Welcome to the One World of Nations site. We hope you enjoy your visit - finding informative, useful information and joining the debate in the comments section. The following will explain the layout, functionality and how to navigate the site. Click on any image to see larger and view in manual slide show.
Note: For mobile versions you will have a dressed down linear layout same as before the changes. For iPads and tablets, if your device renders full site version, it works well with only minor glitches (wifi) as long as you are patient and wait for the whole page to load before trying to navigate. If you are on mobile network with any device or have slow internet speeds, we suggest using the mobile site address. Just add ?m=1 to the end of the site address or any page link. ie: oneworldofnations.com?m=1
This is the first page you will see when you arrive at OWoN. It is most commonly known as the "HOME" page or landing page. This contains our site title and brief site description. Right below this is the "MENU" bar seen in the image below.
The "MENU" bar contains tabs for navigating the site to desired locations. You will find the "MENU" bar on every page of the site to assist you with navigation. The tabs are self explanatory so we will not go into it in detail. Most of the tabs it contains will be explained later in this tutorial. Remember the "MENU" bar is on every page so just click on "HOME" to start over on the "HOME" page from wherever you are if you need or want to.
The next section is the introduction to the site which contains an explanation of why we are here and the challenge we face. Image below.
We live in a very challenging time. It is our hope that being informed and aware to what is going on around us can bring an understanding and want to change the world for the benefit of all. All inclusive.
The following section is the "FEATURED" section. It is a dynamic montage of article images and titles. See image below.
The "FEATURED" section will display the top 10 most frequented articles in the last 7 days. This means they have received the most page reads and it will usually mean they are the most active for comments. Simply place your cursor on any one of the images or titles below the image and click. You will be taken directly to that article. Images will move from left to right and revert when the 10th is reached. The featured articles mean that they are the most visited articles and are likely to contain the most active comment sections.
The next section is "POSTS". Some may find it confusing, but once you understand how it functions it is very useful for navigating the site quickly and effortlessly, as well as having a visual image montage of what is new and can be used for older posts, however it will be much slower that the "BLOG ARCHIVE" which will be covered later. See image below.
It is laid out as follows. In the top left corner (1st spot) of the image montage will be the most recent article posted or, more commonly, the most recent "EXCLUSIVE" article posted. It can stay there as long as we require regardless of when originally posted. Following to the right (2nd spot) will be the next more recent article posted chronically. Sometimes, however, there maybe a post that we wish to expose more than others. These could be, but not limited to, what we call features or guest posts. Those can also take 2nd spot for days regardless of when originally posted. Exclusive, Featured and Guest posts tend to be the most active for comments.
Other then the stipulations quoted above all images in the "POST" section will be in chronological order starting with the the most recent in the top left corner moving right and then down to the left moving right once again on the next row, going older and older as you go. But don't let that fool you, because the first montage page you see is only today's and yesterdays posts and will change accordingly as a new days articles appear. After seeing it for a few days you will see how it functions. Simply move your cursor on to any of the images and the title, date of post and a short snippet will appear - click on to go to that article.
Now how to navigate the "POST" section. Below is an image that highlights the bottom of the post section. See image.
Notice right below the image montage there is a tab showing 1 to 400+. Use this tab to view older articles in image montages that are set much the same as the first page - two days of posts. Only difference being is it will mix 3 days posts over two pages at times depending on how many posts were made per day as there is a maximum of how many images can be displayed at one time.
Next is the "CONTACT" section - pretty self explanatory. Just be sure to fill in all the blanks with relevant information for it to function.
We will now use an article page to explain layout and function. See image below.
Notice the "MENU" bar is there for your use. We will divide the page into several images so it can be more easily shown each item that needs focus. We will not explain the whole page but rather just hit on some key information and navigating tools. On the above image is our newsletter subscription. Be sure to verify the email that is promptly delivered to your email inbox to receive our newsletter. If email is not verified the newsletter will not be sent. If you have not received the verification email within a few minutes check your spam folder. If still not found try again or contact us for assistance.
"RECENT POSTS" is the 5 most recent posts with a thumbnail image and title. Just place cursor over any article you wish to go to and click. You will be taken to the article. Same rules apply that were discussed on the "POSTS" section.
The two "POPULAR POST" sections operate the same way except for one difference. "POPULAR POSTS - LAST & DAYS" is just that. The top 5 most popular posts over the last 7 days. "POPULAR POSTS - ALL TIME" is the same but is for all time spanning over 3000+ articles and growing daily. The most popular posts mean the most visited articles and will most likely be the most active with comments.
"CATEGORIES" work the same as the "POSTS" section image montage and follow the same chronological rules. Simply click on one category and see all articles on this site which suits the category name. Place your cursor on the image to see title, date posted and snippet. just click on the image to go to article.
"BLOG ARCHIVE" works the same as "POST" section image montage and follow the same chronological rules. Simply click on a day to see all the articles posted on that day.
"SUGGESTED LINKS" are links to trusted sites that we either support or appreciate their efforts in bringing and sharing information which is vital to the public to understand and stay informed on issues that need addressing. Some or many of their articles are featured here on this site.
"Previous" and "Next" are self explanatory and are quickly explained on the image above.
"Related Posts" are articles of the same category, authors or type. Whether they be Exclusives, Features, other articles authored by Neo (presented here) or other guest authors. They can also go by information type like Banking, Humor or Health.
There are comment types. "BLOG COMMENTS" are typical site comments and operate in the same fashion. Just type what you would like to say in a new comment or a reply to existing, select which account you want to use - Google or Open ID and select "publish". "FACEBOOK COMMENTS" are for Facebook only and will not show in regular blog comments. You can comment right to Facebook, just select and comment.
Last of all, found at the bottom of every page are our Social Network Buttons. Click on to follow, or in the case of the RSS Buttons, subscribe to new posts and/or comments.
In closing we hope this tutorial was found useful and will compliment what you already know or have learned recently from using the site. if after this tutorial you feel that this new format is not for you, then may we suggest the following:
As an alternative till you become more comfortable with the site may I suggest these two options below and you can choose one if any that works best for you:
1) At the bottom of every page you will find two RSS buttons on the right hand side beside the google+ button. The one on the left is for posts and the one on the right is for comments. Click on either one. In posts you will see all the posts in a linear format. If you select comments the same, you will see most recent comments in a linear format. Click on any of the blue headings to go direct to the article the comment is found on. You may or may not subscribe, your choice, but you can always view in linear format when clicking on the RSS buttons.
2) You can view the site in mobile format. All you have to do is add ?m=1 to the end of the site address or anyone of the site links. This format will also show in linear but with thumbnails and short snippets. Use this link as example, oneworldofnations.com?m=1