
To say that Chris Christie is having one of his worst weeks ever would likely be a monumental understatement. Thanks to this George Washington Bridge traffic scandal, which has come to be known as “Bridgegate,” Christie has his back up against the wall and is scrambling to defend himself as allegations mount. This could all spell the end of Christie’s political career on the national stage before it even begins. And now it looks as though he’s got serious problems. Politics, shmolitics. According to the latest gossip surrounding this scandal, it looks as though the destruction of his reputation will pale in comparison to the fact that he’s being made fun of by his absolute idol – none other than the boss himself, Jersey’s golden boy, Bruce Springsteen.


Christie adores Springsteen, so it had to really sting when Bruce joined Jimmy Fallon on “Late Night” Tuesday night to rip on Christie and the scandal via a parody version of his hit song “Born to Run.” Together Springsteen and Fallon strummed guitars, both dressed as Bruce, and sang about being stuck in the Governor’s traffic jam. Of course, Christie has denied he had any involvement in the traffic snarl last September in Fort Lee, N.J., but it certainly seems to be politically motivated payback for a local mayor who did something Christie didn’t like. Christie has painted himself to be a victim and threw an aide under the bus, saying she acted alone. No one is buying it, Chris, including your idol, The Boss. In fact, Springsteen mocked Christie’s melodramatic pity party press conference about the incident, saying “it was longer than one of my own damned shows.”

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