
Thanks for joining me Nicolle, Tell Us more about yourself, what was life-like growing up, and your personal lifestyle?

Growing up in the cosmopolitan and multi cultural city of London provided me with a fantastic introduction to the beauty and diversity of different cultures and cuisines. I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to travel extensively and experience health and wellness treatments and detoxification programmes all over the world in addition to the UK, which further developed my passion for the industry.

What is a Nutritionist?

A nutritionist is someone who has been trained in the science of food and how it can be applied to assist and enhance in the well-being of individuals health care plans and weight management programmes.  Certified Nutritionists are required to have a comprehensive understanding of anatomy and physiology in addition to understanding how the DNA of foods can impact the body.

Nutrition is not a stand alone subject, as by addressing the body as a whole in a holistic way, you have the opportunity to work alongside and support other professionals such as Doctors, Nurses, Therapists and Fitness Instructors, to ensure that the health and wellness of the client is reviewed and addressed collaboratively.

When did you decide to pursue a career in the health and wellness industry? Also What made you launch your lovely website: Brandushealthy.com?

Before transitioning into the health and wellness industry I worked for over 15 years in the city for both corporate companies and in the luxury fashion arena. The experience I gained working for some of the top business men and women in the country, ignited my personal ambitions and self belief. Long hours and highly pressurized environments gradually took their toll and led to me retraining in beauty therapy before going on to gain post-graduate qualifications in Education and Nutritional Therapy. The Brand Us Healthy website was born out of a passion to share my knowledge and love of clinical nutrition with others and to enable like-minded individuals to connect with each other via an online interactive network.

What is a typical day like for you?

There really is no typical day for me, apart from the assurance that each day will be packed full of a long to do list and many interesting challenges!  In my capacity as Head of Communications, PR and Media at The London School of Beauty & Make-up my focus is on promoting beauty and wellness education through interactive engagement with Editors, Brand Directors and of course our number one clients our students. As the Founder of Brand Us Healthy my role is to provide nutritional advice, diet plans, detoxification programmes and services through the publication of freelance articles, online educational tools and via client consultations.

What are your favorite and least  favorite aspects of your job?

I love every aspect of nutrition and education and can hand on heart say that there are no negative aspects to my job. Not having enough hours in the day to achieve everything I want to is probably the most frustrating aspect, however being able to share my knowledge as to the benefits of foods and how adopting a healthy lifestyle can bring incredible long-term health benefits is such a privilege, which I’m truly grateful for.

What are your career goals as a Nutritionist, Writer and Educator?

My ultimate goal is to further develop Brand Us Healthy, continue to expand my client base and continue to develop nutritional programmes that can be used to promotes nutritional awareness to target groups of young adults and children, who would greatly benefit from this type of information. Education is continually evolving and to be able to provide accessible information that may inspire or assist others to make small but important changes to support their Longevity is truly an honour.

What personality traits do you think would help someone to be successful as a nutritionist and Health Consultant?

Aside of having a passion for the subject and a genuine affiliation and desire to support others, an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology and the science of food is paramount. Having the adaptability to work in a team and be a good listener are also important traits, as you will often have to consult and work closely with other healthcare professionals.

What advice, or words of caution, would you give to a student who is considering studying to become a nutritionist?

Be prepared to work hard for many years to achieve your goal. Nowadays the rewards of instant gratification seem to have overtaken the ethics of working up the career ladder to achieve success. Attaining a qualification is the easy part as post accreditation, it takes equal amounts of effort to ensure that you are continually up to date with the latest scientific research and studies. Every industry is extremely competitive and with high numbers of applicants applying for one role, it is vital to be prepared for a challenge and arm yourself with factual knowledge that will help your clients whilst  keeping them engaged. Learn from the setbacks, believe in yourself and settle for nothing less than your ultimate vision.


In your own words, what are the essential Benefits of eating raw foods?

There are many benefits to incorporating a large proportion of raw plant-based foods and lean protein into your diet. When cooking or exposing food to temperatures over 118 degrees F, natural enzymes are completely destroyed.  As the breakdown of food in our digestive systems takes time and energy to process in order to provide our internal organs and cells with the vital nutrients they require to function to their optimum ability, it is vital to nourish our bodies in the best way possible.

Raw foods are also very alkalising which aid the body in natural detoxification. There are many benefits relating to a diet high in raw foods, however it is important to follow a balanced diet that has been designed to suit individual needs. Personally I advocate a programme that is 70% plant-based and 30% lean proteins which I promote through The Academy of Raw and Superfood Nutrition and Brand Us Healthy detox plans.

What has been your greatest professional success and biggest setback?

Professional successes for me always relate to seeing others who I have mentored or managed flourish and excel in their careers. There is no greater reward than to provide people with knowledge and guidance that they then take and use proactively to become confident in their own right. Being able to help others achieve their dreams is the biggest compliment I could have. There have been many setbacks in my career and personal life but I always take the negatives and look at them as an opportunity to learn from them and turn them into a positive. Life is too short to have regrets, I’m a strong believer in moving forwards and never looking back. Setbacks always happen for a reason even if we don’t know why at the time.


Who have been the biggest inspirations for your career and why?

I have always been inspired by true industry pioneers such as Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Professor Susan Jebb, David Wolfe, Dr. Colin Campbell, Ann Wigmore, Dr. Max Gershon, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Charlotte Gershon, Dr. Daniel Amen and his wife Tana Amen BSc. RN. These individuals have dedicated their lives to promoting the benefits of nutrition and the intrinsic link it plays within the healthcare system.


What are some of your latest and upcoming projects?Also, how do you keep fit, and look so healthy and glowing?

One of my latest projects is the ongoing development of detoxification and weight loss programmes for specific target markets. I practice Pilates daily and eat very healthily which certainly help keep me both active and healthy.  Free time is spent with loved ones and family which keep me balanced and happy.

Is there anything else you can tell us about yourself, your career, or the profession that would be interesting or helpful to others aspiring to enter and succeed in the Health, fitness, and Nutrition industry?

When I first entered the industry it was via the field of beauty and spa therapy. Despite enjoying working with clients and lecturing in the subject after attaining my post-graduate in education, I soon realized that this was not the area where my true passion lay. After undertaking numerous nutrition courses and attending masterclasses and CPD workshops in the field I knew that I had found my niche area. The two disciples are so intrinsically linked that one compliments the other and I’m fortunate enough to be able to work in both areas. If when embarking on an area of study, you find it is not for you take a little time out to reassess but never give up on your dreams.

Website- www.brandushealthy.com

Twitter And Instagram-@nicollefrench


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