
It can be difficult to prove a drug company produced a drug that is capable of injuring people. Large companies usually defend themselves by pointing to long list of side effects and showing that they warned the public in advance.

Since Mirena hit the market, it has become one of the most popular birth control devices in the U.S. Known for its convenience, Mirena is an intrauterine birth control device that promised to provide effective contraception to women, but instead has led to a wave of products liability litigation.

A number of women have reported suffering serious and debilitating injuries from side effects of Mirena Intrauterine Device (IUD), where the implanted birth control perforates the uterus, migrates to other areas of the body and causes uterine perforation, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and irregular bleeding. Although the Mirena warning labels indicate that there is a risk of perforation, the information provided to consumers suggests that such problems only occur during insertion of the IUD. A number of women have experienced “spontaneous” Mirena IUD complications that have occurred after the device was inserted, sometimes years later. When the IUD migrates from its original placement, it will no longer work to prevent pregnancy, but women who become pregnant are more likely to experience an ectopic pregnancy. Infections that may result from Mirena perforations may lead to diminished fertility or a woman’s inability to conceive a child. According to FDA reports, there have been more than 45,000 adverse events reported.

Lawsuits alleged that Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc. knew – or should have known – that implantations could cause serious complications yet they failed to warn patients and doctors of the potential health risks. Among the many claims of negligence, Bayer is accused of intentionally selling a dangerous product, deceptive advertising and concealing the risk of complications. In fact, the FDA has sent Bayer warning letters for failing to communicate risk information about Mirena. The lawsuits further contend that the IUD suffers design and manufacturing defects.

Though the FDA has not implemented a Mirena recall, if you or someone you love has been injured by Mirena IUD side effects, you should contact an experienced product liability attorney. You may be may be eligible to file a Mirena lawsuit seeking compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. However, with the volume of complaints, this is not going to happen overnight. For plaintiffs facing financial burden, lawsuit funding can help.

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