
By: David Ephraim

2. Modern Look: Is your website design current and compelling? If a user comes to your site while comparing with your competition, will they stay? Does your website give users the most confidence in your industry? You only get one chance to make a first impression.

3. Website Optimized for Search (On-Page SEO): Is your site built properly so it can be found by major search engines? Do you have proper keywords and meta tags used throughout the pages of your site? Do you even know what this means?

4. Blog: Do you have a blog? Are you using a blog to talk about your services and products? This is an important tool used to create buzz and drive targeted traffic to your site. Plus, blogs rank well with search engines and provide other complimentary benefits to your website.

5. Newsletter: This is an important way to communicate with your leads, develop trust, grow brand awareness, and increase business. A newsletter is used for a promotion or a sale, industry news, new product info, and other insight your customers will value. You are reading our newsletter right now.

6. Local Search Engine Marketing: Submit your businesses and websites to the major search engines “local search listings” areas (Google, Yahoo!, Bing). Also, sign up for web services that promote local business, such as Yelp, CitySearch, Chambers of Commerce, etc.

7. Informative Articles and Resources: Write and add original, informative, relevant articles about your services and business. Search rankings will improve as you properly post more keyword rich content on your site. Search engines look for you to be a unique resource and an expert on your material.

8. Social Media: Sign up for these new media outlets called social media and use them. Social Media includes Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, YouTube videos, Blogs, Linked In accounts, MySpace pages, and many others. Social media is used to create buzz and manage outward communication with your customers and fans.

9. Press Releases: Take the time to write a press release about something new or interesting going on at your company. Search engines love to see releases go out over the web, usually resulting in a nice bump in traffic to your site.

10. Paid Advertising and PPC (Pay-Per-Click): Do you have an event to fill, or products that needs to sell right away? The best way to get instant traffic to your site is to use the direct pay for visit model of pay-per-click advertising. This marketing method allows you to choose what you are willing to spend for each visitor to your site.

Source: Articledashboard.com

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