
There is no doubt that WordPress is better than other platforms like Blogger for blogging. However, you might come across several popular WordPress errors that might cause you to panic and let your site down. The good news is if you are aware of these errors you can take measures and save your blog or site from catastrophic results.

Syntax Error in WordPress

This type of error usually occurs when you add code snippets into WordPress and have accidentally missed something or the code has incorrect syntax. This will result into a PHP parse error which looks like:

Parse error - syntax error, unexpected $end in /public_html/site1/wp-content/themes/my-theme/functions.php on line 300

The error message indicates the unexpected thing found in the code and the location of the script where the error occurred with line number. To fix this error, you need to correct the syntax. Most of the time it is a missing bracket or some unexpected character in the code.

Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress

This error message indicates that your website is unable to connect to the database. However, solving this error is not very straightforward for beginners. Usually, this occurs when you have entered or modified your database credentials (database host, database username, and database password) incorrectly. Sometimes your database server could be unresponsive, or your database may have got corrupted. However, most of the time this happens because of incorrect database login credentials.

WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error

The symptoms of this error are that when a user visits a post on your site they get a 404 page – not found error. The user can browse all other sections of your site including the admin area. The most common cause of this issue is permalink settings in WordPress. To solve this issue, you need to reconfigure the permalinks settings or manually update the rewrite rules. Besides that, make sure you learn to custom your WordPress 404 page to your advantage.

Internal Server Error in WordPress

Another common error that WordPress users may come across is “Internal Server Error”, or sometimes “500 Internal Server Error”. This error usually happens when there is something wrong, but the server is unable to identify where the problem is. Since the error message does not indicate where you should look for the error, it pretty much up to you to figure this out.

WordPress Exceed Memory Limit

Indications of this error could be a white screen with no error message, or an error message like this one:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33445132 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2348617 bytes) in /home/username/public_html/site1/wp-includes/plugin.php on line xxx

This error occurs when a WordPress script or a plugin exceeds the default allocated memory size limit. Make sure you increase your PHP memory limit to avoid such errors.

Image Upload Issue in WordPress

Sometimes a user would suddenly notice that all the images from their site are gone and are showing broken image placeholders. When the user tries to upload an image to a post using the media uploader, it results into an error. All these files in the media library will appear as broken. This error occurs due to incorrect file and directory permissions in a WordPress installation. Also, learn to increase the default file upload size limit for larger images.

WordPress Login Page Refreshing and Redirecting Issue

In this case, when a user attempts to login to the WordPress dashboard, they are redirected by WordPress back to the login page. Most of the time it happens due to incorrect values for site URL and home URL fields in WordPress options table.

Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance Error

Sometimes due to an unfinished or interrupted WordPress update, you might see Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance error in WordPress. What happens there is that WordPress puts your site in maintenance mode during an update. If for some reason the update is interrupted, WordPress does not get the chance to put your site out of the maintenance mode. This error would lock down your entire site and make it unavailable for admins as well as visitors.

Locked Out of WordPress Admin (wp-admin)

Sometimes you forget your password and don’t have to access to password recovery email getting yourself locked out of the WordPress admin area. This could happen if you forgot your password and don’t have to access to password recovery email. This could also happen due to a plugin or code that incorrectly tries to make some changes into Admin section. You can also get locked out if your WordPress site gets hacked and the hacker changes all your usernames and passwords.

Sidebar Below Content Error in WordPress

Sometimes, the sidebar appears below the content when it is supposed to appear next to the content. These issues are mostly related to WordPress themes. Sometimes when website owners add code snippets to their site, they may accidentally forget to close an HTML div tag or add an extra closing div which may result into breaking the theme layout. Another common cause is using disproportionate width in CSS or not clearing float properly.

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