Richard Ressler Insider Sell Transaction
J2 Global Inc (NASDAQ:JCOM)
67.06 +1.03 1.56%
‘s shareholder, Richard Ressler, sold 25,197 shares of stock in the California-based company. The avg share cost was $67.3, for total transaction worth of $1,694,689 USD. Presently, Richard Ressler has in hand a total of 1.71 million shares or 3.55% of the Company’s total market cap. Dated May 27, 2015 the transaction Form 4 is obtainable for free here.
J2 Global Inc Stock Rating, Sentiment and Fundamentals
It is difficult to make conclusions about J2 Global Inc’s future just from Richard Ressler’s sale because in this filing, the insider also revealed option transactions. In the form, it was reported that Richard exercised options for 25,197 shares with average price 18.8, worth 472,822. Five equity specialist analysts specializing in stock such as J2 Global Inc’s one, forecast a growth rate year-on-year of 15.00%. If the earnings-per-share is $3.85 for 2015, the Price/Earnings ratio of the -listed J2 Global Inc would be 17.17.
Rating & Sentiment
PsychSignal Social:
Analysts Rating:
Hedge Funds Sentiment:
Stock Fundamentals
Earnings + FCF Trend:
Sector/Industry Macro:
Valuation Models:
Technical Analysis
ST Trend:
MT Trend:
LT Trend:
OctaFinance Rating*:
* Read How Our Stock Ratings System Works
In accordance with our proprietary stocks trend-following model which is displayed on the chart below and the fact that Richard, who can be considered as someone in the know, has unaloded such a huge amount we rate this stock “SELL”. Just in the last 50 days, J2 Global Inc’s share price have decreased by 1.48% and is in a downtrend.
Price Chart of J2 Global NASDAQ:JCOM Stock
Source: RightEdgeSystems, Yahoo Split & Dividend Adjusted Data and OctaFinance Interpretations
Just as well-known traders (who include David Tepper) noted, the best money is made via a combination of fundamental & technical analysis.
Hedge Funds Ownership
13F filings from SEC showed that, 209 hedge funds and institutional investors holded J2 Global Inc. Octafinance tracked institutional investors have historically had a very high interest in this company, and that was also the case in Q4 2014. The institutional ownership was 105.90% of the stock’s outstanding shares. They decreased by 1.78 million the total shares they hold. As of that quarter these professional stock owners owned 51.05 million shares. A total of 32 funds opened new positions in J2 Global Inc and 57 increased their holdings. There were 25 funds that closed their positions and 95 that reduced them.
In all 209 investment managers that own the company, six have it in Top 10. Some of them are: Century Capital Management Llc, Denver Investment Advisors Llc, S&T Bank Pa, Brave Asset Management Inc, Cortina Asset Management Llc, Fcm Investments Tx.
Avalon Advisors Llc is the most positive hedge fund on J2 Global Inc, with ownership of 7,267 shares as of Q4 2014 for 0.02% of the fund’s portfolio. Castleark Management Llc is another positive investment manager possessing 189,218 shares of the company or 0.30% of their stocks portfolio. The stock is also 0.3% of the fund’s AUM. Further The New York-based fund Cim Llc have 0.25% of their stock portfolio invested in the company for 8,663 shares. Corbyn Investment Management Inc Md revealed it had acquired a stake worth 6.74% of the fund’s stock portfolio in J2 Global Inc. The Illinois-based fund High Pointe Capital Management Llc is also very optimistic about the stock, possessing 40,000 shares or 1.09% of their stock portfolio.
J2 Global NASDAQ:JCOM Company Profile
j2 Global, Inc. (j2 Global) is engaged in providing Internet services along with its affiliates. The Company provides these services through two segments: Business Cloud Services and Digital Media. The Business Cloud Services segment offers Internet fax, virtual phone, hosted e-mail, e-mail marketing, online backup, unified communications and customer relationship management solutions. The Digital Media segment consists of Ziff Davis, LLC, which offers technology, gaming and lifestyle content. It markets Business Cloud Services under the eFax, eVoice, FuseMail, Campaigner, KeepItSafe and Onebox brand names. Its Digital Media’s digital properties include,, and, among others. Ziff Davis, LLC operates NetShelter, which is powered by BuyerBase digital ad platform, and Ziff Davis B2B, which is a provider of research to enterprise buyers and leads to information technology vendors.
The firm has 1410 employees. Today its market cap is: $3.18 billion and it has 48.16 million shares outstanding. Currently the company has 102.65% shareholders and the institutional ownership is 102.65%. J2 Global Inc was filled in Delaware on 2014-05-29. The stock closed at $67.06 yesterday and it had average 2 days volume of 84199 shares. It is down from the 30 days average shares volume of 97302. J2 Global Inc has a 52w low of $46.37 and a 52 weeks high of $72.49. The current price is above the 200 days Simple moving average. J2 Global Inc last issued its quarterly earnings information on 05/07/2015. The company reported 0.81 EPS for the quarter, above the consensus estimate of 0.8 by 0.01. The company had a revenue of 161.25 million for 3/31/2015 and 167.14 million for 12/31/2014. Therefore, the revenue was -5,891,000 down.
Richard Ressler is also director of Presbia Plc, Cim Commercial Trust Corp, Mai Systems Corp.
* These shares were acquired upon exercise of stock options issued under the Issuer’s 1997 Stock Plan identified as exercised in Part II of this Form 4.
* These stock options vested in five (5) equal installments commencing on August 31 – 2006.
* Stock options granted for services rendered; no value placed on services rendered.
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