
Assistive Technology consultation & supports to public schools have essentially been eliminated by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

What?! How? A long-standing contract with the Oklahoma Assistive Technology Center (OATC) was quietly allowed to lapse at the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2013. Interesting that this happened during the summer when schools & parent advocacy groups would be less likely to notice.

Until this issue is resolved, OATC is unable to accept requests for Assistive Technology Consultations, Assistive Technology Evaluations,  Assistive Technology Technical Assistance or Trainings, or Assistive  Technology Equipment Loans.  OATC has been a valuable gem of a resource in our state for over 20 years. It will be a huge loss for individuals with special needs in our state if these or similar services are not resumed.

Contact info for OSDE to express concern about the lapse in Assistive Technology consultation & support for schools in our state: (405) 521-3301; sdeservicedesk@sde.ok.gov .

I wonder what influence a social media, blog, e-mail & phone call blitz might have?! I can’t just sit on the sidelines and watch these services quietly disappear in our state. Who’s with me?

Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in any contracts with OSDE or OATC. My only “interest” in this situation is in advocating in services for individuals with special needs in Oklahoma. I am engaging in this social media campaign on my personal time. It is in no way related to my place of employment.

Angela Moorad, MS, CCC-SLP, IAYT, RCYP-2

Speech-Language Pathologist

Founder of OMazing Kids, LLC – inclusive wellness activities for kids of all abilities

Radiant Child Yoga Certified – Levels 1 & 2

E-Mail: amoorad1@juno.com

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Boardmaker Share: http://www.boardmakershare.com/Community/FriendsProfile/10916/Angela-Moorad

Blog: http://omazingkidsllc.com

OMazing Kids LLC is an organization that promotes inclusive wellness activities for kids of all abilities. The blog and social media pages share information about books, DVD’s, CD’s, games and other products specifically designed for kids wellness, mindfulness and relaxation, product reviews & giveaways, lesson plan & activity ideas, research, kids wellness in the news and a connection corner with listings of individuals doing adapted yoga and those offering trainings.

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