Nike Training Club
The name itself tells you what you can expect out of this app in general one of the best designed and equipped apps ever. More so, it’s designed targeting the female population of health-conscious Android users in particular.
This app is developed by Nike Inc. itself and has enormous potential majorly driven on its splendid features that ensure that it’s not just an overrated, mediocre experience with a classy brand name. If you’ve got a new year’s date you want to look good for, or want to be the one everyone feasts their eyes on at this weekend’s Saturday night party, all you need to get in sexy shape is Nike Training Club. This nifty sports app has been as the ultimate tool for fitness-hungry users.
Now the Nike Training Club app has a sleek and neatly implemented interface set in a grey, black and white color tone, which has a 15, 30 and 45 minute full body workout training regime.
Any of the three can be selected where ever you are and at whatever time you want.
These could be exercises ranging from:
Bench presses
Flex Machine
Light Run
Body Sculpting
Hip Circles
And a whole lot more.
Now each of the above come as part of a training setup and designed to be performed one day after the other for the specified period of time.
You can have the Nike Training Club app select your training regime and you can select it yourself as well after accessing the list of available exercises.
Once you do that hit the done button and start the training by enter the app training workout section.
Here you will see a video on how exactly to go about the exercise and each step will be highlighted in detail through a video.There will be timer at the bottom and also a snippet of the next step so you know what you’re in for next.
You can pause the video and even stop the work out directly thought the button at the bottom.
Further to that, you have milestones as defined by the Nike Training Club app to complete, and with each progressive milestone you complete the more you get motivated to reach out and do some more.
These are represented in the trophies section
While you work out you even have an audio guidance so that you are motivated through the session. This audio can be accessed through the earphones that you plug in which is ideally preferable
You can check out your favorited and history instantaneously too through the options in the app.
This is coupled by the track record and the progress that you have scored through the app.
You can go ahead and share it along with your friends on Facebook and Twitter too, this has been improved on the Nike Training Club app to make it look more neat and efficient and easy for navigation too.
The Nike Training Club app also has an in built library to access the best workout music all created by the Nike developers so you know what is in store for you.
And if English isn’t your primary language, you can also make the app function just as efficiently in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Japanese, etc.
Gaining a cool overall rating of 4.3 stars on Google Play Store so far, the Nike Training Club app for Android is definitely a solid choice for a good weight loss and work out regime, especially for women.
Abs Workout
Some of do it for show, some to feel good about yourself and some simply to keep your body in peak shape and push it to its limits as a test of mettle. With fitness apps becoming a rage all over the Android platform, going to the gym and paying out extra money may just become redundant in a few years. And the faster you adapt to the powers of your smart phones, the quicker you will realize how much of utility it can offer you in your daily life. Abs workout is an Android app on Google Play Store that is just the thing for getting the in-shape 6-pack and 8-pack set of abs.The Abs Workout app is designed to be used as a flawless personal trainer has a set of a 6 week exercise regime that will ensure you have flat abs in no time. This nifty Android workout app though has not been designed to just to help you lose weight and shed those pesky pounds of belly fat; it is in fact targeted at hardcore fitness enthusiasts who want to sculpt their flat tummy into an Adonis-like structure of marvel.
You may contact your personal trainer to ask what your weight specific training may be and accordingly take up the regime.
With a set of 6 exercises that are to be performed daily, the Abs Workout Android app will train you and all you have to do is diligently follow it and you’ll have what the app promised on 6 weeks.
On the Android tablet, you will see on the left a huge list the 1st column if which has the day numbers written on it being 1, 2, 3, etc. At the side of that, you can see the series displayed to you that you completed along with the precise number of cycles.
To the right, you will see a description in graphics that show you and guide you through the process of the exercise.
Above that, you can also view the following details:
Exercise number that you are on
The series of the exercise
The repetition to show how many counts have you performed the specific task for.
The simple yet snazzy interface is rendered in red and white. The Abs Workout app theme is really eye-catchy and also has a play button where you can start and stop the exercise whenever you like.
The graphical display of the Abs Workout Android app is a person in the center with his back on the floor sleeping which tells you how to go about the routine. This includes actually showing you how lift your legs and to what height and to which place to lift your head al in the process.
In the settings tab, you can see the ‘About’ section of the workout, the days of the workout that you set for yourself and the settings in general.
You can also check out the user interface and change it to match your liking.
The Abs Workout app will give you daily reminders at a time set by you. It also provides for the times and exercises images so that you can see the specific position of the body.
The Abs Workout app has been developed by Caynax, and has earned its fair share of popularity on the Android space already by gaining over 25,000 5 star ratings and a solid average rating of 4.4.
For all you flat midriff-obsessed folks and uber-ripped body dream chasers, this Android workout app is the perfect match for you.
Squats Pro
Squats is the quintessential exercise required for strong thighs, calf muscles and stronger legs in general. It is an ingenious workout app for the Android platform that is created to make sure you do achieve the goal of stringer legs and in the bargain gives you access and insight into your body. Exercises are varying in nature and for the ardent body fitness freak, so its is imperative that he/she will know the best exercises for their bodies. They will also see and know what part of the body to focus the most on for what particular goal. So are you ready?
Squats Pro’s interface is designed in a slick and highly user-friendly way. The path to understanding the app may be a bit intricate and complicated but the features that have been instilled into the app are a cause for it.
Squats Pro has one of the best graphics for an Android based application and takes this very concept in its features too.
Squats Pro works on this principle called Gravity Counting. In this particular way of working what the users has to do is keep the Android device between their hands and stick them out in front like you would do for a typical squat exercise.
The Squats Pro app will then automatically count the number of squats you have done as the censor within the app will tell you so. Further, it also calculates the exact calories you have burnt away in the transition of this. If you were unable though to do so, you can also manually add in the squats you did.
The Squats Pro Android app has 3 major modes to choose from:
Once you enter one of the modes, the respective instructions begin to start flowing. What you have to do here then is go through the following steps:-
First, the Squats Pro app will give you a set routine for the day.
This will be shows in green above and the round will start displaying in a green circle in the black background.
Hit the start/play button and see the counter fall down as it calculate the drop in the number and you keep squatting.
At the end of this, you will see that the first level is complete.
A green circle will be highlighted depending on the level you completed and will also show you the total squats you are to do with bifurcation in each set.
The sensor will progressively keep continuing to the next round as you keep following through your exercises.
You also have a desktop widget that shows you the total squats you did in a week and the daily average that you hit so that you are motivated to do more and so that you can keep check of your progress.
See the calorie count too that will tell you what all you burned in the process and this all can also be recorded.
Check out the stats on a graph looking like the graphs in Matrix, with green lines as stats on the number line. Add in the date and day and you’re good to go. You also get a stat of the calories you burned.
The Squats Pro Android app is only 2.3 MB in size and a great utility for all those people who prefer an equally toned body and place equal emphasis on the development of a powerful lower body.