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INCREASING WEBSITE TRAFFIC AND CREATING MORE LEADS There are still many questions being asked by business owners about how to use Google+ effectively. Can you use it to increase your website traffic? How do you leverage G+ with your other social media...
Facebook only removes content if it celebrates or glorifies violence, not if it’s only graphic or disturbing, according to a spokesperson. Facebook also insists that the video of Philando Castile’s death was temporarily unavailable due to a technical...
Is the practice of publishing extracts of entertainment TV programmes risky? In Italy, yes (in the picture, an example from UK's Daily Mail) Do the Italian copyright exceptions for news reporting and criticism/review [respectively, Articles 65 and ...
Two summers ago, I visited Regina, the capital of Saskatchewan. I’ve been writing about investing in farmland there since 2008. I showed readers how to invest in Assiniboia’s farmland partnership. The price was about $26 per unit. Today,...
I'm trying to get tweets from the following public stream using twitter module of python 2.7 https://stream.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/filter.json I create a stream iterable as follows: tweet_iter = stream.statuses.filter(track = "social") and here...
www.playzeal.com is video sharing site, you can upload your video and share with public or friends
SOCRATES is an international, refereed (peer-reviewed) and indexed scholarly hybrid open-access journal in Public Administration a...
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