
By Elizabeth Jones
Director, Academic Advising at American Public University

ClearPath is a student interface with interactive learning resources and communication tools designed to enrich student learning, connections, and aid in the achievement of academic and career goals. Over the past 18 months, various teams at the university have worked with the creator of the product, Fidelis Education, Inc., to build out tools and resources that will help our students and alumni accomplish their academic goals. We are pleased to share that all AMU and APU students and alumni now have access to join and connect through ClearPath!

As of September 1st, alumni, undergraduate, and graduate students are able to use the platform to connect with others, participate in university engagement programs and articulate and share their personal and academic objectives with their peers and the university. By creating a unique profile that displays interests, experience, and achievements, ClearPath enables students to seamlessly promote academic goals, track milestones, and make meaningful career connections, resulting in a confident and clear path through the remainder of their program.

In addition, ClearPath offers a range of self-led learning apps specifically designed for AMU and APU students.  These resources are filled with helpful information, tips, and tools to allow you to learn more about the university, remain engaged in an online environment, and guide you to academic success and graduation.  Through ClearPath, students can view learning apps on a myriad of subjects ranging from funding, to time management, to registering for courses.

ClearPath also allows students to work with a coach in a one-to-one relationship. Coaches are able to respond to messages in the system quickly and can provide information geared towards student needs.  They can answer questions and provide a support system to ensure success as an AMU or APU student.

Another exciting feature coming this fall is the ClearPath Mentoring Program. This program seeks to unite and connect the university community in relationships that support educational achievement, professional development, and networking experiences. The program serves as a catalyst for driving student persistence and success, building a community of support focused on goal development and achievement. Look out for more information on the mentoring program, and how you can get involved!

Ready to get connected? Accessing ClearPath is easy. Follow the steps below to get started:

Log into your ecampus and select the gray ClearPath tab located at the top of the page.

Complete your ClearPath profile and update your settings and privacy preferences.

Access the ClearPath Directory and customize your community experience by setting up your notifications and community visibility.

If you are interested in learning more about ClearPath, please do not hesitate to contact AdvisingClearPath@apus.edu for more information.

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