The Fourth Reich Rising:
How Hitler Won World War II
By Steve Erdmann
(Copyright 2016, Steve Erdmann, - All Rights Reserved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>
Part I
“One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of Base 211, the legendary underground Nazi base in Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of ‘New Swabia’; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for…” (“The Secret Underground Nazi UFO base in the Antarctic,” Sheeple, April 18, 2015.) (p. 36, Empire Beneath the Ice.)
“History now tells us that German industries as well as Hitler devised a devious plan that enabled them to retain valuable assets even as they appeared to lose WW II. This industrial base and its assets might very well have laid the groundwork for a system that could funnel vast amounts of money into various undertakings following the fall of Berlin.” (p. 50, Empire Beneath the Ice.)
Stephen Quayle is a veteran Fortean-explorer into the esoteric and New Age theories and philosophies, having written books and made numerous radio interviews on his investigatory research.
(Empire Beneath the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II, Stephen Quayle, End Time Thunder Publishing, 315 Edelweiss Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718, 1-406-586-4842, 2015, 520 pages, $39.95.)
In this tome, Quayle lays out what he believes to be, not just the survival, but the succession and “conquest” of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, encompassing a South Pole Shangri-La called Neuschwabenland , and the worldwide web of a disguised Fourth Reich utilizing their super-weapon technologies, even saucer-like UFOs, infiltrated New World Order doctrine and philosophies.
“Could it be because today’s aircraft and rocket industries have basically been put on hold? Might it be because they are simply a side-show to distract the public from the fact that Nazi UFO technology is being hidden from the public?…If that’s true, one is left wondering just what the powerful technology used by the Nazis has achieved: Secret bases around the world? Human colonies on the Moon and other planets in our solar system?” (p. 187, Empire Beneath the Ice.)
The “cover-up” by our leaders and mainstream media manufactured a “sanitized version of history and science” concealing the true reality of the Reich “by those who would rather hide in the shadows, doing their best to enslave mankind.”
Important secret meetings in 1943 by top German industrialists hid German industry from the stigma of Nazism so that the Fourth Reich could easily flourish. The Third Reich likewise had hidden beneath the “wings” of Wall Street and American Capitalism before and after 1933, due to American firms and financial assistance.
General Motors, Ford, General Electric, Du Pont and other US companies controlled by the Wall Street elite (the J.P Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent, the Warburg Manhattan bank), the Federal Reserve Bank system, and the Bank for International Settlements, as “robber barons” funded Hitler’s rise to power. Auto tycoon, Henry Ford, as an instance, was decorated by the Nazis for his service.
Quayle further outlines the trail on how hostile “lending institutions, government agencies, and large corporations worked together to help the Nazi rise to power in Germany.” The use of slave labor by Ford and General Motors, the “seizure of Jewish accounts by the Paris branch of Chase Bank, and a Bank for International Settlements BIS)” ___ inspired by later-to-become Nazi minister of Economics and president of the Reichsbank, Horace Greeley Schachi, as well as the Morgan-affiliated First National Bank of New York (as part of the Young Plan) ___ all pointed to a well-thought-out bedrock for Nazi continuation.
GE board member Owen Young was a Morgan banker who helped set up funding and was part of the “Young Plan.” [1] Another BIS director was Nazi sympathizer Wendell Willkie. A list of BIS directors included:
* Thomas McKittrick, an associate of the Morgans.
* Herrman Schmitz , Head of I.G. Farben.
* Kurt von Schroeder, head of the J.H. Stein Bank of Cologne and leading financier of the Gestapo.
* Walter Funk, president of the Reichsbank. Chase Bank offered him a post in New York.
* Emil Puhi, vice president of the Reichsbank.
* First BIS president Gates McGarrah, formerly of Chase National Bank, helped finance the Nazis.
First building of the BIS (1930-77): the former Hotel Savoy-Univers at Centralbahnstrasse 7 in Basel, Switzerland.
Rockefeller-owned Chase Bank and the Morgan-controlled National City Bank of New York handled American accounts that traded with Nazi Germany for Standard Oil, Sterling Products, General Aniline & Film, and ITT.
Joseph Larkin was in charge of European affairs for Chase, a member of the Knights of Malta, and a fascist sympathizer. He frequently aided the Nazis. He entered into a partnership with the Rockefellers, forming the Schroeder, Rockefeller, and Company Investment Bank. Both Allen and John Foster Dulles were lawyers for that firm, with Allen on the board. The Dulles association with the CIA and the Kennedy assassination has become well documented.
Chase defied Roosevelt’s freezing of funds to the Nazis. The Nazis also made payments to American oil companies, especially Standard Oil.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” says Quayle. “Obviously big banking, big business, and big government in the US, Germany, France, and elsewhere all worked together to ensure the Nazis came to power in Germany[2], that their wealth was preserved after the war…”[3] (p. 210.)
Quayle goes into depth as to the intricate web of political and economic connections the Nazis had worldwide and he also goes into detailed stories of their “super craft” and science, such as the Die Glocke (“The Bell”),Vril Drive, the Jewseitsflugmachine, the Haunebu crafts I, II, III, the Horton Ho-229, The Dorn, and other “super weapon” designs that the Nazis were well advancing during the war. Quayle and others have speculated that the Fourth Reich had continued a disguised worldwide federation of alliances with many nations.
Nazi Stealth Craft by Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
“Might the ‘advances’ made with Rocketry have been a simple screen to keep the public from realizing that the worm had turned,” says Quayle, “and the Nazi party, having regrouped in Antarctica, might actually be operating as a shadow government that called the shots in Washington (D.C), and other capitals of the world?” (pp. 171-172.)
(The least of which would not be the Rear Admiral Richard Byrd’s armada of 3,000 sailors, scientists, naval infantry men, along with 13 ships and 26 aircraft, and using US Navy’s Task Force 68___ known as Operation High Jump___ which met defeat on August 26, 1946 at the hands of mysterious “discs” that ambushed the Task Force (pp. 18-38). Quayle elaborates along with several pages where he talks about missing German U-boats that he suspects landed in the Nazi base in Antarctica.)
Operation High Jump: Bulldozers Were Used
Admiral Richard Byrd
(Criticism emerged in an article by Matt Soniak, who covered what he felt are some discrepancies in the ‘Nazi at the Poles’ theory: These points have been submitted to Quayle, but no reply has yet come:
* According to Colin Summerhayes and Peter Beeching talking about operation Solar Polar there has been no official polar German visit till 1959, wherein they made an expedition with Russians.
* It would have taken the U.S expedition 10 days by foot to get to the Queen Maud Land site of the alleged Nazi base.
* When Admiral Byrd made Operation High Jump, he took 11 journalists who wrote 478,000 words, none of which mentioned an attack or UFO activity.
* The Nazi logs showed only 13 people at their Hope Bay post.
Many readers of Soniak’s article responded in the ‘comment section’ by saying they felt his facts were suspicious and disinformation. To the question about 10 days of travel “by foot,” one reader pointed out that the expedition had, indeed, snow plowing-travelling equipment.)
Quayle quotes Jerry E. Smith, (2015), The Final Secret of the Holy Lance, Part One, that the Nazi stronghold Station 211 was in an area designated as a nature preserve. “Access is limited to only a handful of specially selected scientists…everyone not deemed safe with the knowledge of what really went on there will be prevented from getting too close for many years to come.”
Just as cogent was Operation Paperclip where hundreds of German scientists were located, rescued, or kidnapped and given special status. Former SS officer Dr. Wernher von Braun was one such scientist; he became Director of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Many researchers said that popular or outwards-looking space programs were only a “cover” for deeper Black Operations, incorporating many such Nazi scientists and others with fascist thinking.
The Kennedy assassination was also rife with similar mystery connections. Suspect Clay Shaw in the Jim Garrison investigation was conjoined to a shadowy Permindex organization[4], aligned to the Nazi trail. John J. Mc Cloy and Allen Dulles both had Nazi connections, and both had connections to the Warren Commission in the Kennedy assassination.
“A secret government reached out and removed a U.S President that they’d thought was under their control,” says Quayle, “but instead got out of hand as an object lesson for any other leader who might have toyed with the idea of going rogue.”
(To be continued in Part II, the occult origins of the Third Reich, the perverted use of modern science, and the forecasted outcome of the Fourth Reich, as generously portrayed in Stephen Quayle’s Empire Beneath the Ice.)
Steve Erdmann
St. Louis, Missouri
November 30th, 2016
Part II of The Fourth Recih Rising continues below.
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“A lot of banks were naughty boys during the war—especially those in Switzerland—and Chase were right up there with the worst of them. Chase’s Paris branch was doing deals with the Nazis with the full knowledge of the American head office before and after Pearl Harbor. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Chase’s collusion with the Third Reich.”
Author Stephen Quayle
Pilgrims Society member Gates McGarrah of 33 Wall Street, originally a Chase National Bank executive, was president of the New York Clearing House.
Artist Simulation of Nazi Saucer Craft
Artist Conception of Nazi Antarctic Base 211
Another Artist Conception of Nazi Base 211
Auto Tycoon Henry Ford Was Awarded By Adolf Hitler
(Permission given to quote for educational and review purposes)
The Fourth Reich Rising:
How Hitler Won World War II
Part II
By Steve Erdmann
(Copyright, Steve Erdmann, 2016 - All Rights Reserved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>
“The chilling thing about these monsters is not that they were different from us, but rather that they were so like us. The truth that most would prefer not to face is that much of mankind is only one step from becoming ‘good Nazis’ themselves. It is part of the fallen nature of human beings.” (p. 407, Empire Beneath the Ice.)
(Empire Beneath the Ice: How the Nazis won World War II, Stephen Quayle, End Time Thunder Publishing, 315 Edelweiss Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718, 1-406-586-4842, 2015, 520 pages, $39.95.)
“The unseen shadow government created by those Nazis who escaped Germany during WW II is now engaged in a geopolitical race for dominance by harnessing ancient technologies, often through reverse engineering or by playing with forces they don’t fully understand. New instrumentation and adaptations of these lost technologies are of highest priority to the global elite to establish themselves within the geo-political and spiritual hierarchy.” (p. 322, Empire Beneath the Ice.)
In Part II of this article, Quayle searches the various cults and beliefs that have influenced and formed the Nazi’s present and dark pasts [1], from Charles Darwin, composer Richard Wagner[2], Friedrich Nietzsche[3] to Margaret Sannger, and all the esoteric Reich beliefs in the mysterious and the cryptic[4]. One such area was the Reich’s investigation into the “hollow earth” and Rear Admiral Byrd’s alleged trips to the “holes at the poles” (more suspected hiding places for Nazi ventures) during his 1947 and 1956 Arctic expeditions. Byrd referred to it as “the Great Unknown.”
“The lack of such information suggests not only that something is being hidden from the public and history books,” says Quayle, “but also that the ‘Great Unknown’ may well be occupied by descendants of Germans of the Third Reich.”
While debate surrounds what Byrd did or did not discover at the earth’s poles, Quayle further asks questions about Nazi technology and how recent scientific adventures, such as the European Particle Physics Laboratory, CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland might be a Pandora’s Box of potential evil or benevolent advancement.
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