
Hooray, hooray! It’s Five Fact Friday!

1. Few things make me as nervous as taking Sophie to a party or group gathering. Few things make me happier than seeing Sophie enjoy and be successful at parties and group gatherings. We went to a birthday party this week. All day, Sophie was really struggling with coping skills, struggling to participate appropriately in her therapies, and struggled to manage some of her sensory issues that afternoon. As the party approached, the knot in my stomach grew. On days like these, going to something like this can be just the change of pace she needed, or it can be what tips the scale into an all-out sensory meltdown that can take hours or even days to recover from. On top of that, the food is always scary–one stray fishy cracker or bite of the wrong candy can mean Sophie’s sick and irritable for days.

I decided to give it our best try, and she did GREAT! I’d like to thank King Arthur Flour’s Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Mix (I made her a little cupcake so she wouldn’t be left out during birthday cake time), Puddle Jumper floaties (they worked like a dream, and she loved feeling more independent!), and my friend Jess, who had set up a spectacular pirate and mermaid dress up corner. Sophie was in heaven. Which mean I was too.

2. If he doesn’t grow up to be an award-winning chef, Milo has a promising career in sound effects. From the raspberries he blows while playing cars and the choo-choo sound he makes for trains to his ever-expanding repertoire of animal sounds, this boy’s got some raw talent. Also rawr talent. (you should hear his tiger and dinosaur!)

3. Sophie’s in this funny phase of trying reeeeally hard not to smile. It’s hilarious. She’s also (blessedly) not very good at it. I love those dimples!

4. Milo’s man-shouting is back in full force. He’s always been a shouter, but these days he can be caught shouting “hey! hey! hey!” or “uuuuuuuuuup!” Everything is an emergency. It’s SO funny. It’s also SO not funny. Ah well. He’s the best man-shouter ever.

5. Our favorite activity this week was to give all our plastic jungle animals a “shower” in the kiddie pool. Both babies had fun scrubbing everyone. I didn’t have to worry about anything getting ruined or mildewy. We just washed everyone and laid them out on a towel to try.

Happy weekend, dear reader! Wishing you every good thing!

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