
Yesterday Great West Lifeco (TSE:GWO) traded -0.39% lower at $33.02. Great West Lifeco’s 50-day moving average is $33.04 and its 200-day moving average is $33.63. With the last stock price down -1.83% relative to the two hundred day average, compared with the S&P 500 Index which has decreased -0.02% over the same period. Trade Volume was down over the average, with 444,187 shares of GWO changing hands under the typical 457,560

In a report released on 11/04/2016 CIBC World Markets reduced the stock price target of Great West Lifeco (TSE:GWO) from $36.00 to $35.00 reporting a potential upside of 0.06%.

Previously on Tuesday November 01, 2016, Scotia Capital reported about Great West Lifeco (TSE:GWO) bumped up the target price from $34.00 to $36.00 that indicated a possible upside of 0.07%.

See Chart Below

Great West Lifeco has a PE ratio of 12.20 with a one year low of $30.83 and a 52 week high of $37.10 Great West Lifeco’s market capitalization is currently $0.

In addition to CIBC World Markets reporting its target price, a total of 11 firms have reported on the stock. The one year target is $25.49 with zero equity analysts rating the company a strong buy, 0 brokers rating the stock a buy, 10 brokers rating the stock a hold, zero analysts rating the company a underperform, and lastly one brokerage rating the stock a sell.

Brief Synopsis On Great West Lifeco (TSE:GWO)

Great-West Lifeco Inc. (Lifeco) is a financial services holding company. The Company has interests in the life insurance, health insurance, asset management, investment and retirement savings, and reinsurance businesses. It operates through four operating segments: Canada, United States, Europe and Lifeco Corporate. Lifeco has operations in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia through The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company, The Canada Life Assurance Company (Canada Life), Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company, Putnam Investments, LLC (Putnam), Canada Life Limited and Irish Life Group Limited (Irish Life). Lifeco, through its operating subsidiaries, provides products and services under various brands, including the Great-West Life brand, London Life brand, the Canada Life brand, the Freedom 55 Financial brand, the Irish Life brand, the Great-West Financial brand, the Empower Retirement brand, and the Putnam Investments and PanAgora brands.

The post A report released today by CIBC World Markets about Great West Lifeco (TSE:GWO) lowers the target price to $35.00 appeared first on Octafinance.

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