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Graduation Day!
Whether from middle school, high school, or even college, it is a monumental day in life. An accomplishment this big definitely deserves to be recognized and celebrated, so what better way to spread the word then by sending out a graduation announcement to all your family and friends!?
Finding the perfect graduation announcement can be hard to come across, especially one that is unique as
your child. Luckily, there’s sites out there like Basic Invite who have made creating a keepsake worthy graduation invite almost too easy.
Every card is completely customizable
We all know how picky teenagers can be, especially when it comes to such big moments in their life. They definitely want to make sure everything is perfect, down to the tiniest of details. Basic Invite is one of the only online stationary companies who gets this and wants to make sure you and your graduate have complete control in customizing the perfect card. Choose from 160 different fonts and colors, play around with different combinations, and even add photos to make sure the card completely reflects your graduate’s own individual sense of style and personality.
Select from 40 different colored envelopes
One way to go above and beyond with impressing loved ones is to choose a colored envelope to match your customized graduation invite. With over forty different envelopes, those closest to you will be so delighted to receive such a vibrant piece of mail! Basic Invite also knows what a pain it can be to have to lick a countless amount of envelope, which is why each of their envelopes are peel and seal. This will save you lots of time and lots of hassle.
Custom samples
The customization options do not end there. At Basic Invite, you can even order a sample of
your actual personalized invite before ever ordering in bulk! This gives you a 100% Love It guarantee. If there is anything you aren’t happy with when the invite arrives, make the changes you need to ensure everything is perfect.
Basic Invite truly has a card for every major life moment, including baby shower invites, birth announcements, first birthday invitations, Bar Mitzvah invites, and everything you need for your
wedding stationary. Head over to Basic Invite now to create a truly special announcement you are sure to cherish forever!
Disclosure: Consideration was received for the editing and publishing of this guest article.