
Highlights and new Features of 3.0

Deeper Azure support Cloud Services & Web Apps

SSH endpoints and deployments

Offline deployments

Delta compression on package transfer

3.0 Importer tool / 2.6 Migrator

We have changed to SQL Server

Communications layer change: from Pipefish to Halibut

UI update See on our demo server!

Our EULA has had an overhaul

Breaking change: NuGet internal repository has a new directory path (no change to push URL or UI)

Breaking change: Document IDs will change, so if you use specific IDs with the API they will need updating

Breaking change: No Octopus scheduled backups! SQL Server backups will need to be arranged

Breaking change: FTP step has been removed, there is a new Library step instead

Breaking change: 2.x Deploy to Windows Azure step removed to be replaced by new Azure endpoints

Breaking change: Transformation errors will now fail a deployment, a new variable was added to suppress

See what's new in our webinar!

Plan your upgrade from 2.6 to 3.0

Changes from 3.0.22 to 3.0.23

1962 - Octopus Server configuration change to disable unnecessary CRL checking

1980 - Added a command line option to export Tentacle thumbprints to a file

Changes from 3.0.21 to 3.0.22

1900 - Added the variable Octopus.Acquire.DeltaCompressionEnabled to toggle delta compression when sending packages

Changes from 3.0.20 to 3.0.21

1559 - Better sanitization of IIS Host Binding

1581 - IIS binding correctly replaces SSL certificates

1833 - Fixed a bug in how we decide which retention policy to apply to files on Tentacles during a deployment

1837 - Added a command to set file paths for NuGet repository, artifacts and task logs

1841 - Fix rendering issues in Edge

1945 - Prevent running duplicate configuration transforms due to case of transform file-name

1958 - Remove task queue timeout for all but scheduled tasks

1960 - Improved handling for missing bin directory issue when copying to custom installation directory.

Changes from 3.0.19 to 3.0.20

932 - Step and step template edit pages now prompt for unsaved changes

1619 - Step template to clean configuration transform files will now prevent null Path error if no matching files were found

1794 - Fix a bug where custom expressions for step template parameters didn't always show correctly

1871 - Special variable for the previous successful deployment ID is now available

1881 - Show Ignore Offline Machines option during deployment preview

1897 - Added the variable Octopus.Action.Package.IgnoreVariableReplacementErrors to treat variable replacement errors as warnings

1920 - Re-implement Tentacle deregister-from command.

1927 - Automatic retry if uploading a package fails

1935 - Fix an issue that prevented retention policies running for projects with thousands of releases

1946 - Configuration transform errors are treated as warnings when Octopus.Action.Package.IgnoreConfigTransformationErrors is set to true

1954 - Deleted buttons that user is unable to execute are hidden by default

Changes from 3.0.18 to 3.0.19

1878 - New packages will be committed to the built-in NuGet repository at regular intervals instead of waiting until the end of re-indexing

Changes from 3.0.17 to 3.0.18

1752 - Applying retention policy avoids file system resource contention that was generating IO exceptions.

1930 - Allow forward-slash in variable names

1932 - Improve exception reporting in server logs with explanations and help links

Changes from 3.0.16 to 3.0.17

1808 - Correctly set Local System as executing user of windows service to ensure it can be applied if the service was previously run under a different account

1923 - Fix null reference in Calamari script when deploying a new service not previously deployed

1924 - PowerShell Script Steps are now executed with the -NonInteractive argument

Changes from 3.0.15 to 3.0.16

1907 - Open packages with FileShare.Read to reduce conflicts between anti-virus scanner and Tentacle

1916 - Allow health check to return drive information where free space < 1KB

1917 - Scoped ProjectIds on ServerTasks now remapped as part of migration

1919 - Resolved issue deploying to Azure targets introduced in 3.0.15

Changes from 3.0.13 to 3.0.15

What happened to 3.0.14? Some customers experienced an issue with a SQL Database Upgrade script timing out so we decided to pull this release and go straight to 3.0.15 to avoid confusion.

1832 - Scheduled deployments date input updated to support popup date picker

1845 - Improve performance of events queries

1856 - Temporary certificate generated for Azure script execution is removed and not pushed up to server

1864 - Package feed details load independently of release details to make release page responsive sooner

1887 - Prevent installation of additional High Availability node if license is insufficient

1889 - New-OctopusArtifact now encodes the name parameter correctly

1892 - Change Calamari file system retry logic to a maximum time not a number of retries

1895 - Removed 20 minute timeout from manual tasks

1910 - Increased the timeout for SQL Upgrade Scripts to cater for longer running upgrades

1911 - Improve logging and wait for service to stop in Calamari BeforePostDeploy script

1913 - Bugfix for environment variable not being saved on creation of child steps

Changes from 3.0.12 to 3.0.13

1848 - Integrated Windows authentication improvements

1861 - Bound text field shows correctly if loaded value appears to be bound

1863 - Help text escaped correctly describing transformation defaults

1877 - Only the cluster leader will re-index the built-in NuGet package repository

Changes from 3.0.11 to 3.0.12

1519 - Promote buttons now hidden if the user has insufficient permissions

1706 - Workaround for Mono FileNotFoundException when calling Directory.EnumerateFiles with relative path

1807 - Dashboard API only returns previous items that did not have any warnings or errors.

1838 - Trailing spaces on variable names removed when persisted

1839 - Remove missing NuGet packages from the built-in package repository on re-index

1852 - 'Remove additional files' (Octopus.Action.Azure.RemoveAdditionalFiles) and 'Preserve App_Data' (Octopus.Action.Azure.PreserveAppData) variables for use when deploying Azure Web Apps.

1869 - Enable IIS-style logging of HTTP requests (opt-in)

1870 - Older deployments will appear faded on the Project Overview page

Changes from 3.0.10 to 3.0.11

1418 - Improve helpfulness of errors when REST API client encounters a proxy server error.

1600 - Add a validation check on adding Environments (API) to teams to stop null values

1732 - Migrator: Option to limit import of historical data (releases, deployments, events, server tasks, server task logs)

1753 - PowerShell script steps will now respect unicode characters

1776 - Improved the Release version auto-increment logic

1817 - Filtering the deployment targets provides visual feedback for targets applicable to each step

1824 - Hydra now configures the Tentacle Windows Service to use the new version

1834 - Provide better error messages if export is partially imported.

1850 - Only log Error in GetMemberExternalSecurityGroupIds(String username) if it really fails

1851 - Prevent Octopus from crashing when marking a task as complete and the database is unavailable

1853 - Migrator: Export is not exporting LibraryVariableSetSnapshots

1854 - OctopusPhysicalFileSystem: Extra retry after deleting a file or directory

1855 - Migrator: Importing server tasks logs is slow

1858 - Migrator now supports importing deployments that originated in Octopus 1.6

1859 - Calamari updated to filter matching packages by version before generating hash from contents to increase performance.

1860 - Delete and Copy operations in Calamari will only retry failed operations instead of every operation

Changes from 3.0.9 to 3.0.10

1767 - Improved the display of long Project names that don't have spaces

1768 - Improved the display of long release versions on the Dashboard

1814 - Text Encoding of Variable Substitution files are now preserved after transformation

1819 - When an Octopus Server has reached its licensed number of Users the server will now prevent any new AD users from signing in explaining the reason

1826 - The Process Tab UI now correctly indicates Parallel and Rolling deployments

1828 - Long Task names no longer obscure the deployment date/time.

1829 - History in Task Summary page now shows 3.0 Tasks, not just 2.6 Tasks.

1831 - Tentacle setup - Text updated to indicate "add deployment target" instead of legacy "add machine"

1836 - Octopus Server will no longer consider 3.1 the maximum available update

Changes from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9

1665 - Log file names no longer clash with new installs of Octopus Server

1747 - Migrator from 2.6->3.0 now imports project logos

1813 - Corrupted log lines no longer cause the Migrator to stall

1821 - Block deployment permissions scoped to a project now work correctly

1823 - Import process will now merge VariableSets

Changes from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8

1774 - Proxy configuration is not used by Calamari

1775 - Hand icon appears when hovering over Task Summary

1783 - Fixed an exception when trying to set a variable to a date

1793 - Provide more informative exception when uploaded Azure Management cert is password protected

1797 - Show correct Azure web app & service icons when target is disabled

1802 - Enable Azure steps to run in parallel on Octopus

1810 - Spinner on NuGet Package Search dialog is misaligned

1811 - Properly align blocking tasks on Task Progress screen

1818 - SSH and Offline Drop Location passwords could be overwritten when not specified

Changes from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7

1790 - Updated the TeamCity plugin to support --deploymenttimeout parameter for Octo.exe

1799 - Automatic release creation will now continue enumerating projects instead of breaking on the first failure

1786 - Cloud Service Deployment Target dropdown values now load and bind correctly

1789 - Correct license message will be displayed when Octopus Server can be updated

1739 - ActivityLog files are now deleted when deleting documents that have Activity Logs, like ServerTasks

1782 - Deployments no longer fail if a manual step happens after package acquisition

1791 - Added a warning to the Azure target pages about the changes we are planning for 3.1

1780 - Enabled DtdProcessing on XML reader to fix DTD security exception due to default value change in .Net 4.0

1806 - Better error reporting for Migration

1758 - Fixed a NullReferenceException in TaskLogFileWriter that occurred during the Import process

1779 - Now migrating SMTP Settings from 2.6 to 3.0

1781 - Now imports deprecated FTP and Azure steps but prevents subsequent deployment

1764 - Package retention policies for the Built-in NuGet feed will now be respected properly

1772 - Re-enabled pagination for library packages and feeds

1785 - Now supports Windows Services with apostrophe/single-quote in the name

1788 - Step Template drop down now correctly highlights the selected option in edit mode

1750 - Sensitive values are now masked consistently across all types of logs

1796 - Azure SubscriptionId is now validated before allowing you to save

1787 - Arguments for sc.exe are now quoted and escaped more consistently when configuring Windows Services

Changes from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6

1509 - Now prevents you from adding ActiveDirectory groups to the "Everyone" team

1718 - The Plugins Module has been revived

1770 - Cascading deletes now work as expected (for example, deleting users now also deletes them from teams)

1777 - Health check now uses Environment property rather than WMI to get machine host name

1778 - License is now migrated from 2.6 to 3.0

1771 - Octopus Server will no longer crash when checking for cancelled tasks if the database becomes unavailable

1769 - Hydra now uses the latest Octopus Installers which ensure Tentacles are reconfigured after update

Changes from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5

1756 - Active Directory authentication now works even if the User does not provide a UPN

1724 - Removed some inaccurate API hyperlinks that are no longer relevant

1755 - Calamari no longer picks the wrong files when running Octodiff which would cause Octodiff to fail

1742 - The Dashboard now updates correctly in more circumstances

1740 - The Dashboard now updates correctly when deployments finish

1652 - The login form now prevents multiple submissions which would have prevented new Active Directory users from signing in

1762 - Extraneous artifacts in backup file no longer crash the data migrator

1763 - Fixed several issues with the IIS Bindings UI

1701 - Deployments with Manual steps and Retention Policies no longer experience a NullReferenceException

1736 - Reverted step parallelism to 2.x behaviour which can be overridden by OctopusBypassDeploymentMutex

1710 - Single quote in environment name no longer breaks pre/post deploy Powershell scripts

1759 - More descriptive exceptions are now thrown for missing files and directories during data import

1751 - Removed misleading validation on Description fields that have no maximum length constraints

1745 - Upload the full package if delta patch fails instead of failing the deployment

1725 - Project variables with whitespace in the name will now work

Changes from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4

1609 - The SMTP Client is now disposed correctly

1743 - Deleting an Octopus Server instance no longer requires the SQL Database to exist

1717 - No longer downloading packages for skipped steps

1451 - Clarified Authentication Mode in the IIS Web Site deployment feature

1735 - Offline deployments no longer fail when running steps in parallel

1690 - Improved timeliness of getting logs from Calamari

1731 - Improved logging of unhandled exceptions in Calamari

1745 - When Octodiff.exe apply-delta throws an exception the full package is now uploaded as a fall back

Changes from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3

1730 - Fixed space CSS for Task Summary/Task log and results

1729 - Improved speed of Migrator

1733 - Increase Server Task.Description length to MAX

1726 - SQL Connection kept alive during task log import

Changes from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2

1723 - Addressed some UI and behavioural bugs on the Step Templates pages

1721 - Fix for z-index for variables pop-up window for bindings

1722 - Increase timeout for database creation during install

1727 - Fix in Tentacle MSI to correct for Service path on previously upgraded Tentacles

1728 - Script console fullscreen now more robust

Changes from 2.6.5 to 3.0

1532 - --deploymenttimeout used in octo.exe and TeamCity plugin now counts hours too

1526 - Changes to cookie behaviour for reasons (see issue for full explanation of result)

1400 - Logging added of how many files were copied to Custom Install Directory

1555 - Semicolon added as email separator in email steps

911 - Artifacts are now collected when a Tentacle job fails

1193 - Variable filtering now works in the UI

1177 - Added Octopus.Web.BaseUrl a default web base URL variable for Octopus

1496 - Added Octopus.Release.PreviousForEnvironment.Id and `Octopus.Release.PreviousForEnvironment.Number'

1533 - Fixed Https bindings when not on the default port

1225 - Added correctly spelled variable IgnoreConfigTranformationErrors

1170 - Octopus.Tentacle.CurrentDeployment.TargetedRoles now always available

1419 - Provide an option for any machine variables (see issue for use and syntax)

1531 - Removed script console timeout

1398 - We now send less log messages when processing XML transforms

1238 - Additional logging added for additional transforms if not found

820 - Environment variables now updated before invoking scripts

1522 - Download icon now links to the correct package in the library

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