
Recent news broke that the Clinton Foundation will stop accepting foreign money, so does this mean that Hillary Clinton is leaving the corruption game? What other corrupt actions will she renounce when president? This and more on Redacted Tonight. GET FREE TICKETS to be in our LIVE AUDIENCE in Washington DC! Email RedactedTix@gmail.com. OTHER CITIES - We tour regularly with live stand-up comedy. For a list of where we'll be performing our stand-up comedy shows, go here - http://bit.ly/2adM5Cx Join the ‘Redactivist’ movement online... Subscribe to the Redacted Tonight YouTube channel for more comedy news with saber tooth tiger teeth: http://youtube.com/user/RedactedTonight Find Redacted Tonight on Facebook for source material about our stories and daily updates: http://bit.ly/1Cn5ta8 Follow us on Twitter for funny, informative info and to participate in our weekly ‘Redactivist’ hashtag: http://twitter.com/RedactedTonight Visit Lee Camp’s official site to listen to the ‘Moment of Clarity: The Backstage of Redacted Tonight’ podcast w/ Lee and John F.O’Donnell: http://leecamp.net ***** Sources: If Clinton wins, foundation says it won't take foreign money http://cnn.it/2b7O76J Hillary Clinton Oversaw US Arms Deals to Clinton Foundation Donors http://bit.ly/1HEkocI

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