New Delhi: In line with the government’s Digital India initiative, HP Inc on Wednesday launched its first ‘Centre of Excellence’ (CoE) in India.
The facility is dedicated to demonstrating innovative solutions developed locally that have the potential to digitally transform the country.
The 4,000 square-feet facility aims to showcase multiple solutions for sectors such as education, healthcare, BFSI (Banking, Financial services and Insurance) and manufacturing.
“The CoE will allow government and non-government stakeholders to have a practical understanding of the solutions making it easier for decision makers to take a step forward towards comprehensive digitisation of the nation,” said P.P. Chaudhary, Minister of State for Law and Justice, in a statement.
Developed in collaboration with over 25 system integrators that include top IT software companies, the CoE will be used as a platform to exhibit solutions relevant to government and businesses.
“HP India over the years has delivered transformational technology solutions to help make the Digital India vision a reality,” added Rajiv Srivastava, Managing Director, HP Inc India.