
Sheila Penrose Insider Sell Transaction

As exposed in a public report which was filled with the Security and Exchange Commission on June 17, 2015, Sheila Penrose an insider in Jones Lang LaSalle Inc (NYSE:JLL)

172.45 +2.22 1.30%

and currently director, made a sale of shares worth $168,770 US Dollars in the corporation. She sold 1,000 shares, at average $168.8 per share. This trade decreased her ownership of Jones Lang Lasalle Inc to 0.12% total market capitalization or 55,583 shares.

Jones Lang Lasalle Inc Stock Rating, Sentiment and Fundamentals

An excerpt of eight security specialist analysts who have analysed Jones Lang Lasalle Inc shows they expect it to report $9.49 per share in 2015 for a Price/Earnings ratio of 17.95. This means a growth rate year on year that is not more than 10.80%.

Rating & Sentiment

PsychSignal Social:


Analysts Rating:


Hedge Funds Sentiment:


Stock Fundamentals

Earnings + FCF Trend:


Sector/Industry Macro:


Valuation Models:


Technical Analysis

ST Trend:


MT Trend:


LT Trend:


OctaFinance Rating*:


* Read How Our Stock Ratings System Works

Jones Lang Lasalle Inc has seen its stock price increasing by up to 27.80% in the last 200 days, and presently the stock is in a strong and steady up trend. Because our sophisticated trend following model as illustrated on the chart below is giving a Buy, we can’t rate the stock SELL.

Price Chart of Jones Lang Lasalle NYSE:JLL Stock

Source: RightEdgeSystems, Yahoo Split & Dividend Adjusted Data and OctaFinance Interpretations

Famous stock traders, who also include George Soros, once shared that the best returns are made when both technical as well as fundamental analysis are combined. But with Jones Lang Lasalle Inc’s stock, it doesn’t look the analysis agree.

Hedge Funds Ownership

SEC 13F filings showed that, 336 institutional investors and hedge funds own shares of Jones Lang Lasalle Inc. In the last quarter, Jones Lang Lasalle Inc had 92.13% institutional ownership. That is a very high interest. They increased by 682,021 the total shares they hold. As of that quarter these investment managers owned 41.33 million shares. There were 25 funds that closed their positions and 116 that reduced them. A total of 59 funds opened new positions in Jones Lang Lasalle Inc and 121 increased their holdings.

This company is Top 10 in 10 of them. These funds are: Brc Investment Management Llc, Kerrisdale Advisers Llc, Peregrine Asset Advisers Inc., Copper Rock Capital Partners Llc, Waterfront Capital Partners Llc, Ariel Investments Llc, Denali Advisors Llc, New Amsterdam Partners Llc Ny, Gargoyle Investment Advisor L.L.C., Capital Growth Management Lp.

Cetera Advisors Llc is the most bullish institutional investor on Jones Lang Lasalle Inc, with ownership of 1,810 shares as of Q4 2014 for 0.03% of the fund’s portfolio. Mark Coe’s Coe Capital Management Llc is another bullish player possessing 9,465 shares of the company or less than 0.01% of their stocks portfolio. The Massachusetts-based fund Detwiler Fenton Investment Management Llc have 1.26% of their stock portfolio invested in the stock for 7,425 shares. Further, First Republic Investment Management Inc. revealed it had acquired a stake worth less than 0.01% of the fund’s stock portfolio in the company. Leavell Investment Management Inc. was also a notable believer in the public company, with ownership of 2,800 shares. Jones Lang Lasalle Inc is 0.06% of the fund’s stock portfolio.

Jones Lang LaSalle NYSE:JLL Company Profile

Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL) is a financial and professional services firm specializing in real estate. The Company operates through four business segments. JLL provides real estate services through three business segments: the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific. JLL’s fourth business segment is LaSalle Investment Management (LaSalle). The Company provides a range of integrated property, project management and transaction services locally, regionally and globally through its Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific operating segments. The Company manages its investment management business globally as LaSalle. The Company provides a range of real estate services to real estate owners, occupiers, investors and developers for a range of property types. The Company offers its products and services under the JLL, LaSalle Investment Management and Tetris brands.

Company Website: Jones Lang LaSalle

The firm has 58100 employees. Currently its market worth is: $7.64 billion and it has 45.11 million shares outstanding. Now there are 93.56% shareholders and the institutional ownership is 93.56%. Jones Lang Lasalle Inc was formed in Maryland on 1997-04-15. The stock closed at $170.300003 yesterday and it had average 2 days volume of 47774 shares. It is down from the 30 days average shares volume of 98702. Jones Lang Lasalle Inc has a 52weeks low of $118.79 and a 52weeks high of $174.38. The stock price is above the 200 days Simple moving average. Jones Lang Lasalle Inc last issued its quarterly earnings report on 04/27/2015. The company reported 0.94 EPS for the quarter, above the consensus estimate of 0.49 by 0.45. The company had a revenue of 1.20 billion for 3/31/2015 and 1.75 billion for 12/31/2014. Therefore, the revenue was -545,470,000 down.

Sheila Penrose is also director of Mcdonalds Corp, Efunds Corp.

* The reported shares were sold pursuant to a 10b5-1 sales plan.

The post Jones Lang LaSalle Inc (NYSE:JLL)’s director Sheila Penrose Unloaded 1000 shares of the Company appeared first on Octafinance.

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