
Recruiters are wasting £15.47 billion per year by placing the wrong people in the wrong job, according to new research. In a recent survey of 1,569 people, 58% stated that they were working in environments incompatible with their personality, meaning they were effectively in the wrong job.

The study by psychometric test experts, PeopleMaps.com found that recruiters spend over £26.5 billion every year trying to place the right person in the right job. But, with 58.38% of workers unhappy in their position, less than half of that spend is justified – a figure that suggests that the entire recruitment process needs to be restructured to avoid a nation of unhappy workers and unproductive workplaces.

“If the objective of recruiters is to place the right people in the right job, then we have wasted £15.47 billion in the UK alone. If people are to perform at their highest level, they need to be in a work environment that is compatible with their core personality,” explains Martin Gibbons, Founder of PeopleMaps. “When the environment is incompatible, you have to invest a lot of energy just to cope. Some may even find it stressful and many studies have shown how unproductive we are when stressed.”

So what is an incompatible work environment? Gibbons explains this in terms of personality psychology. “For example, an open office is the completely wrong environment for some people. For other people it maybe their work environment lacks any autonomy. What determines if a work environment is incompatible is the individual's personality profile. Some personality types thrive in an open office. Others would not thank you for more autonomy but would prefer more detailed management.”

While businesses may suffer less than expected profits as a result of an unmotivated workforce, it is actually employees that are left counting the cost of incompatibility; realistically just 42% are in a position to thrive in the career stakes.

“Companies and individuals should be looking for a Win:Win, as no one benefits from candidates being placed in an incompatible work environment,” explains Gibbons. “Placing the right people in the right job is vital to both the company and the individual. By adding personality profiling into their pre employment testing, companies will benefit from lower staff turnover and increased productivity. Individuals will become exceptional at their job and be rewarded for their efforts.”

Founded in 2001, PeopleMaps.com provides online personality profiling systems for recruitment and staff development. It believes the recruitment industry can reduce the £15.47 billion annual wasted spend by looking to other factors beyond the traditional skills, qualifications and past experience usually used as a yardstick for matching candidate with vacancy. Gibbons cautions, “Hiring staff is not like buying photocopiers. There is clearly a training need. Line managers ultimately make the hiring decisions but very few of them have had sufficient training. If staff feel they are in the wrong job, then it’s safe to say that they are in the wrong job. This indicates that something has failed during the selection process. It’s also a safe assumption that companies who make better hiring decisions give themselves a competitive edge in the market. We can also say that a company with a lower staff turnover, will save a lot of money because they won’t be continually recruiting, training or working below desired productivity levels.”

PeopleMaps offers a series of purposefully designed personality tests for line managers, recruiters and coaches. Recruiters can also access personality reports tailored specifically to job roles including sales manager, customer service and management to find out who candidates really are in minutes.

PeopleMaps’ psychometric test results can also play an important role after the fact by helping line managers to get the best from their staff according to each individual’s personality type. The reports provide guidance on subjects such as how to delegate efficiently, which communication method to adopt and how to reprimand.

To find out more about psychometric tests, visit http://www.PeopleMaps.com


Martin Gibbons is the CEO and co-founder of PeopleMaps.com which provides online personality profiling systems for recruitment and staff development. PeopleMaps also provides video training on The Psychology of Selection.

PeopleMaps was founded in 2001 and has 1.4 million users to date.


Martin Gibbons

Web: www.peoplemaps.com

E-mail: martin@peoplemaps.com

Tel: +44 7973 372 833

Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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