
lol no

Anon: instagram*com/p/yrKp0dJs4o She commented again: “I didnt see harry u guys, sorry to dissapoint you. Although i heard last time they went together to that club and just took a bunch of girls to harry’s bday”
lmfao they took a bunch of girls to harrys bday? That doesn’t even make sense. And just because she didn’t see Harry doesn’t mean he wasn’t there. Looks like she deleted the first comment too. Whether she’s bullshitting the whole thing or not its whatever. I don’t really need some random person to validate this stuff for me. Goes for anything good or bad.

Anon: Looks like there’s a few marks on his chest already from that last picture
Ha I didn’t wanna be that person but….

Anon: Well I for one find it very strange that Liam and Louis rented a villa together to stay in the whole time they were in LA (ahem) yet didn’t travel to Australia together? Whilst they were ‘living’ together. What is a reasonable explanation for that which makes sense? Louis had prior commitments to what… Go clubbing? The only thing that makes sense to me was that he was staying with Harry and wanted to travel with him. Funny, L&H’s narrative is the only one that ever makes sense to me.
And I love how Louis let us all know that he didn’t leave with Liam too. It’s just funny.

Anon What a time to be alive Ashley! It’s all going down.
Hahha time to come out of hibernation!

Anon: When is that picture of Louis wearing the Brand New shoes from?! I’m so glad you were as excited about it as me haha, I used to listen to them a lot in high school and recently found all my old CD’s, & one part in The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows sort of reminded me of them - “I’d lie for only you, & I’d lie well” & now that fucker is wearing shoes with their album cover on them! I thought he was pretty cool before but wayyy cooler now :) Just picture him belting out Seventy Times Seven!
I need to have a very in depth conversation with him about his music taste and his love for Brand New. I need this.

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