
New Year’s resolutions are among the most widespread methods of forcing ourselves to finally do whatever we weren’t able to in the rest of the year. Many of us – especially those with a sedentary lifestyle – consider this time of the year the perfect choice for a “new year, new me” type resolution, vowing to get rid of a few layers of body fat, and replace it with lean muscle. While this is a commendable resolution, it takes a lot of dedication. After all, playing at the Royal Vegas Canada takes a lot less effort than getting rid of a few pounds. Working out and losing fat is a long-term commitment, as opposed to a game of blackjack at the Royal Vegas, which is entertaining (and not tiresome), offering short-term satisfaction (and possibly wins) to players. The same technology that puts the games of the Royal Vegas into your pocket can help you keep your “New Me” resolution – and you can easily find the time for both in 2017. Here are the most useful gadgets for your workout that will help you shape your body into a new one this year.

The fitness band

I won’t single out any one brand since all of them do kind of the same thing: monitor your speed, your heart rate, the number of steps you take, and your calorie consumption. Fitness bands were hip a few months ago – unfortunately, they are useless for those not dedicated to an active lifestyle. They are very useful in helping you keep your New Year’s resolutions of losing a few pounds of weight, though, as they help you monitor (and be proud of) your progress.

If you use them right, fitness trackers can help you not only monitor your weight loss but also set goals and reach them during the day. Because, as you might already know, even the longest journey is composed of small steps you need to take.

Hidrate Spark

When working out, you lose a lot of water through sweating and simply breathing. Losing water is often mistaken for weight loss, which is a big mistake – having enough fluids in your system is important for it to function properly. Hidrate Spark, the smart water bottle, is meant to keep your body’s fluid levels high.

This smart water bottle not only monitors your fluid intake but also reports it via Bluetooth to its companion app. It even reminds you when you should take the next mouthful of water through a customizable glow for your body to always get its fair share of fluids.

Your brain

The most useful gadget for keeping your weight loss resolution in the new year is not one that can be bought or downloaded: it’s already at hand. Keeping your mind focused on your goal and not letting yourself drift away from it is the most useful thing you can do to keep it. It’s your brain that keeps you going, even if the road is hard – it’s you that you need to convince that your “new me” is an achievable goal, one that you can reach easier than you think, even without the need for smart gadgets to help you.

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