature where you can choose an option from a range of options matching your requirements.

Allow to Set Default Text and Image Location for Designer Studio Product Wise: Sometimes you want every image and text box to appear at a fixed location initially when added it for a template in designer studio specially for mask image templates, we have come up with a feature where for every product you can define the fixed location and size of the text box and image when added in the template by the end user.

Default Notification Enable Disable Option: Every time while updating the status of the product you have to choose your preference for whom to send notification, now you can set the default preference for whom to send notification so that every time you don’t have to change the preference to send notification. (Note: To activate the feature please get in touch with our Tech-Support team)

Corporate Right Extends: In the current scenario the corporate customer can’t see the archive orders and also they are not able to see the details of inventory facility provided to him by you, in this feature we have provided the corporate admin the option to view the archive orders, also the corporate admin can view the inventory details that you have configured for him, it will be a view only rights he will not be able to change the details.

Printer Can See Their Own Details: This feature helps your printer to view his details like his basic details, his commission and its details order wise and all the details of the jobs assigned to him.

Invoice Download at Order Listing Page at My Account Section: Currently if the customer just wants to download the invoice of an order he has to go to each order open the order details and the download the invoice, now we have mad the process shorter and simpler we have given link in between Reorder and View Details on ever order named Invoice by clicking on which the user can download the invoice for that particular order directly.

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