Virginia Vasquez Insider Sell Transaction
Virginia Vasquez, an insider and also major shareholder of the well-known company Scripps Networks Interactive, Inc. (NYSE:SNI)
68.40 -0.21 -0.31%
made a sell, which can’t stay unnoticed. She unloaded 100,000 shares of the corporation with the insider sale transaction worth $6,859,730 U.S Dollars – at an average $68.6 for share. Virginia is trying to decrease her company’s share, same as she did in the last 30 days. She sold another 100,000 shares worth $6,639,282 USD. At the moment, she owns a total of 801,650 shares or 10%+ of Scripps Networks Interactive Inc’s market cap (total dollar market value of all company’s outstanding shares). It is an important transaction and hence it will very likely not stay undiscovered.
Scripps Networks Interactive Inc Stock Rating, Sentiment and Fundamentals
The massive sum of the transaction could denote that Mr. Virginia Vasquez is very pessimistic about the stock price of Scripps Networks Interactive Inc. Data from the twenty five expert stock analysts who cover Scripps Networks Interactive Inc’s stock predict the Price to Earnings ratio to be 15.59 if the EPS in 2015 is $4.40 per share. These expert analysts suggest EPS growth rate of not more than 10.93% Year Over Year.
Rating & Sentiment
PsychSignal Social:
Analysts Rating:
Hedge Funds Sentiment:
Stock Fundamentals
Earnings + FCF Trend:
Sector/Industry Macro:
Valuation Models:
Technical Analysis
ST Trend:
MT Trend:
LT Trend:
OctaFinance Rating*:
* Read How Our Stock Ratings System Works
Over the last 200 days Scripps Networks Interactive Inc’s stock price has went down 15.98% and now is in weak downtrend. According to our equities trend-following model which is presented on the chart below and the fact that Virginia Vasquez, who can be considered as someone in the know, has unaloded such a hefty sum we rate this stock “SELL”.
Price Chart of Scripps Networks Interactive NYSE:SNI Stock
Source: RightEdgeSystems, Yahoo Split & Dividend Adjusted Data and OctaFinance Interpretations
Well-known stock speculators, who also include Michael Platt, once stated that the best money is made when both technical as well as fundamental analysis are combined.
Hedge Funds Ownership
Latest SEC filings show 402 institutional investors hold Scripps Networks Interactive Inc. Our tracked hedge funds have traditionally had a very high interest in the company in focus, and that was also the case in Q4 2014. The institutional ownership was 63.02% of the stock’s outstanding shares. They increased by 2.09 million the total shares they hold. As of that quarter these funds owned 80.95 million shares. There were 57 funds that created new positions and 144 funds that added to their positions. A total of 45 funds closed their positions in Scripps Networks Interactive Inc and 149 reduced their holdings.
There are 10 hedge funds having Scripps Networks Interactive Inc in their Top 10. They are: Lenox Wealth Management Inc., Seven Eight Capital Llc, Manor Road Capital Partners Llc, Rmb Capital Management Llc, Hs Management Partners Llc, Lateef Investment Management L.P., Parametrica Management Ltd, Southeastern Asset Management Inc Tn, Courage Capital Management Llc, Fund Evaluation Group Llc.
Lenox Wealth Management Inc. had the greatest investment with ownership of 296,670 shares as of Q4 2014 for 15.69% of the fund’s portfolio. Seven Eight Capital Llc is another bullish institutional manager having 8,000 shares of the company or 1.00% of their stocks portfolio. The stock is also 0.33% of the fund’s AUM. John Ku’s Manor Road Capital Partners Llc have 7.14% of their stock portfolio invested in the stock for 480,000 shares. Moreover, The Illinois-based fund Rmb Capital Management Llc disclosed it had acquired a stake worth 1.58% of the fund’s stock portfolio in the company. The New York-based fund Hs Management Partners Llc was also a big supporter of the company, possessing 1.81 million shares. Scripps Networks Interactive Inc is 5.43% of the fund’s stock portfolio.
Scripps Networks Interactive NYSE:SNI Company Profile
Scripps Networks Interactive, Inc. is a developer of lifestyle-oriented content for television and the Internet with various television and interactive brands. The Company operates through its Lifestyle Media segment. Lifestyle Media includes the Company’s national television networks, Food Network, Home and Garden Television (HGTV), Travel Channel, DIY Network (DIY), Cooking Channel and Great American Country (GAC). Lifestyle Media also includes Websites that are associated with the aforementioned television brands and other Internet-based businesses serving food, home and travel related categories. The Company’s lifestyle-oriented channels are available in the United Kingdom, other European markets, the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific.
Currently its market worth is: $8.79 billion and it has 128.12 million outstanding shares. The company has 2100 employees. Currently the company has 63.70% shareholders and the institutional ownership stands at 63.70%. Scripps Networks Interactive Inc was incorporated in Ohio on 2007-10-23. The stock closed at $68.4 yesterday and it had average 2 days volume of 193172 shares. It is down from the 30 days average shares volume of 230975. Scripps Networks Interactive Inc has a 52w low of $65.63 and a 52weeks high of $86.48. The current price is below the 200 days SMA. Scripps Networks Interactive Inc last issued its quarterly earnings information on 05/07/2015. The company reported 1.02 EPS for the quarter, above the consensus estimate of 0.91 by 0.11. The company had a revenue of 658.25 million for 3/31/2015 and 669.15 million for 12/31/2014. Therefore, the revenue was -10,902,000 down.
Virginia Vasquez is also 10 percent owner of E.W. Scripps Co.
The post Scripps Networks Interactive, Inc. (NYSE:SNI)’s major shareholder Virginia Vasquez Unloaded 100000 shares of the Company appeared first on Octafinance.