
Bulldog Investors – Llc Insider Buy Transaction

The insider of LMP Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:RIT)

12.64 +0.11 0.88%

, Bulldog Investors – Llc has made an unexpected transaction in the corporation that is worth $210,683 U.S. Dollars. As disclosed in the Washington-based SEC electronic form filed on November 18, 2015, Bulldog Investors – Llc acquired 16,810 shares at an average price-per-share of $12.5. Bulldog Investors – Llc owns about 14.68 % of Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc’s market capitalization or 1.68 million shares.

Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc Stock Rating, Sentiment and Fundamentals

Rating & Sentiment

PsychSignal Social:


Analysts Rating:


Hedge Funds Sentiment:


Stock Fundamentals

Earnings + FCF Trend:


Sector/Industry Macro:


Valuation Models:


Technical Analysis

ST Trend:


MT Trend:


LT Trend:


OctaFinance Rating*:


* Read How Our Stock Ratings System Works

We place BUY rating on the stock based not just because Bulldog Investors – Llc’s stock investment, but also on our trend following model as presented on the chart below. Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc’s share is in a bullish trend, rising around 2.46 % in the last 175 days.

Price Chart of Lmp Real Estate Income Fund NYSE:RIT Stock

Source: RightEdgeSystems, Yahoo Split & Dividend Adjusted Data and OctaFinance Interpretations

Hedge Funds Ownership

In Q2 2015, 31 hedge funds and institutional investors have shares in Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc. In the last quarter, the company had 35.81 % institutional ownership. That is a low interest. Its up 6.91 % from Q1 2015. These stock owners increased the total shares they own by 264,760 to 4.10 million this quarter. A total of 4 funds closed their positions in Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc and 9 reduced their holdings. There were 7 funds that created new positions and 8 funds that added to their positions.

Bulldog Investors Llc is the most bullish hedge fund on Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc, with ownership of 1.61 million shares as of Q2 2015 for 6.54% of the fund’s portfolio. William Michaelcheck’s Mariner Investment Group Llc is another bullish player having 384,286 shares of the company or 1.15% of their stocks portfolio. The stock is also 0.02% of the fund’s AUM. Cmt Trading Llc have 0.86% of their stock portfolio invested in the company for 38,053 shares. Further, Yakira Capital Management Inc. disclosed it had purchased a stake worth 0.54% of the fund’s stock portfolio in the company. The Texas-based fund Doliver Capital Advisors Inc. was also a notable follower of the New York-based company, owning 71,549 shares. Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc is 0.56% of the fund’s stock portfolio.

LMP Real Estate Income Fund NYSE:RIT Company Profile

LMP Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (the Fund) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund’s primary investment objective is high current income and the Fund’s secondary objective is capital appreciation. The Fund primarily invests in income-producing common shares, preferred shares, convertible preferred shares and debt securities issued by real estate companies, including real estate investment trusts (REITs). Legg Mason Partners Fund Advisor, LLC (LMPFA) is the Fund’s investment manager and ClearBridge Investments, LLC (ClearBridge) is the Fund’s sub-adviser. LMPFA and ClearBridge are wholly owned subsidiaries of Legg Mason, Inc.

Company Website: LMP Real Estate Income Fund

Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc was formed in Maryland on 2002-05-16. At the moment its market capitalization is: $143.58 million and it has 11.46 million outstanding shares. Currently it has unknown shareholders and the institutional ownership is 0.00%. The firm has undisclosed number of employees. The stock closed at $12.64 yesterday and it had average 2 days volume of 4572 shares. It is down from the 30 days average shares volume of 10780. Lmp Real Estate Income Fund Inc has a 52weeks low of $11.13 and a 52 weeks high of $13.61. The current price is below the 200 days simple moving average.

Bulldog Investors – Llc is also 10 percent owner of Advent/Claymore Enhanced Growth & Income Fund, Mfs Intermarket Income Trust I, Alliance New York Municipal Income Fund, Bdca Venture, Inc., Emergent Capital, Inc., Deutsche Global High Income Fund, Inc., Firsthand Technology Value Fund, Inc.

* Certain private investment fund clients of Bulldog Investors – LLC are the beneficial owners of these shares. Bulldog Investors – LLC disclaims beneficial interest in such shares except to the extent of any pecuniary interest therein. Andrew Dakos – Steven Samuels and Phillip Goldstein are the owners of Bulldog Investors – LLC. Each of Messrs. Dakos – Samuels and Goldstein also is a Principal of the general partner of certain of such private investment fund clients of Bulldog Investors – LLC – and a limited partner in certain of such private fund clients.

The post LMP Real Estate Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:RIT)’s Stock Insider Acquisition – Bulldog Investors – Llc Buys 16,810 Shares appeared first on Octafinance.

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