
Important Note: Here you will find all the possible answers of interview questions about Wordpress development, modify/edit, wordpress theme customization, wordpress blog posting, wordpress seo and all other important wordpress related interview questions with the best answers. When applying for the wordpress related jobs in Upwork or wherever else, you will be asked by your interviewer below mentioned questions.

37 possible wordpress interview questions and answers:

1. Are there any limitations to a WordPress web site?
Not that we have found yet. You can use WordPress for e-commerce sites, membership sites, photo galleries and any other type of site you can think of. The web site is created using the same html code as any other site so there are no limitations there either. I have yet to find a reason not to use WordPress for any client site.

2. Can I rename the WordPress folder?
If you have not already installed WordPress, you can rename the folder with the WordPress files, before, or even after uploading the files.

If you have already installed WordPress, and you want to rename the folder, login to the weblog as the administrator and change the following settings in Settings > General:

WordPress address (URI):

Blog address (URI):

Once you have done this, you can rename the directory or folder with the WordPress files in it.

3. Can I use a database other than MySQL?

Other databases are not supported at the moment.

There are several other excellent database storage engines, such as PostgreSQL and SQLite that WordPress is interested in supporting in the future. Supporting multiple databases is trickier than it sounds and is not under active development, although there are plenty of architectural discussions about the best approach to take. Approaches for increasing the number of supported databases are discussed at Using Alternative Databases. There is a PostgreSQL port of WordPress available called WordPress-Pg.

4. Do I need to have a blog in order to use WordPress for my site?
WordPress was originally used as blogging software (and still is) though it has since become popular for web sites also. You do not need to include a blog on your web site in order to use WordPress. We have created a number of sites that do not have any blog at all but the client wanted the ability to update content themselves so we used WordPress. We do suggest having a blog because it will help with your search engine optimization. Though we only suggest that if you plan on updating the blog on a regular basis, otherwise having a blog without any updates is not going to do you any good.

5. Do I really need MySQL?
You certainly need the MySQL database server to power your WordPress blog. In fact, WordPress only supports the MySQL database server. Listed are the PHP and MySQL requirements:

WordPress server requirements for Version 3.2:

PHP version 5.2.4 or greater

MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater

(Optional)(Required for MultiSite) Apache mod_rewrite module (for clean URIs known as Permalinks)

6. Do you know Why doesnt the following code print the new line properly?
$str = ‘Hello, there.nHow are you?nThanks for visiting Us’;
print $str;
Because inside the single quotes the n character is not interpreted as newline, just as a sequence of two characters – and n.

7. Does the 644 permissions on wp-config.php compromise the username and password to all other users on my shared server?
This is a limitation of the way PHP is set up on your server. If you previously used MovableType, Perl was probably set up with suexec so Movable Type executed as your user. In this case, PHP is running as the web server user, which is why it has to be at least 444. There is phpsuexec but it seems many hosts don’t use it.

However this is often not an issue on modern shared hosts because even though the file is “world” readable each account is set up with a “jailshell” which keeps people locked in their home directory, and PHP can be easily modified with an open_basedir restriction to keep people from writing PHP scripts to read your files. If you are really concerned, you should contact your host to see what measures they are taking.

8. How can I change what appears between Categories when I post in more than one Category?
To configure the way the post’s categories display, open the index.php file and find the line <div class meta>. There you will see the following code:

<?php the_category() ?>

Inside of the parentheses ( ) and quote marks, add or change this to reflect the new look you desire.

If you would like to have commas between the categories, the tag should read:

<?php the_category(‘,’) ?>

If you would like to have an arrow, the tag would look like this:

<?php the_category(‘ > ‘) ?>

If you would like to have a bullet, the tag would look like this:

<?php the_category(‘ • ‘) ?>

If you would like the “pipe” ( | ) between the categories, the tag would look like this:

<?php the_category(‘ | ‘) ?>

Use your imagination and creativity to make the separations in the categories look any way you like.

9. How can I get WordPress working when I am behind a reverse proxy?
In some setups, it’s necessary to use something other than the HTTP_HOST header to generate URLs. Reverse proxies take the original request and send it to one of a group of servers. To do so, it overwrites the HTTP_HOST with the internal server’s domain. When that domain is not publicly accessible, at best your images might not load correctly, at worst, you’ll be stuck in a redirect loop. To fix this, figure out which header has the right domain name and add a line to your wp-config.php file that overwrites HTTP_HOST with the correct hostname.

If you need to use SERVER_NAME, add this line to wp-config.php:


If you need to use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST, add this line to wp-config.php:


10. How can I have a static front page and posts display on a page called Blog?
If using WordPress as a CMS, you might want to present readers with a static front page, and then display your posts on another page called Blog. To accomplish that follow these instructions:

Create a Page and use “My Front Page” for the Page Title. Of course, in the content for that Page, you can enter the information you want presented on your site’s front page (see example below if you want to display a post).

Create a Page and call it Blog. Nothing needs to be entered in the content field of this Page.

In Administration > Settings > Reading set the Front page displays to A static page, and select My Front Page for Front page:, and select Blog for the Posts page:.

If you want to further customize your front page, you can create a Template, and fit it to meet your needs:

With the help of the Template Hierarchy article, determine what Template is normally used to display your Pages (e.g. page.php or index.php).

Copy that template to myfront.php. If you were using the WordPress Default theme you would copy wp-content/themes/default/page.php to wp-content/themes/default/myfront.php.

In Administration > Appearance > Editor, edit the myfront.php and change the beginning of the file from:

* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Default_Theme


Template Name: MyFront

Then access the Page called Front in Administration > Page > Edit and set the Template to MyFront.
Once that’s all working, begin changing myfront.php to make it look like what you want.
That’s it. You are done.

Use this example for the ‘MyFront’ Page Template if you want to display one post, instead of the Page content, on your ‘static front page’:
Template Name: MyFront

query_posts(‘p=1′); //set p=x where x is post id of post you want to see or use query_posts(‘cat=1&posts_per_page=1);
//to show one post from Category 1

if (have_posts()) :

” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to ”>


’); ?> Posted in |

Not Found

Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.

11. How can I hide my blog from people?
Whether you are testing a new version of WordPress, setting up a new blog or have some other reason to limit access, the following information may help you keep unwanted visitors out.


There is no guaranteed way to do this. You can use the .htaccess file (which also contains your permalink code) to check for certain IP addresses and prevent them from viewing your site. This will only stop the IP address, not the person, so if they have access to an allowed IP address, they can get to your page. One tutorial for this is located at Clockwatchers.com

An .htaccess file can also be used to prevent others from “hot-linking” to your images (bandwidth theft) or to set up a password protected blog.

Apache Basic Authentication

To require a password to access your site using .htaccess and .htpasswd: Clockwatchers.com .htpasswd.

Tools that help you create the files necessary to password protect your site: Clockwatchers.com .htaccess And .htpasswd Tools

Note: When your site is accessed the password is encoded weakly using Base64 and can be easily intercepted and decoded.

Windows IIS Basic Authentication

To require a password if your site is hosted on IIS, you can deselect Allow Anonymous Access and select Basic Authentication. You’ll also need to have a username with a password.

Note: When your site is accessed the password is encoded weakly using Base64 and can be easily intercepted and decoded.

12. How do I change the site admin name?
To change your Admin Name, in the Administration Panel, choose the Users->Your Profile tab. Make your changes there. However, you are not able to change the username from within the Administration panel. In order to do this you must directly edit the MySQL database, however this is not recommended as your username is not often seen by other users.

13. How do I determine a Post, Page, Category, Tag, Link, Link Category, or User ID?
Sometimes it is necessary to know the ID of a particular Post, Page, Category, Tag, Link, Link Category, or User. To determine that ID, use one of these method:

Look in your browser status bar for the ID:

Visit the related ‘Edit’ screen in your Administration Panel. For instance in the case of Posts visit Posts->Edit, for Pages visit Pages->Edit, and for Categories visit Posts->Categories.

Now hover your mouse over the ‘item’ you need the ID. In the case of Pages, hover over that particular Page’s title in the Title column and for Categories hover over the Categories Name in the Name column.

Look at the status bar (at the bottom of your browser) and the you will find at the end of the line something like “post=123″ or “cat_ID=67″. In these cases, 123 is the Page ID, and 67 is the Category ID.

Install a plugin:

Install and activate Reveal IDs for WP Admin, Simply Show IDs, or ShowID for Post/Page/Category/Tag/Comment.

Find the ID displayed with each item.

14. How do I disable comments?
First, unchecked Allow people to post comments on the article on the Options > Discussion panel. This will only disable comments on future posts. Now, to completely disable comments, you will have to edit each past post and uncheck Allow Comments from the Write Post SubPanel. Alternatively, you could run this MySQL query from the command line on a shell account or using phpMyAdmin: UPDATE wp_posts SET comment_status=”closed”;

If your goal is to permanently disable comments, then you should delete the wp-comments-post.php file as well.

15. How do I disable trackbacks and pingbacks?
First, unchecked Allow link notifications from other Weblogs (pingbacks and trackbacks.) on the Options > Discussion panel. This will only disable trackbacks and pingbacks on future posts. Now, to completely disable trackbacks and pingbacks, you will have to edit each past post and uncheck Allow Pings from the Write Post SubPanel. Alternatively, run this MySQL query from the command line on a shell account or using PHPMyAdmin: UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status=”closed”;

If your goal is to permanently disable trackbacks and pingbacks, then you should delete the wp-trackback.php file as well.

16. How do I prevent comment flooding?
Comment flooding is when a lot of comments (probably spam) are posted to your website in a very short duration of time. This is only one aspect of the broader problem of comment spam in general, but it can quickly overwhelm a moderator’s ability to manually delete the offending comments.Comment flooding is when a lot of comments (probably spam) are posted to your website in a very short duration of time. This is only one aspect of the broader problem of comment spam in general, but it can quickly overwhelm a moderator’s ability to manually delete the offending comments.

WordPress manages the worst floods automatically by default. Any commenters from the same IP or e-mail address (other than registered users with manage_options capabilities) that post within 15 seconds of their last comment gets their comment discarded. The time setting can be changed by a number of plugins that extend this functionality. You might also consider one of the many broader spam blocking plugins, such as Akismet, or even turning your comment system over to Disqus.

You could also just change the time setting by directly hacking the core file, but the correct way would be to create and install a very basic plugin and insert the following code:

function dam_the_flood( $dam_it, $time_last, $time_new ) {
if ( ($time_new – $time_last) < 300 ) // time interval is 300
return true; // seconds
return false;
add_filter(‘comment_flood_filter’, ‘dam_the_flood’, 10, 3);

17. How do I prevent my images from being hot-linked by another website?
You can use your .htaccess file to protect images from being hot linked, or, in other words, being linked-to from other websites. This can be a drain on your bandwidth, because if someone links directly to the image on your site, then you lose the bandwidth.

18. How do I redirect users back to my blog´s main page after they login?
By default, WordPress reroutes a registered user to the Administration Panels after they log into the blog. To change the page, there are WordPress Plugins that can handle the redirect, or you can set the Theme function to handle it. See Function_Reference/wp_login_url.

19. How many tables a default WordPress will have?
A default wordpress will have 11 tables. They are:
1. wp_commentmeta
2. wp_comments
3. wp_links
4. wp_options
5. wp_postmeta
6. wp_posts
7. wp_terms
8. wp_term_relationships
9. wp_term_taxonomy

20. How to hide the top admin bar at the frontend of wordpress 3.4?
Add the below mentioned code in the theme(active) function.php add_filter(‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’);

Add the below code in the active theme stylesheet
#wpadminbar {
display: none; visibility: hidden;

21. How to run Any Query on the Database for WordPress?
The query function allows you to execute any SQL query on the WordPress database. It is best to use a more specific function (see below), however,
for SELECT queries.

query(‘query’); ?>

22. Tell me Is a web site on WordPress secure?
Out of the box WordPress is secure and you should not have to worry about any problems with your site. While we agree with that sentiment it does not stop us from taking extra steps to be positive your site will be secure. Part of the process of creating your site involves us taking extra measures to be sure your site will be secure for you. There are many things we will do that you will never need to understand, but unlike many design firms we will not just do a basic install and walk away. This will help prevent attacks against your web site (something that is not very common to begin with though).

There is a common myth that WordPress web sites are more prone to be attacked or hacked than a normal web site. After working on nothing but WordPress sites and blogs for the past three years I have only had to go in and repair a single site and that was due to a problem with the host of the site and not the site itself. Major businesses now use WordPress for their web sites, I am sure they would not do so if they felt it was not secure.

23. Tell me Would you initialize your strings with single quotes or double quotes?
Since the data inside the single-quoted string is not parsed for variable substitution, it’s always a better idea speed-wise to initialize a string with single quotes unless you specifically need variable substitution.

24. Tell some commonly used functions in wordpress?
Wordpress have lot of inbuilt functions. Some of commonly used function in wordpress are:

wp_nav_menu() :- Displays a navigation menu.
is_page() :- Condition for check if page is displayed. Its return true or false only.
get_the_excerpt() :- Copy the excerpt of the post into a specified variable.
in_category() :- Tests if the specified post is assigned to any of the specified categories or not.
the_title():- Displays the title of the post.
the_content():- Displays the contents of the post.

25. What are rules to follow in wordpress plugin development?
Find a unique name
Setup a prefix (related to your brand)
Create the plugin’s folder
Create sub-folders for PHP files, assets, and translations
Create the main plugin file and fill in obligatory header information
Create a readme.txt file
Use proper constants and functions to detect paths to plugin files
Create additional PHP files and include them inside the main one
Create activation and deactivation functions
Create an uninstall script

26. What are the Feature of WordPress?
• Simplicity Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online and get publishing, quickly. Nothing should get in the way of you getting your website up and your content out there. WordPress is built to make that happen.
• Flexibility With WordPress, you can create any type of website you want: a personal blog or website, a photoblog, a business website, a professional portfolio, a government website, a magazine or news website, an online community, even a network of websites. You can make your website beautiful with themes, and extend it with plugins. You can even build your very own application.
• Publish with Ease If you’ve ever created a document, you’re already a whizz at creating content with WordPress. You can create Posts and Pages, format them easily, insert media, and with the click of a button your content is live and on the web.
• Publishing Tools WordPress makes it easy for you to manage your content. Create drafts, schedule publication, and look at your post revisions. Make your content public or private, and secure posts and pages with a password.
• User Management Not everyone requires the same access to your website. Administrators manage the site, editors work with content, authors and contributors write that content, and subscribers have a profile that they can manage. This lets you have a variety of contributors to your website, and let others simply be part of your community.
• Media Management They say a picture says a thousand words, which is why it’s important for you to be able to quickly and easily upload images and media to WordPress. Drag and drop your media into the uploader to add it to your website. Add alt text, captions, and titles, and insert images and galleries into your content. We’ve even added a few image editing tools you can have fun with.
• Full Standards Compliance Every piece of WordPress generated code is in full compliance with the standards set by the W3C. This means that your website will work in today’s browser, while maintaining forward compatibility with the next generation of browser. Your website is a beautiful thing, now and in the future.
• Easy Theme System WordPress comes bundled with two default themes, but if they aren’t for you there’s a theme directory with thousands of themes for you to create a beautiful website. None of those to your taste? Upload your own theme with the click of a button. It only takes a few seconds for you to give your website a complete makeover.
• Extend with Plugins WordPress comes packed full of features for every user, for every other feature there’s a plugin directory with thousands of plugins. Add complex galleries, social networking, forums, social media widgets, spam protection, calendars, fine-tune controls for search engine optimization, and forms.
• Built-in Comments Your blog is your home, and comments provide a space for your friends and followers to engage with your content. WordPress’s comment tools give you everything you need to be a forum for discussion and to moderate that discussion.
• Search Engine Optimized When the head of Google’s web spam team says that WordPress is a great choice, taking care of 80-90% of the mechanics of search engine optimization for you, you know you’re on to a good thing. For more fine-grained SEO control, there are plenty of SEO plugins to take care of that for you.
• Multilingual WordPress is available in more than 70 languages. If you or the person you’re building the website for would prefer to use WordPress in a language other than English, that’s easy to do.
• Easy Installation and Upgrades WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade. If you’re happy using an FTP program, you can create a database, upload WordPress using FTP, and run the installer. Not familiar with FTP? Plenty of web hosts offer one-click WordPress installers that let you install WordPress with, well, just one click!
• Importers Using blog or website software that you aren’t happy with? Running your blog on a hosted service that’s about to shut down? WordPress comes with importers for blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, TypePad, Tumblr, and WordPress. If you’re ready to make the move, we’ve made it easy for you.
• Own Your Data Hosted services come and go. If you’ve ever used a service that disappeared, you know how traumatic that can be. If you’ve ever seen adverts appear on your website, you’ve probably been pretty annoyed. Using WordPress means no one has access to your content. Own your data, all of it – your website, your content, your data.
• Freedom WordPress is licensed under the GPL which was created to protect your freedoms. You are free to use WordPress in any way you choose: install it, use it, modify it, distribute it. Software freedom is the foundation that WordPress is built on.
• Community As the most popular open source CMS on the web, WordPress has a vibrant and supportive community. Ask a question on the support forums and get help from a volunteer, attend a WordCamp or Meetup to learn more about WordPress, read blogs posts and tutorials about WordPress. Community is at the heart of WordPress, making it what it is today.
• Contribute You can be WordPress too! Help to build WordPress, answer questions on the support forums, write documentation, translate WordPress into your language, speak at a WordCamp, write about WordPress on your blog. Whatever your skill, we’d love to have you!
Developer Features

For developers, we’ve got lots of goodies packed under the hood that you can use to extend WordPress in whatever direction takes your fancy.

• Plugin System The WordPress APIs make it possible for you to create plugins to extend WordPress. WordPress’s extensibility lies in the thousands of hooks at your disposal. Once you’ve created your plugin, we’ve even got a plugin repository for you to host it on.
• Theme System Create WordPress themes for clients, customers, and for WordPress users. The WordPress API provides the extensibility to create themes as simple or as complex as you wish. If you want to give your theme away for free you can give it to users in the Theme Repository
• Application Framework If you want to build an application, WordPress can help with that too. Under the hood WordPress provides a lot of the features that your app will need, things like translations, user management, HTTP requests, databases, URL routing and much, much more.
• Custom Content Types WordPress comes with default content types, but for more flexibility you can add a few lines of code to create your own custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress in whatever direction you wish.
• The Latest Libraries WordPress comes with the latest script libraries for you to make use of. These include jQuery, Plupload, Underscore.js and Backbone.js. We’re always on the lookout for new tools that developers can use to make a better experience for our users.

27. What are the features of WordPress?
The key features of wordpress are –
1. Full standards compliance
2. No rebuilding
3. WordPress Pages
4. WordPress Links
5. WordPress Themes
6. Cross-blog communication tools
8. Spam protection
9. Full user registration
10. Password Protected Posts
11. Easy installation and upgrades
12. Easy Importing
13. XML-RPC interface
14. Workflow
15. Typographical niceties
16. Intelligent text formatting
17. Multiple authors
18. Bookmarklets
19. Ping away

28. What are the template tags in wordpress?
A template tag is code that instructs WordPress to “do” or “get” something. Like in header.php we will use the tag bloginfo(‘name’) to get information from user profile.

The the_title() template tag is used to display the post title.
wp_list_cats() are for display categories.
get_header() for getting header.
get_sidebar() for display the sidebar on page.
get_footer() for get the footer content on page.

29. What is file structure in wordpress.
The main files used in wordpress are:

index.php :- for index page.
single.php :- for single post page.
page.php :- display the static pages.
category.php :- Display the category page.
archive.php :- For archive page display.
tag.php :- For display the tags page.
author.php :- For display author page.
search.php :- For display the search result page.
404.php :- For display 404 error page.
taxonomy.php :- For display the taxonomy archive.
attachment.php :- For managing the single attachments page.
header.php :- For managing top part of page.
footer.php :- For manage bottom part of pages.

30. What is hooks and types of hooks in wordpress?
Hooks are provided by WordPress to allow your plugin to ‘hook into’ the rest of WordPress; that is, to call functions in your plugin at specific times, and thereby set your plugin in motion. There are two kinds of hooks:

Actions: Actions are the hooks that the WordPress core launches at specific points during execution, or when specific events occur. Your plugin can specify that one or more of its PHP functions are executed at these points, using the Action API. Filters: Filters are the hooks that WordPress launches to modify text of various types before adding it to the database or sending it to the browser screen. Your plugin can specify that one or more of its PHP functions is executed to modify specific types of text at these times, using the Filter API.

Actions Functions:

Filter Functions:

31. What is WordPress?
The WordPress web site defines WordPress as “web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. “ That describes it in the simplest form possible though I will try to expand on that. WordPress is the platform that we currently use for the majority of all client web sites. It was originally used for blogs but has since expanded to be used for full web sites, both personal and business. The main reason people prefer using WordPress now is that it is extremely easy to use, even for a beginner. Once the site is setup (that is where we come in) you will be able to update the content of your web site yourself, without having to know any programming at all! If you are able to create a document in Microsoft Word then you will be bale to update your web site, it is that easy.

WordPress also allows your site to be expanded with incredible features thanks to the many plugins available. We will determine at the start of the project what you will need and everything will be setup and customized for you.

32. What is XML-RPC?

XML-RPC is a Remote Procedure Calling protocol that works over the Internet.

An XML-RPC message is an HTTP-POST request. The body of the request is in XML. A procedure executes on the server and the value it returns is also formatted in XML.

Procedure parameters can be scalars, numbers, strings, dates, etc.; and can also be complex record and list structures.

Request example

Here’s an example of an XML-RPC request:

User-Agent: Frontier/5.1.2 (WinNT)
Host: betty.userland.com
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-length: 181

examples.getStateName 41

Header requirements

The format of the URI in the first line of the header is not specified. For example, it could be empty, a single slash, if the server is only handling XML-RPC calls. However, if the server is handling a mix of incoming HTTP requests, we allow the URI to help route the request to the code that handles XML-RPC requests. (In the example, the URI is /RPC2, telling the server to route the request to the “RPC2″ responder.)

A User-Agent and Host must be specified.

The Content-Type is text/xml.

The Content-Length must be specified and must be correct.

Payload format

The payload is in XML, a single structure.

The must contain a sub-item, a string, containing the name of the method to be called. The string may only contain identifier characters, upper and lower-case A-Z, the numeric characters, 0-9, underscore, dot, colon and slash. It’s entirely up to the server to decide how to interpret the characters in a methodName.

For example, the methodName could be the name of a file containing a script that executes on an incoming request. It could be the name of a cell in a database table. Or it could be a path to a file contained within a hierarchy of folders and files.

If the procedure call has parameters, the must contain a sub-item. The sub-item can contain any number of s, each of which has a .

Scalar s

s can be scalars, type is indicated by nesting the value inside one of the tags listed in this table:

33. Why "WP to Twitter" plugin fail to submit an update to Twitter in WordPress?
When creating your application, do not click the “create your access token” until you first click on Settings and change the Application Type to “Read, Write and Access direct messages”. After your Twitter application has been updated to “Read, Write and Access direct messages”, click on the Home tab, and “create your access token”.

34. Why are all the comments being moderated?
Go to the Options > Discussion panel and make sure that An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below) is unchecked. With that option selected, all comments are sent to the moderation queue to await approval. Make sure that Hold a comment in the queue if it contains more than x links is not blank and contains a number higher than zero. If this value is blank or zero, all comments containing links will be moderated. If the option mentioned above is unchecked, the link moderation value is higher than zero, and you still have this problem, your Spam Words list probably has blank lines, punctuation marks, or single letters between the information in the list. There should be spaces between the listed items or each item must be on its own line. If you have done this, then upgrade the comment spam plugins you have installed. If this continues to be a problem, deactivate the comment spam plugins one by one to determine the culprit and contact the plugin author for help.

35. Why can not I delete the uncategorized Category?
Any Category with a non-zero value for # of Posts in the Administration > Manage > Categories cannot be deleted. The uncategorized Category might be assigned to some Posts, but all Pages are assigned the uncategorized Category. So even though there may be no posts assigned to the uncategorized Category, Pages are included in the count of # of Posts.

The default category cannot be deleted even if it is empty, however you can specify your default categories for posts or links on the Options – Writing page of the admin panel.

36. Why does WordPress use MySQL?
MySQL is extremely fast. It is also the most widely available database server in the world. Open-source and free, MySQL is supported by thousands of low-cost Linux (and Windows!) hosts, which means a very low barrier to entry for anyone wanting to start a WordPress (or database-driven) website. MySQL’s documentation is useful, cogent and thorough. (Note: it may be intimidating if you are new to all this.) Add to all that the fact that users are able to directly manipulate MySQL with phpMyAdmin, developed expressly for that purpose, and it is obvious that MySQL is the best choice. Of course, WordPress insists on the best.

37. Will using WordPress help my site show up on Google?
Yes. That is one of the major selling points of using WordPress is that it includes excellent built in search engine optimization (SEO). With a normal site you would need to include all of the SEO yourself (or hire someone). While it is still recommended that you hire someone for a full SEO campaign if needed, the built in SEO capabilities of WordPress more than enough to get you started. We will also install additional plugins to help with your SEO when you first launch the site. These are popular plugins that are known to help your rank on search engines such as Google and Bing.

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