
Choosing a Father’s Day gift can be a difficult task. I mean how many ties can you purchase for dad? And did you know that the most collect calls during the year happen on Father’s day? Here I try to offer a few suggestions regarding a gift for him in our Father’s Day gift guide. Now the perfect gift needs to match your hubby’s preferences, I tried to offer some suggestions based on major interest groups.

Technology Enthusiastic Dad:

To find a gift for gadget loving dad has never been easier! There are new tech toys coming to market on daily basis. Here are top five recommendations:

1. Amazon Fire TV (Link: http://amzn.to/1jhhNyx ) $99.

Why we chose this TV streaming device? With the Amazon Prime subscription ($99/year) you can have access to vast library of Amazon shows, TV Shows and movies that are available on that service. What puts the system and service over the other is the recently signed contract with HBO. All the HBO shows that are a bit older (Three years or more) will be available to watch on Amazon’s service.

2. EasyAcc Charger (Link: http://amzn.to/1mWssRJ ) $29.77

Living in the digital world has many positives, but one thing can put hamper on your digital life faster than a speeding bullet – and that is battery Life. Yes the battery life on your device can easily drain away as you take selfies and update your Facebook status. The EasyAcc battery can charge up your drained device quickly so you can continue on with your digital updates.

3. Nest – The Learning Thermostat (Link: https://store.nest.com/product/thermostat/) $250

This is a gift for the gadget lover hubby who is good at fixing things around the house. The Nest thermostat once installed will begin to “observe” your preferred temperatures and when you are in the house or not. Then it adjusts accordingly saving you lots of money in the process. Plus it comes with an app that controls the temperature; so if you are in bed and feel hot you can just reach for your phone and lower the temp.

4. Cooper Devices Wall Outlet (Link: http://amzn.to/1gFIW8I ) $24.99

This also falls for the hubby that is a do it yourself kind of guy and has lots of gadgets. The wall outlet by Cooper devices comes with two USB outlets so you can charge your devices while using the other two slots for none gadget items (are there such things?)

5. Pico Pocket Projector (Link: http://amzn.to/1jhqoRR ) $349 (on Amazon for $315)

Please refer to picture above as to why your gadget loving husband would like this.

Now suppose your husband is not too much into loving the gadgets. Fear not faithful reader! I have another list for you.

This is for the book lover kind of guy:

1. Kindle Whitepaper (Link: http://amzn.to/1nQmFKn ) $119 (With advertising) / $139 (Without advertising)

You might be thinking, “Hey this falls into the gadget section” well you are right. But if your husband likes to read books then the Kindle White Paper is the best of the bunch. Yes there is iPad, Kindle Fire HD, and Samsung tablet but the Kindle White Paper does one thing really well. Allow you to read books without the distractions that come with the other tablets. The device is very light and the screen is easy on the eyes. No glares during the day with the sun behind your back. And at night there is a backlight allowing the user to read their book without any problems. But wait there is more! If you have Amazon Prime ($99/year) you can use their lending library. Thousands of books (Harry Potter Series included!) can be “borrowed” from Amazon for free and you can read them on your Kindle device. Plus many libraries now offer digital books as part of their lending book system.

2. Inside HBO’s Game of Thrones: The Collector’s Edition (Link: http://amzn.to/1jw1QP2 ) $55

If your husband is into HBO’s addictive Game of Thrones this box set is a great companion piece. The package comes with illustrated book that talks about how the show is made, behind the scene photos and family tree of the characters (I know I could use this when watching the show).

3. Hadrian Coin Leather bound Notebook (Link: http://bit.ly/1sQdprT ) $40.00 (About $30.00 for shipping).

For the writer in the group this is a great gift. The leather bound journal is handmade and uses recycled paper.

For the sports enthusiast husbands there are a few items out there. I have included some unique experiences as I thought they would be enjoyable for the right audience.

1. Ball Park Blue Prints (Link: http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/ballpark-blueprints) $185

The framed blue print of your husband’s favorite sporting arena may sound a little “different” shall we say? But for the diehard fans this would be a fun addition to their mix of memorabilia.

2. Callaway XTREME Golf Bag (Link: http://bit.ly/1gG2OII ) $119

For the newly indoctrinated golf fan, a golf bag is a good start. At least they will have a place for all their clubs, balls and other golf equipment they need to move around. This bag is light and available via Costco (good return policy in case the gift was not met with the response you were looking for).

3. Golf Lessons with a PGA Pro (Link: http://bit.ly/1lhImAA ) from $129

Assuming your husband is good with taking advice, golf lessons from a pro would be an ideal present for the golf lover (who could use some advice).

4. Race a Ferrari (Link: http://bit.ly/1nQzOmK ) from $299

This might be one of my favorites (hint, hint). While your budget might not allow you to surprise your loving husband with a $300K Ferrari, you can perhaps surprise him with the experience of racing one for just $300.

Now here are some additional gifts you can look at for variety of interests.

1. William Sonoma BBQ Tool Set (Link: http://bit.ly/1lrOzss ) $99.95.

For the husband who likes to grill, you can give him a gift of BBQ tool set. And to get him started include some steaks on the side so he can use the tool set right there and then!

2. Bose SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speakers (Link: http://amzn.to/1jKazlR ) $199

If your significant other is into music, this little Bose BlueTooth player is a great portable choice. Simply link your iPhone to the player and stream music on there. It has pretty powerful speakers for the size and it is a good choice for backyard, picnics or out of town travels.

3. Shaving Set (Link: http://amzn.to/1ozg4GP ) $45.95

If your husband shaves, then this would be a good choice. The shaving sets can be very expensive and you certainly don’t want the cheap kind. This is a reasonably priced set. Note that the razor uses the Mach 3 cartridges which are readily available at Target, Costco, etc.

4. Grooming Set (Link: http://www.loxabeauty.com ) Price varies

If you like to get a little more personal gift for your husband, you can put together a basket of grooming products. Crew brand provides variety of items at great quality. I would suggest a moisturizing shaving cream ($9.95), shave relief balm ($15.96), and maybe throw in a hair gel for styling ($10.95). These products together would make a good basket.

5. Socks! (Really socks) – (Link: Nordstrom) $12.95

Colorful socks are the type of socks men won’t buy for themselves. But if you buy them, they will wear them. It adds a dash of color to their office wardrobe and they can have fun with it. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money and can bring a smile to their faces. You don’t have to go too crazy on their first set of colorful socks, start them slow. Eventually you can nudge them to more vibrant color mixes out there.

6. And finally. If you have lots of money sitting around and want to get your husband something very unique and be ahead of everyone out there, may I suggest Google Glasses? Your husband will definitely not be expecting these. For $1,500, you can have these cool accessories.

Remember that the best gifts are from the heart and a simple card with some lottery tickets in there could also make his day.

Happy Father’s Day everyone!

Houman Jazaeri is an OC dad who juggles work, play and his love of technology. On the side he runs Socialacity.com, a website that reviews apps and has published his first book, 52 Apps for the College Student.

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