This post was created in partnership with OXO. The morning of Thanksgiving I stumbled upon an article on domino titled Eat This Before You Eat Your Thanksgiving Feast. Did you read it? Did the advice the article was dishing out make you as angry as it made me? Listen, I’m all about eating mindfully and making better food choices but a woman (and registered dietician) featured in the article suggested we eat before the big meal so we’re not as tempted to make poor food choices, wear form-fitting clothing so that we’re physically unable to comfortably overeat (she claims “nothing feels worse than when you eat so much you have to unbutton a button or loosen your belt” but she obviously has no idea what she’s talking about because unbuttoning your pants after a big holiday meal is one of the greatest feelings EVER), and carry a clutch so we have one less hand available for reaching, grabbing, etc. Not surprisingly, I read that article with my mouth wide open thinking how sad it is that someone gave this woman a platform to spew her nonsense. I’m pretty sure I’m preaching to the choir here but it goes without saying: […]
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