
This exercise evolved out of some drawings I did during a family visit to Newport, Rhode Island this past Labor Day weekend. Founded in 1639, Newport has long been considered to be the shining gem in the coastal crown of New England. A haven for religious dissenters, a critical Colonial Era port city, a thriving artists’ colony, a summer playground for America’s barons of industry during the Gilded Age, home to the U.S. Naval War College and even the place where Jackie & John were married! Every facet of its charm makes Newport a destination like none other. But it also has a mysterious side related to scandal, pirates, ghosts and yes, buried treasure! The ghosts of Newport add a dimension to this romantically edgy, unpredictable town that’s hard to resist. Above is one of my favorite spots to draw; Bowen’s Wharf. Centrally located on the waterfront at the foot of Newport’s Historic Hill Bowen’s Wharf is the anchor of the town’s mystique and most definitely home to a ghost or even a clan or two. It truly has an incredibly strong relationship to the community. Maybe so much so some find it hard to leave when it’s their time.

Art by Michele Bedigian, medium: pen and ink, crayon and marker.

Note to reader: It’s been said the pirate Charles Harris, remarked just before he was hanged, that he had buried a chest of treasure on the beach at the base of Newport Cliffs. In 1949, a chest of treasure was located on the beach in that area. But before the man who found it could get back with equipment to lift the chest, a tide came in and covered the large chest again. To this day people have been searching for the loot.

Exercise in Book: Romantic New Orleans, p 88/89

To celebrate the launch of Veronica Lawlor’s A Drawing A Day Sketchbook Skool klass, the studio 1482 members are doing the exercises from our book One Drawing A Day: A Six Week Course Exploring Creativity with Illustration and Mixed Media. Join us on Facebook!

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