
all great movie Prince of Persia quotes

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Prince of Persia quotes,best movie Prince of Persia quotes

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)

116 min  -  Action | Adventure | Fantasy

A young fugitive prince and princess must stop a villain who unknowingly threatens to destroy the world with a special dagger that enables the magic sand inside to reverse time.

Director: Mike Newell

Writers: Boaz Yakin (screenplay), Doug Miro (screenplay)

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley |

Tamina: Such a noble prince.

Prince Dastan: Such a gentle princess.

Tamina: How taken you were with my fainting act, eagerly leaping to assist the fallen beauty.

Prince Dastan: Who said you were a beauty?

Tamina: There must be a reason why you can't take your eyes off me.

Prince Dastan: You're… I… I don't trust you. And you're not my type.

Prince Dastan: Difficult, not impossible.

Tamina: All more proof you're insane.

Prince Dastan: Why do you look so impressed?

Tamina: [as Dastan's leaving on his horse] So you're going to leave me here, in the middle of nowhere? Noble Dastan, abandoning a helpless woman in the wilderness! What does your precious honor have to say about that?

Prince Dastan: [returning] Give me the strength not to kill her.

Tamina: [Tamina gives him a look]

Tamina: [about to die] I'm ready for this.

Prince Dastan: I'm not.

Tamina: [Dastan is eyeing a necklace that rests within Tamina's shirt; she notices him looking] See what you were looking for, Prince?

[last lines]

Tamina: How can I trust the man who breached the walls of my city?

Prince Dastan: Well, I'm starting to think I'm no longer the same man who breached those walls.

Tamina: That's a short time for a man to change so much.

Prince Dastan: Perhaps.

Tamina: It sounds as if you've discovered something here.

Prince Dastan: And what might that be?

Tamina: A new spiritual awareness.

Prince Dastan: Destiny.

Tamina: Yes, exactly.

Prince Dastan: I believe we make our own destiny, Princess.

Tamina: You have an unfortunate lack of curiosity.

Prince Dastan: No doubt one of my many flaws.

Tamina: Please don't mock me, Prince.

Prince Dastan: Oh, I hardly think we know each other well enough for that, Princess, but I look forward to the day that we do.

Prince Dastan: As hard as it is for me to admit you were right

[he rips her necklace containing some of the sands of time off her]

Prince Dastan: I did see what I was looking for.

Sheik Amar: Did I ever tell you about the Ngbaka?

Prince Dastan: You enjoy telling me what to do.

Tamina: Only because you're so good at following orders.

Prince Dastan: Don't press your luck.

Tamina: Dastan, where's the dagger?

Prince Dastan: You're welcome to search me for it. You'll have to be very thorough.

Tamina: That's impossible.

Prince Dastan: Difficult, not impossible.

Tamina: Must feel wonderful winning such a claim for destroying such an innocent city.

Prince Dastan: Oh, a pleasure to meet you too, Princess.

Tamina: Well the solution would be to kiss me then kill me, but I have a better solution…

[grabs sword]

Tamina: I kill you!

Tamina: [sarcastically] Such a noble prince.

Prince Dastan: Such a gentle princess.

Tamina: [as they're hanging from the precipice] Stop him! If the glass shatters the world dies with it! It's not my destiny, it's yours. It always has been. Let me go.

Prince Dastan: I won't.

Tamina: Let me go.

Prince Dastan: *I'm not letting you go*!

Tamina: You know you really walk like one. Head held high, chest out, long stomping strides. The walk of a self-satisfied Persian prince. No doubt it comes from being told since birth the world is yours, and actually believing it.

Prince Dastan: I wasn't born in a palace like you! I was born in the slums of Nasaf, where I lived if I fought and I clawed for it.

Tamina: Then how did you become a prince?

Prince Dastan: The king… marched into the market one day, and he… I don't know, he… he found me. He took me in, he gave me a family, he gave me a home.

Prince Dastan: [he turns away, then turns back]

Prince Dastan: What you're looking at, is… the walk of a man, who just lost everything.

Garsiv: We're not fighting with sticks anymore, little brother.

Prince Dastan: The secret guardian temple outside Alamut is a sanctuary, the one place the dagger can be hidden safely, the only way to stop this Armageddon. That's the truth, Dastan. Give me back the dagger, so that I can take it there.

Tamina: Oh. I can't do that.

[he starts walking away]

Tamina: … I'm coming with you.

Prince Dastan: [in disbelief] You're going to help me?

Tamina: Well we can sit here and chat, or you can get on the horse.

Prince Dastan: What temple? This is a pile of stones and rocks!

Tamina: It's gone. Protect the dagger no matter the consequences; that was my sacred calling. That was my destiny.

Prince Dastan: We make our own destiny, Princess. We'll get it back.

Seso: [to Sheik Amar] My friend, has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?

[Sheik nods]

Prince Dastan: If we don't stop him, our world could end.

Tus: If you're gonna kill me, best you do it now.

Prince Dastan: [pulls out dagger] This is no ordinary dagger.

Prince Dastan: You murdered your family. Sharaman was your brother.

Nizam: And my curse.

Prince Dastan: [to Nizam] You had what every man could ever dream of. Love, respect, and family. But that wasn't enough for you, was it?

King Sharaman: [to Dastan] Family, the bond between brothers, that is the sword that defends our empire; I pray that that sword stays strong.

Seso: Where will you go?

Prince Dastan: Alamut. Nizam will use that dagger to pierce the Sand Glass. And he has to be stopped.

Sheik Amar: [mocking] He has to be stopped, he has to be stopped. That's good.

[Seso looks at Sheik]

Sheik Amar: What? Oh, a knife thrower with a conscience!

Prince Dastan: What aren't you telling me?

[Tamina looks around for help]

Prince Dastan: The tribesmen left. Maybe they tired of your penchant for lies and backstabbing.

Tamina: I had no choice but to leave you. I take it your uncle didn't listen.

Prince Dastan: It wasn't Tus that killed my father, it was Nizam.

Tamina: [confused] Your uncle?

Prince Dastan: His hands were burnt. He said it happened trying to pull off the cloak that killed my father. I've gone over it and over it in my mind, he never touched the cloak, he must have handled it before. It was Nizam who poisoned it. What good does turning back a few moments of time do my uncle? None. He murdered my father for more than just a dagger. What aren't you telling me?

[produces the dagger]

Prince Dastan: You know, you've got quick hands, but so do I. If you want it back, you tell me everything. No more games, no more lies.

Tamina: [about the dagger as he's walking away] You don't understand what's at stake! This is a matter for the Gods, not man!

Prince Dastan: Your gods, not mine!

Prince Dastan: [watching Sharaman's funeral from a rooftop, seeing thousands of guards] I need to get a message to my uncle to meet me.

Tamina: That's impossible.

Prince Dastan: [Dastan leaps across rooftops, onto ledges and horses, and delivers a secret message to Nizam; the scene cuts to him meeting up with Tamina]

Prince Dastan: Difficult, not impossible.

Tamina: All more proof you're insane.

Prince Dastan: Why do you look so impressed?

Tamina: Everything changes with time. We should know this best of all.

Tus: [Looking at Tamina] A rare jewel. Present her to the king for me this evening, Dastan.

Prince Dastan: Sure you really want another wife, brother?

Prince Dastan: You've eased Father's anger, Uncle.

Nizam: One day, you'll have the pleasure of being brother to the king, Dastan. As long as you remember your most important duty, you should do well.

Prince Dastan: Oh, and what's that?

Nizam: Making sure his wine glass stays full.

Tamina: Without the right sand it's just another knife. Not even very sharp.

Prince Dastan: This sand, is there more of it?

Tamina: Of course not!

Prince Dastan: How can I get some?

Tamina: Try standing on your head and holding your breath.

Prince Dastan: I've heard all these terrible stories of this place.

Sheik Amar: [laughing] The bloodthirsty slaves, murdering their masters? It's a good story; it's well told, ever-evolving, yeah but alas untrue.

Prince Dastan: But the skeletons that we saw at the…

Sheik Amar: …I bought those from a gypsy in Bacara. Ah, I crafted our lurid reputation in order to fend off the most insidious evil that's been lurking this forsaken country of ours. Y'know what I'm talking about?

[Dastan shakes his head]

Sheik Amar: Taxes!


Sheik Amar: Gah, these Persians! Their armies, their fortresses, their roads. Who pays for it all, eh? The small businessman! See that's why I started a little campaign, to spread some false notoriety. I spread it like a venerable disease in a Turkish harem!

Sheik Amar: Yeah, nothing beats a good story, eh? But yours however, trading her in for a camel, please! I mean look at her, she's worth at least two! And as for you, young man, do you know your brother's offered a reward for you? Which quite frankly between you and me, borders on the obscene! I'd trade in my own mother for that kind of gold.

[Seso gives him a surprised look]

Sheik Amar: What? Oh you didn't know what she was like.

Prince Dastan: Nizam! Don't use the dagger to undo your past! It will unleash…!

Nizam: …unleash what? God's wrath? Hell itself?

[he kicks Dastan in the face]

Prince Dastan: [noticing the sand dervishes have been following them] We have to get out of here.

Bis: Oh so you won't be happy until you get us all killed.

Prince Dastan: Oh, wonderful speech, Bis. Rousing!

Tamina: All the pain in the world will not help you find something that does not exist.

Prince Dastan: [doing difficult backflip] The third step is the hardest!

King Sharaman: A great man who would have stopped what he knew to be wrong, no matter who was ordering it.

Prince Dastan: Perhaps we can find another solution!

Prince Dastan: Ostrich racing?

Sheik Amar: Behold the mighty ostrich!

Sheik Amar: You know something, Persian? You bear a remarkable resemblance to the disgraced prince who fled after murdering the king.

[Dastan laughs nervously then bolts]

Prince Dastan: [carrying a fat king] Couldn't you have found somebody lighter?

Prince Dastan: I didn't kill Father.

Hassansin Leader: In a trance we can find anything, including your nephew, Prince Dastan.

Nizam: Then I hope you shall see more death. Soon.

Sheik Amar: You can't organize an ostrich race… with *just one ostrich!*

Prince Dastan: Sheik Amar, listen to me…!

Sheik Amar: I'd rather not.

Sheik Amar: Tch, secret government killing activity! That's why I don't pay taxes!

Prince Dastan: I know it hasn't been easy between us Garsiv, but still, we *are* brothers.

Garsiv: Touching words with my sword at your throat.

Sheik Amar: [hiding behind a cage of clucking chickens] Shut up! Shut up!

Sheik Amar: Oh, a knife-thrower with a conscience!

Nizam: He's here… Seal every gate. Find him!

Prince Dastan: And you used to be a better liar, Princess.

Prince Dastan: [comes out of hiding] Hello, Tus.

Tus: We both know Dastan was many things, but *not* a coward.

Tus: Stop! A moment ago, you died before my eyes.

Prince Dastan: [relieved] Oh, you pressed it.

Tus: How did you know I would?

Prince Dastan: Because we are brothers.

Nizam: What a glorious mess we are.

Nizam: Enjoy the gutter, Dastan. It's where you'll stay under my reign.

[repeated line]

Sheik Amar: Have I told you about the Ngbaka?

Prince Dastan: Yes, you have.

Sheik Amar: [to Dastan] We've been tracking you for a week! That little riot you started, it went on for *two days*! My beloved racetrack, all washed away like footprints in sand. You see Anita there? Hmm? Look at her. She's all that's left of my gaming empire. And no matter your skills as a promoter, *you can't organize an ostrich race with just one ostrich*! Am I right?

Crowd: Yeah!

Sheik Amar: Yes, sir. Come with me.

[takes off the textile covering Anita's head]

Sheik Amar: Did you know that ostriches have suicidal tendencies? Look at this poor thing. She used to be a grand champion. Now I have to watch her night and day to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

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