
After months of deciphering and decoding Hillary Clinton's infamous speech about an 'alt right' movement, we finally found such an entity.

Conservatives have largely adopted the philosophy of the Republican activist and civil rights leader, Rev. Martin Luther King jr.;
"All people should be judged by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin."

But sadly, many race baiters of many colors have sought to exacerbate race matters rather than heal them. The New Black Panther party and other opportunists have grown in prominence since the election (Obama '08) which was supposed to end the racial divide.

The National Policy Institute(501c3 nonprofit) has emerged as the thinktank dedicated to studying the racial impact of the left's policies on social engineering. Like most policy wonks, they existed in obscurity. that is; until they found an effective communicator... Richard Spencer.

Richard Spencer

Richard Spencer was raised in Dallas, Texas and attended St. Mark's prep school.  He graduated from Thomas Jefferson's University of Virginia with a bachelor's degree in English literature & music.
He then studied humanities at the very militantly liberal University of Chicago. He was awarded a Masters degree in Humanities from that institution.
Richard is now the president of NPI and he effectively utilizes new media to communicate. His Radix media conglomerate of webcast, podcast, blog, and published books; along with the conferences and speaking tour; has grown the organization far beyond what it had been just months ago.

Spencer seems to have given up on the King doctrine, because he believes the racebaiting of the other race groups are not adhering to the same.  He believes his white heritage should be celebrated and honored along with any other. He steadfastly believes that a concentrated effort exists to suppress, diminish, and discredit his whoite heritage and various manifestations of European culture.

I guess the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Chocktaw, Seminole, Creek, and other tribes have every right to express their proud heritage. And I guess every other group does, too.  But don't force anyone else to conform to your culture, and I'll do the same. It is enough that we simply quit undermining it or denegrating it, but don't make us participate in it or fund it.
Perhaps the time has come for government at all levels to stop observing cultural holidays, rather than picking the winning and losing cultures. That's really not the vision of the revolutionaries who founded our commonwealth. The 13 colonies were vastly in conflict with each other on culture. The reason the people refused to ratify the constitution is that they didn't want the new federal entity to take sides on the religious conflicts of the colonies. Maryland had her own state funded seminaries. Pennsylvania's seminaries vehemently opposed the Roman Catholic doctrine of Maryland and wanted the federal entity to remain totally neutral in the religious debate. That's why they insisted that "congress shall make no law" on religion. They all assumed that each sovereign state still retained that authority.

Oklahomans contuinuously see these same messages from other ethnicities from groups like the Chickasaw tribe, but no one seems to object to minorities expressing their racial identity. It's often labeled "white supremacy" when a Eupopean group does the same.
Funny, isn't it? We love the cultural celebrations around the state, the Scottish Games, The Italian festivals, Cinco de Mayo, the German Society's Octoberfest; But we think it's automatically racist to make any reference to European race outside of the quaint cultural festivals.
How do we all - of all heritages - celebrate every cultural expression, without throwing around the 'racist' label.
How are we supposed to ignore color, ethnicity, and heritage; and still maintain our identity as a descendant of a proud heritage?

It was not until the 14th Amendment, that the US Constitution's prohibitions were also applied to each (formerly) sovereign state.

Barack Obama gave a mighty speech at the 2004 DNC. It was about "One America". If his 8 years of running the country had been anything like the tone of that lofty sppech, America would be a much more harmonious land.  But it was just the phoney propoganda used to get him into power so that his social architects could fundamentally transform the nation - by force.

I guess we will always have the racebaiters like Louis Farrakhan and Richard Spencer. And we will always have opportunists in the media who will paint entire movements as an extremist and radical expression of the fringe. Hillary Clinton tried to paint all Donald Trump supporters as at least ignorant enablers of the Alt Right. And the major media has operatives continuing this lie. 

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