After major success of V5.0, we are now very excited to further launch OnPrintShop Version 5.1 which includes new features and enhancements to meet the changing requirements of our clients. Major highlight enhanced HTML designer studio, alternative pricing set up option, same product & template applied to multiple category, multiple product template personalization and lot more. This version also includes major code changes to achieve Performance, Database Engine & Optimization.
List of Upgrades
Designer studio
HTML Designer studio: HTML Studio is completely redesigned with enhanced user experience, neat & clean layout and optimized performance. New features like centralized left panel and Conditional Hide, Non-Customizable text blocks are added in HTML Studio.
Advance CMYK & RGB: Added advance color pallet in designer studio where end-user can enter own specific CMYK or RGB or Hex code directly in designer studio and print ready file will generate as per product configuration either RGB or CMYK.
Additional Option based Designer Studio:
Now designer studio will load design template as per clients choice in calculator – Front or Front & back, which means if end clients choses one side business card, designer studio will only load front side and then if configured also allow to add back side, and price will be calculated accordingly.
Specially designed for Brochure designs – Now you can upload multiple designer preview images for different product styles like Tri fold, Z-fold etc. for display in studio and it can be configured based on particular product additional option.
Front Store
Combo product Discount offers: It is now possible to cross-market different products available on your store using our combo discount feature. For example, if customer buys Business card, letterhead and envelope together then they can get 10% discount on product combination.
Promotional messages Display: This is a new feature to help you with promoting specific announcements, messages or offers which can be displayed on specific or all of your storefront pages with different styles like popup, toggle or static header etc.
Assign single product/template to multiple categories: You can now assign multiple categories for one product or design template while adding or editing them.
End client can design multiple product templates from Master template (Advanced Studio): Storefront users can now create master design and then create matching templates for different sized products from ‘Shopping cart’ page or ‘Portfolio’. Eg. Client has designed business card and now he wants to design letter head, envelop or any other related product, he does not need to upload image or text again.
Admin Features
Setup pricing with additional option group price : Along with our standard pricing option, you now have option to add pricing without base pricing, but with grouping specific additional option. E.g. you can setup final pricing for combined price for paper additional option and printing color option together.
Notification feature for admin, corporate admin & business partners: This feature, will notify any new activity in your store control panel based on orders, customers, quotes, payment requests & unpaid orders depending on user type (Super admin, corporate admin, printer or sales agent).
Third Party Integration (Add on Modules)
Quick Book Integration: QuickBooks is Intuit Inc.’s set of software solutions designed to manage payroll, inventory, sales and other needs of small business. You can synchronize your customers and invoices in our solution with your QuickBooks to manage the accounting process easily.
Xero Integration: Xero is also a software company that provides software solutions to manage payroll, inventory, sales, reports and other needs of small business. You can synchronize your customers and invoices in our solution with your Xero to manage the accounting process easily.
Minor Feature enhancements
OnPrintShop v5.1 includes major code changes to achieve Performance, Database Engine & Optimization. We have added almost 30 plus minor features including fixing of bugs found in OnPrintShop v5.0 release to achieve existing customer’s ongoing needs.
At OnPrintShop, we are continuously evolving our solution capabilities to help you deliver the best services to your customers and grow your online business. We are releasing OnPrintShop Version 5.1 which includes new features and enhancements to meet the changing requirements of our clients.
Redesigned HTML Studio
Our text-based HTML Studio is completely redesigned with enhanced user experience and optimized performance loading images in image gallery. We have also taken appropriate care to ensure that the responsive nature of redesigned HTML Studio stays intact.
Product additional option group price
For ease in calculating prices of different additional options for single product, you can now setup price for groups containing two or more additional options of the type ‘Drop Down’ or ‘Radio Button’ only as per configuration. You will be required to select a default additional options whose properties will be used whenever option group price becomes applicable. Also, one additional option can only be used once in additional option group. During the customer order process, system will first check for group price if available for product additional options. If group price is not available, individual product additional option price will be considered automatically.
For product additional options that are hidden based on additional option rules for particular product, price calculation on storefront may not work as expected. Please note that deletion of any additional option may also result in deletion of related additional option group and their pricing.
Product additional option group price can also be uploaded separately for all products using ‘Import Product’ and ‘Import Modified Price’ options.
Product additional options based enhancements in design studio
You can now specify the product pages which can be treated as optional by customers and you can also allow customer to decide whether or not they want to include / not include those pages in their studio design. Moreover, there is an option available for you to upload designer preview images for different product sizes and page based on additional options configured for particular product.
A new link ‘Manage Designer Rules’ is available on product additional options page. On clicking ‘Manage Designer Rules’ link, a page with two tabs will open. With the first tab ‘Hide Product Pages’, you can setup rules to be applied for product pages, additional options and its attributes. With the second tab ‘Designer Preview Images’, you can upload preview images for each size of the given product based on additional options configured. This is expected to be useful for products like brochures wherein you may have a variety of fold types even for same product size and you want to display such fold types in designer studio with proper visualization by uploading a mask image for each fold type.
Set discount on product combinations (Combo Discount)
It is now possible to cross-market different products available on your store using our combo discount feature which can be applied on specific product combinations created by you. Once you have setup a combo discount for a group of products, you can even specify the percentage discount you want to offer based on individual products using the Action menu available for that particular ‘discount’ created.
A new radio button ‘Combo Discount’ has been added in admin panel which appears while you try to add discount from ‘Coupons / Discount’ section in Orders module. You need to have set ‘Enable Discount Management Module’ to ‘Yes’ in Store Configuration ‘Settings’ to be able to setup a ‘discount’ or ‘combo discount’. There is also a separate setting ‘Enable Coupon Management Module’ added in store configuration ‘Settings’ to enable setting up of discount coupons which can also be configured to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ based upon requirement.
‘Combo Products’ feature can be made available for both print products and pre-defined products, as well retail website customers only. In product page layout section of Store Personalization module, a separate block is available to display combo product discount offers. If related to products in customer’s shopping cart, combo products discount offer will also appear to customers on order checkout page as a pop-up.
Notification feature for admin, corporate admin & business partners
New notification feature available helps you to become aware of specific activities happening on the store which are generally important in nature. With this feature, you shall get notifications within the solution control panel based on orders, customers, quotes and payment requests. There will also be specific notifications based on admin user types like corporate admin, printer admin and sales agent. Below are the types of notifications that shall be floated in admin panel based on user types:
Admin: new order, update order, new quote, update quote, new customer, payment request
Corporate admin: new order, order approval, update order
Printer & Sales agent admin: order assign, update order
‘Create another version’ of templates with different product
Apart from admin, even the storefront users can create versions of any template created using online designer studio from ‘Shopping cart’ page or ‘Portfolio’ link available under ‘My account’. This can considerably reduce the rework of customers who order similar studio designs multiple times.
Using this functionality, storefront users can create another version of designer studio template for same product with same size or same product with different size using resize option. ‘Create another version’ function would also work for different products of same size or different products of different size using resize option. Options to create template version for various product or size combinations would only show based on the concerned product and its size configuration in admin panel.
For PDF Block Templates, users will only be able to create template version for same size products or different product with same size.
Promotional messages management
This is a new feature to help you with promoting specific announcements, messages or offers which can be displayed on specific or all of your storefront pages as per the configurations available in admin panel. The ‘Promotional Content/Messages’ is available as a separate section in Store Personalization module of admin panel. Apart from this, you can also apply different styles / patterns like:
Whether the message you create should appear as pop-up with a specific height and width
Whether the message should appear as a slider on fixed side of the webpage
Whether the message should toggle from left or right side of the webpage
Whether it should just appear as a clear message on top-header of the webpage
For all promotional message styles / patterns, there is an option to configure time period you would require such messages to display on your storefront as well as the user-type it should be available to (retail customers, corporate customers or both).
Assign single product/template to multiple categories
You can now assign multiple categories for each product on while adding or editing them, though one of those categories need to be set as default.
Similarly, each product template can also be assigned to multiple template categories while you are adding or editing them. On the storefront, customers shall be able to find such a template in all of the individual template categories to which you have assigned particular template. This will also apply to pages in designer studio wherever template category is being displayed on your storefront.
Conditional Hide & Non-Customizable text blocks, Centralized left panel in HTML Studio
New options are added within PDF Block Template functionality like specifying the relation to hide dependent block if the reference block is empty, making the text and text-area blocks in a way that storefront customers cannot edit its text, over-write the ‘Lock Text Property’ based on individual blocks as well as centralizing the left panel for all the block template pages. Please refer to the ‘PDF Block Template Help’ link at the top right side of PDF Block Templates section to learn about how they work.
Quickbooks & Xero Integration
Quickbooks is Intuit Inc’s set of software solutions designed to manage payroll, inventory, sales and other needs of small business. Similarly, Xero is also a software company that provides software solutions to manage payroll, inventory, sales, reports and other needs of small business. Such MIS solutions are used to monitor expenses, create invoices and reports, track change orders and job status, manage customers and invoice.
At a time, only one of the above integration can work in OnPrintShop. You can synchronize your customers and invoices in our solution with your Quickbooks / Xero account to manage the accounting process easily. The required configuration settings need to be done from admin panel to make any of these integrations work. Based on Quickbooks and Xero integration with OnPrintShop, below details can be binded with the system:
Customer: personal details, billing address, contact Details, balance statement, reports, etc.
Invoice: transaction details, billing address, shipping address, tax, shipping methods, product details, etc.
Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Restrict customer to enter less than minimum and greater than maximum height and/or width for custom size products: within product settings (for custom size products), you will have the ability to set minimum and maximum height as well as minimum and maximum width for that particular product.
Tax/VAT inclusive product price: Based on tax requirements in specific countries, we allow a separate store configuration setting to include tax/VAT charges within product price itself. If using this setting, you won’t be required to add tax separately, system will consider TAX price already added in cart subtotal, also we have added settings to display / hide TAX price from cart page.
Set discount on shipping price: You can now offer direct discounts on shipping price instead of creating discount coupons from the same section where you currently configure regular discounts. Shipping discount can also be applied conditionally based on product price, product quantity as well as cart subtotal, also we have added product filter on coupon / discount listing page.
‘Import address’ option for ‘Website Customers’ & ‘Corporates’: Option for importing address via Excel or CSV are available, for all types of website customers. This option is also available on ‘Manage Address’ page of corporate wherein you can already enter multiple addresses for each corporate.
Display of shipping types in price calculator by default: To avoid pressing the ‘Calculate’ button again and again while calculating price in price calculator, we will use browser cookies to store data the first time you click ‘Calculate’ button. As long as the browser cookie is saved in user’s computer, it won’t be required to click ‘Calculate’ link again in the price calculator since the shipping prices will load automatically in the shipping methods dropdown.
Change print ready file in specific name format: Sometimes, it might get difficult to filter order files if the files are not named correctly. If you want to follow a specific naming format for the print ready files on your storefront, please contact your appropriate technical OnPrintShop consultant stating your request in detail. We shall be able to set print ready file name based on these variables – order id, product name, page name, size title, product SKU number and design name.
Option for split print ready files: Instead of downloading the entire order PDF as it is, you might sometimes want to split the print ready files for more convenience. This is now possible by changing the new store configuration setting ‘Enable split print ready files product page wise?’ as per your needs. Please note that this option will only work for studio templates and not for predefined products as well as for Bulk PDF generation.
New display type for homepage middle area: You can display product, product category, product category group – all in one on homepage using the new (fifth) option ’All’ available in store configuration setting ‘Display type of middle area on Homepage – Front’.
Separate column for multiple taxes all reports: This applies only if you have requested us to enable multiple taxes on your storefront. We will show separate columns for each tax like Tax 1, Tax 2, etc.
Image pop-up option for product gallery images: You can display product gallery images as pop-up using the new (third) option ‘Yes with Pop-up’ available in store configuration setting ‘Display thumbnail at product details page?’
‘Created By’ field in ‘Order Details’ report: To help you identify who created the orders while viewing different orders on reports, there is a separate column ‘Created By’ available upon exporting the report in Excel or CSV format.
Assign multiple products to Corporate at once: On the ‘Assign Products’ page of Corporates under the ‘Products Assigned To Specific’ tab, you can assign multiple products at once using the switch button available on ‘Assign’ header column.
Shipping address ‘search’ option for storefront customers: Login customers on storefront can easily identify addresses on shipping address and shopping cart pages using the new search box if they have stored multiple shipping addresses in their profile.
Long description field for product category pages: We only allowed short description for product category pages earlier in contrast to normal product pages wherein both short description and long description are allowed. Now, the new long description content which you set will be visible on product category page, while the short description will be applicable for product category listing pages on storefront.
Delete multiple designer studio images at once: You can now delete multiple images at once while deleting studio images from ‘Images’ section in admin panel. Earlier, we only allowed to delete images one-by-one.
Option to hide customer details for printer admin: A new (third) option is added in the store configuration setting for ‘Hide customer’s detail for printer/vendor admin panel’ called ‘Personal/Billing/Shipping (All)’ which will hide all customer details on the View/update order page of printer’s admin panel.
Change in default status for email notifications: Email notifications which were by default ‘active’ in Corporate ‘Add’ or ‘Edit’ page as well as ‘Update Order’ or ‘Update Order Product’ pages are now changed to ‘Inactive’ by default. When you want to notify customers regarding any updates on their orders or so, remember to tick the ‘Notify’ box available on the concerned page.
Allow zero (0) price in ‘Import Price’ and upload of additional option price: Earlier, zero price was not allowed while importing product prices or while uploading additional option prices. Zero price is now considered valid even while importing prices or while uploading additional option prices.
Automatic redirection of product URLs ending without ‘/’ to their correct link: Sometimes users miss to enter the ‘/’ sign at the end of product URL on storefront which leads to an error page. This shouldn’t happen again as it will now automatically redirect to correct product link, like and will open the same product page.
Cloud Upload option for Quote orders: Cloud upload option which was earlier available only for normal products is also available for quote orders now. Please note that this is based upon the cloud upload configuration you have set in ‘External Service Settings’.
Separate option to upload mask image for print-ready PDF: While uploading mask image for any particular print-product from admin panel, we have added a separate option to upload mask image for print-ready or preview PDF created by the system. Though this would be optional, it can become helpful if want some extra text or graphics to be displayed on the print-ready file itself as a mask image.
SEO Page title, Keyword setting for FAQ pages: You can set page title/keyword even for FAQ pages of your storefront by selecting the ‘Add New page’ option available in dropdown (of Page Title/Keyword section).
Option to restrict extensions allowed for upload button for additional option: You can now restrict file extensions allowed for upload button available in product additional options. To set this, please contact your appropriate OnPrintShop technical consultant stating your request in detail.
Enhancements in Coupons/Discount section: New option to filter coupons/discount by product name. You can set coupon/discount validity on the basis of specific date and time, apart from just date. Coupon/Discount applicable to multiple products will show all product details as a pop-up on the Coupons/Discount listing page.
Avoid template listing page when only one template in selected product: For products in which there is only one template, customer’s won’t have to navigate through ‘Browse Design’ page and that particular single template will open directly in studio as applicable.
Size option in ‘Browse Design’ page based on price calculator selection: We can display the size in ‘Browse Design’ page of your storefront based on the size selected by customer in the product’s price calculator. To get this for your storefront, please contact your appropriate technical OnPrintShop consultant stating your request in detail.
Enhancements related to Product SKU: Product SKU can also be included in ‘Import Product’ sheet while uploading products. Moreover, you can use product SKU number as a search keyword while searching products on the listing page in admin panel.
Auto close image uploader in online designer: We can offer to close the image uploader pop-up which appears in online designer studio while uploading images automatically after upload gets completed. By default, this option won’t be enabled on your storefront. To get the image uploader in online designer auto close on your storefront, please contact your appropriate technical OnPrintShop consultant stating your request in detail.
Restrict size dropdown in online designer: We can restrict the size dropdown option in designer studio to display only size selected by customer on price calculator to avoid customer confusion. To get this for your storefront, please contact your appropriate technical OnPrintShop consultant stating your request in detail.
Popup for Facebook login users if no email address found: If our system cannot access particular user’s email address when they login using Facebook credentials (in case customer is logging in with their phone number as Facebook username), then such customers will to prompted to enter email address on a pop-up screen before they can access the storefront as login customer.
Proof approval process for Upload Center flow: We can now setup proof approval process for customers placing orders on your storefront using ‘Upload Center’.
Set Reply To customer email for contact us and quote estimation email admin email template: For contact us and quote estimation emails that you receive as admin user from customers, you can directly reply to customer as the ‘Reply To’ email address would now be automatically set to appropriate customer’s email address.
Fix for bugs in OnPrintShop 5.0: We have tracked and fixed several major, minor and trivial bugs across the admin panel, storefront and online Designer Studio of previous released version.