At OnPrintShop, we are continuously evolving our solution capabilities to help you deliver the best services to your customers and grow your online business. We are releasing OnPrintShop Version 4.4 which includes new features and enhancements to meet the changing requirements of our clients.
List of Upgrades
1. Vendor Price Management: When Super admin is not a printer himself, he may tie-up with a professional printer and manage transactions with our Vendor Module, which is enhanced with price section. Now Super admin can to assign price and add mark-up on it; the sum will become the retail product price displayed to the end customer.
2. Order’s Partial Payment Option: We have added new capabilities to easily take payment online for unpaid orders, offline orders and modify orders. Admin can raise payment request to specific customers, and the customers can make payment from their My Account.
3. Store Order Files on Cloud to Manage Disk Space: Site administrator can move all print ready files from his store’s server to cloud storage. When customer reorders, admin can retrieve from cloud storage. This feature helps to free space on server account.
4. Capture Customers’ Inquiry source: We have made an advancement in helping you identify your customers’ referrer information. Whenever new inquiry is generated, admin receives information such as browser used, redirected from which URL, IP address, etc.
5. Enhanced Block Template Personalization tool (HTML) :
Block Templates enhancement: 2 new options added – PDF and GRAPHICS (SVG Support) to select and create the block template.
TEXT Pattern Customization in Designer Studio (HTML): We provide custom properties in PDFLIB Block template for different text pattern customization, Bullets, Require validation, and drop down, etc. in HTML Designer Studio for text and text area elements.
Mask Images & Curve Text with Block Template: Easily create curve text and image masking also in PDF block template using SVG path. We created Video tutorial and Help for how to export SVG path from Illustrator or Corel, and apply in Block Templates.
6. Shipment Tracking Enhancements: API upgrade of third party shipping methods, auto generation of label and track details of order for UPS, FedEx and USPS in My account
7. Excel based Product and Pricing set up: New simplified interface for setting up and update products and pricing information from predefined Excel format. Admin can verify the uploaded information from review summary.
8. Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes: Sort order for product template, Meta tag settings enhancement,Extra field for guest address form, Separate Job Ticket inside folder while multiple download orders & hot folder, Display File name in Job Ticket, semi-transparent mask images with .PNG format, Multiple Label Download, minor enhancement & bug fixes.
1. Vendor Price Management:
Super admin has control to manage vendor price for retail price, corporate price, product option price, modify order and offline order section.
Admin mark-up is the commission in percentage that admin charges
Retail price will be calculated automatically based on vendor price and markup
In case if Vendor price and Admin mark-up is not set then vendor price = 0.00 and admin mark-up = 100%
Price calculation formula is applied on additional option price and bulk price
Vendor commission report can be generated to view the history
2. Order’s Partial Payment Option:
We have added new capabilities to easily take payment online for unpaid orders, offline orders and modify orders. Admin can raise payment request to specific customers, and the customers can make payment from their My Account. This option available only as online payment.
New generated request will be shown in ‘Raised Request’. If payment is done by customer successfully then it will show in the ‘Completed Request’. Requests which are cancelled either by Admin or by customer will show in ‘Cancelled Request’.
Customer can make payment of raise Request from Order Details Page. Payment Request Details will be available for those orders whose request is raised by the admin. Customer can see the details of payment request.
When customer clicks on ‘Pay Now’ button, he is redirect to payment method selection page.
In case of unpaid order, there is no need to raise a payment request by the admin as system will show a link for all unpaid orders on Order Details Page automatically.
3. Store Order Files on Cloud to Manage Disk Space:
Site administrator can move all print ready files from his store to cloud storage from admin >> Store Configuration >> Manage Web Storage (Old menu name was Delete Cache/Temp Data)
“Move files to cloud storage” button will only appear if a cloud storage service is enabled and “Delete for:” option is selected as “Order”. Entire process will work in background, as uploading the files to cloud storage takes time to complete. Once the process will finish, print ready files for orders will be able to download using direct link. Files successfully uploaded to cloud storage can be viewed from audit log.
4. Capture Customers’ Buying Patterns:
Admin can now capture & track details of the visiting customer in email. Information will be embedded with all emails which are sent from the system before the customer is logged in. If admin wants to receive visiting customer’s information then admin can set the variable in the email template. It is available for contact us, tell a friend, new quote and signup registration.
5. Enhanced Block Template Personalization tool (HTML):
a.More Options with Block Templates: PDF block files now have two more options PDF and GRAPHICS (SVG). User can also upload PDF if created Block type is PDF. In case user uploads SVG, Block type is Graphics (SVG).
b.TEXT Pattern Customization in Designer Studio (HTML): We provide custom properties in PDFLIB Block template for different text pattern customization, Bullets, Require validation, drop down, etc. in HTML studio for text and text area elements. We provide help to how to setup the custom properties in Admin >> Templates >> PDF Block Templates >> Help (Top Right Corner).
Horizontal and Vertical Block Mapping to Remove Spacing Between Blocks: If a Block has blank content, then the second Block besides the first block will automatically move to the place of the first block.
Text Pattern and Validation: Admin can inbuilt pattern list for some of text element so whenever admin creates any Block PDF, it contains:
Label , Phone No. formats
Menu (leader)
Text Transformations
Input Options: We have enhanced it to give Selection Drop down and Radio Buttons so that user can choose only from those options.
c. Mask images and curve text with block template: Added new capability to create curve text and image masking also in PDF block template using SVG path. We have created Video and Help for how to export SVG path from Illustrator or Corel and apply in Block Templates.
6. Shipment Tracking Enhancements:
We have added new configuration settings for orders in shipment from UPS, FedEx and USPS.
Label Generation: Third party shipping company provide the shipping label generation service and we have integrated with OnPrintShop solution. Admin can download third party label from order listing page. Admin can regenerate label from modify order section as well if any information change for specific order.
Tracking Number: In admin, configuration setting for tracking customer order details for specific shipping method is provided. If tracking is enabled, then end user can track their order from his My Account’s order detail page. Admin can also track order from order detail page from admin panel.
For formula based shipping method (Weight and Quantity), we have provided option for add tracking URL and tracking number. If tracking URL is set from admin and tracking number is set for a specific order, then tracking number will automatically update and link will set. On clicking that link, customer will be redirect to the URL which is set by the admin and can see the shipping details for that particular order.
7. One-Click Import Information for Product and Pricing:
a.Product Import Feature: We have introduced new interface (Admin >> Products >> Products >> Import Products (Top Links) to import product information from Excel. Admin can download sample Product Excel sheet and fill up all product information as per excel guideline, Save and upload Excel file. If all the details are found correct then only details will be imported from the Excel file. To finish import process, first you have to map database fields with the Excel fields.
Once all fields are mapped with Excel and database, it will show summary of data. All entered data should be correct and should be proper then only it will allow to upload. The uploaded products will display on the product listing page.
Note: Imported data cannot be revert back.
b.Product Pricing Import Feature: Admin can even change or modify retail, corporate and option price also for more than one product at a time. For that, new option is added in admin >> Products >> Manage Product Price >> Import Modified Price. Admin can download product price as per your selected products for which price needs to be changed. Admin will get the excel file which will be a sample file with the details of the product you selected. We have also provided Help for filling details in the Excel sheet.
Modify the details into downloaded Excel file which you want to change and upload it.
After selecting price type for which you want to modify price and clicking on “Upload Modify Product Price” button it will show all data summary. It will update all valid details that you changed in the Excel file for corresponding products as per rules shown in Upload Product Price section.
8. Other Enhancements:
a. Sort order for product template: Provide sort order option of product templates in product master templates. Admin can change sort order for all templates and save it in a single click instead of changing individually.
b. Meta tag settings enhancement: You can create and set Meta tag based on storefront pages. You can also create individual Meta tag for a specific selected page from the list. If All Pages option is selected, then Meta tag will display in all the pages.
c. Extra field for guest address form: Guest customers will also get the extra field in guest customer address details page.
d. Display File name In Job Ticket: Admin will also be able to see the name of the print ready file uploaded by the customer in job ticket. Admin can set the variable of print ready file anywhere in the email template of Job Ticket Format where he wants to print the name of the print ready file in job ticket.
If in an order any product has more than one print ready files, then multiple print ready file names will also display in job ticket separated by a semi-colon.
e. Semi-transparent mask images with .PNG format: Converted all mask images to semi-transparent images with .PNG format which are provided to the customers at the time of store setup. So now text element will not hide behind the mask image in Designer Studio. We are allowing store admin to upload semi-transparent mask images with .PNG format for the product that admin wants.
f. Separate Job Ticket inside folder while multiple download orders & hot folder: If admin downloads multiple orders using checkbox in order listing page, separate job ticket is provided for each order inside the order folder in zip file. Now during the transfer of files, admin can separate job ticket for each order using hot folder option.
g. Multiple Label Download: Admin can download labels for multiple orders using checkbox in order listing page. New option is added – “Download Label”.
h. Hide country in price calculator: Country’s drop down will not show in price calculator if only one country is active.
i. Bug Fixes OnPrintShop 4.3: We have tracked and fixed several major, minor and trivial bugs across the admin panel, storefront and online Designer Studio of previous released version.