
If you are anything like me, you spoil your dog rotten. From organic dog food to regular trips to the dog park to getting to sleep on the bed, Ru’s life has completely turned around from the day I adopted her. It’s hard to believe she could have gone so quickly from a puppy scheduled to be euthanized to a pampered, goofy, perfect dog. Of course, she is none the wiser.

A few months ago Ru’s stomach broke out into a horrible rash. It was determined to be an allergic reaction, and I began the horrible process of trying to figure out the cause: potentially anything from a basic food ingredient to grass. The rash has fortunately disappeared, making me think it’s seasonal, and I’ve slowly started adding foods back into her diet again.

Ru’s favorite food is peanut butter. She goes absolutely bananas for it. If someone even so much as eats a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup at work, she’s all over them, promising with her eager eyes to be best friends forever. I’ve even caught her stealing the metal wrappers out of the trashcans (bad dog!).

Since today is Thanksgiving, I wanted to make Ru, and my mom’s two pups, a festive treat that they could chow down on while we eat our own feast. Dog cookies are not generally complicated, and there’s no need for flavor enhancements like salt or spices. Plus, unlike a two year old, they’re usually not particularly picky.

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Treats

2 cups flour, plus extra for rolling the dough

1/3 cup pumpkin puree

1/3 cup smooth peanut butter

3 eggs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together flour, pumpkin puree, peanut butter, and eggs with a stand mixer or in a bowl with a hand mixer. Liberally sprinkle flour down on a counter or cutting board and roll the dough with a floured rolling pin until it is a 1/4 inch thick. Either use a cookie cutter or cut into 1 inch squares.

Place the treats onto an un-greased cookie sheet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until the bottoms are beginning to brown.

Don’t worry if the treats puff up a little bit. Your dog won’t mind! This recipe makes around 36 decently sized cookies, which is more than most single dogs should eat in a week (although I’m sure they’d be happy to try). Share them amongst a few pups or give some away as holiday goodies. They will last a week when sealed well at room temperature.

What’s your pup’s favorite food?

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